Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Master Agreement for State-Funded Projects, the Program Supplemental Agreement with the California Department of Transportation to Construct the Highway Safety Improvement Program Pedestrian Safety Project for $249,076 in State Grant Funds, and Any Related Agreements and Amendments Thereto; and Amending the Capital Budget in Fiscal Year 2023-24 by Reducing Revenue and Expenditure Appropriations in Capital Improvement Project C62000 by $175,000; and Increasing Revenue and Expenditure Appropriations for Capital Improvement Project C13000 by $175,000.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). (Public Works 31041520)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
The City of Alameda (City) submitted a funding application to California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) - Pedestrian Safety Project (Project) to improve pedestrian safety through upgraded traffic signal equipment, signage and striping at four intersections. Agreements for state funded projects and Program Supplement Agreements need to be executed with Caltrans before these funds can be claimed. This action will delegate authorization to the City Manager to execute these agreements and any amendments so Project construction can begin. The HSIP project application was submitted in October 2020 and the City has since advanced several street safety policies as part of the Alameda Vision Zero Policy. The final HSIP improvement design includes additional signage and striping improvements consistent with Vision Zero policies at the following four intersections: Santa Clara Avenue/Grand Street; Otis Drive/Willow Street; Otis Drive/Park Street; and Fernside Boulevard/San Jose Avenue.
These additions, plus construction cost inflation seen industry wide, has increased the estimated project budget from $273,100 (the grant project budget with a $24,024 local funding requirement) to the current $500,000 project estimate. Staff is requesting to transfer additional monies to the Project to fund the total anticipated construction cost of $500,000.
The City submitted a funding application to Caltrans for the Project in October 2020. Master Agreements for state-funded projects and Program Supplement Agreements need to be signed by the City Manager and executed with Caltrans before these funds can be claimed. Due to increased Bay Area-wide construction costs and additional signage and striping improvements, compliant with the Vision Zero Policy, staff is requesting to transfer available funds in the Safe Routes to School Capital Improvement Project, to the Project under the Pedestrian Safety Capital Improvement Project. This will fund the total anticipated construction cost of $500,000.
The Project will improve pedestrian safety at the following four intersections:
1. Santa Clara Avenue/Grand Street
2. Otis Drive/Willow Street
3. Otis Drive/Park Street
4. Fernside Boulevard/San Jose Avenue
The Project provides upgraded traffic signal equipment, signage and striping to improve pedestrian safety. Upgraded equipment includes cabinets, controllers, video detection, audible pedestrian signals and signal heads. The HSIP project application was submitted in October 2020 and the City has since advanced several street safety policies as part of the Alameda Vision Zero Policy. The final design for the HSIP improvements includes additional signage and striping improvements consistent with the Vision Zero Policy. These additions, combined with cost inflation across the construction industry, increased the total project budget estimate to $500,000. This estimate includes construction, construction management, and contingencies. The grant provides funding in the amount of $273,100.
Staff is requesting to transfer $175,000 of funds appropriated to Capital Improvement Project (CIP) C62000 Safe Routes to School Infrastructure to CIP C13000 Traffic Signals and Systems - Pedestrian Safety specifically for the Project. Additionally, CIP C13000 Traffic Signals and Systems - Pedestrian Safety has an available budget of $75,924 available for the project. When combined with the Caltrans grant, this fully funds the Project in the amount of $500,000. Use of these funds is requested because the Project will improve school routes and traffic signals and there is a remaining balance in both projects that is available to fund the Project.
The next step is to solicit construction bids. To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, plans and specifications will be provided to separate builders’ exchanges throughout the Bay Area. Notices will be sent to contractors on the Public Works Department Contractor List. In addition, notices will be placed on the City’s website and published in the Alameda Journal.
Staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to execute the Caltrans required agreements, which are attached as Exhibits 1 and 2.
• Authorize City Manager to execute agreements as presented.
• Adjust or modify the authorization.
• Do not authorize the City Manager to execute agreements.
CIP C13000 (sub) Traffic Signals and Systems - Pedestrian Safety has an available budget of $75,924 identified for the Project. The Project is funded by a state-funded HSIP grant totaling $249,076 and a local match of $24,024. Additional funds totaling $175,000 are required to meet the total anticipated construction cost of $500,000.
HSIP Pedestrian Safety Project Final Cost Estimate |
Project Tasks |
Expenses |
Construction Management |
$30,300 |
Administration and Construction Support |
$92,300 |
Contractual Services Expense |
$377,400 |
$500,000 |
Staff is requesting to transfer $175,000 of Measure BB Local Streets and Roads funds budgeted in CIP C62000 Safe Routes to School Infrastructure to CIP C13000 (sub) Traffic Signals and Systems - Pedestrian Safety specifically for the Project, which will provide $500,000 in total funding to construct the Project.
General Plan policies support complete streets, which are designed for all modes of transportation as follows: General Plan policies LU-3 Complete Streets and ME-10 Movement, Action A, Complete Streets. The Project is also included in Resolution 15849, Making Significant Safety Improvements to Alameda Streets in 2022 and Beyond to End Fatalities and Serious Injuries. The Project is consistent with and helps implement the City’s Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan.
In accordance with CEQA, this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities).
Transportation generates over 70% of the greenhouse emissions in Alameda. Improving pedestrian safety supports non-carbon emitting modes of transportation and the use of transit, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions from the City’s transportation sector.
Adopt a resolution to 1) authorize the City Manager to execute the Master Agreement for State-funded Projects and the Program Supplemental Agreement with Caltrans to construct the Project for $249,076 in State grant funds and 2) amend the Capital Budget in Fiscal Year 2023-24 by reducing revenue and expenditure appropriations in CIP C62000 by $175,000 and increasing revenue and expenditure appropriations for CIP C13000 by $175,000.
Respectfully submitted,
Erin Smith, Public Works Director
Scott Wikstrom, City Engineer
Financial Impact section reviewed,
Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director
1. Master Agreement for State-funded Projects
2. Program Supplemental Agreement