Adoption of Resolution Amending the Management and Confidential Employees Association (MCEA) Salary Schedule to Increase the Salary Range for the Job Classification of Base Reuse Manager Effective the First Full Pay Period Following Approval. (Human Resources 2510)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
The proposed resolution amends the salary of the vacant Base Reuse Manager job classification. Staff is recommending the salary be increased to reflect the more complex duties included in the newly revised job description and to ensure the department can recruit qualified candidates for this specialized position. Management and Confidential Employees Association (MCEA) has reviewed and agreed to the changes in duties and salary.
This job classification originated as a Redevelopment Project Manager and the compensation was in internal alignment with the mid-level manager series (Community Development Manager, Housing Development Manager, Base Reuse Manager). In July 2019, the position was retitled, to reflect the shift from redevelopment to Base Reuse; however, the duties remained the same. In reviewing the current needs of the City of Alameda (City), the staff reviewed and updated the job description to upgrade the role from a project manager in order to include more direct responsibility for the negotiation and administration of complex real estate transactions, including development agreements, disposition and development agreements, purchase and sale agreements and related project documents, such as easements, construction contracts, professional service contracts and other ancillary development documents. The changes also reflect an increased strategy role for the Base Reuse Manager, since this position will play a significant role in the creation and implementation of development strategies for Alameda Point.
Due to the increase in scope and complexity of work, the recommendation is to align the salary with the next level in the department’s management classifications which would be commensurate to the Economic Development Manager job classification. The new alignment represents a 10% increase to the current Base Reuse Manager salary.
External public sector comparable job classifications were difficult to find due to the unique nature of the position. The recommended compensation will allow us to be somewhat competitive with private sector professionals in this area who often are paid at least $250,000 (plus bonuses and incentives) for positions requiring comparable experience and skill.
Upgrading the salary for this position is being recommended due to the sophisticated and complex nature of the work and the specific expertise that is needed at this time. Candidates possessing the scope of experience and breadth of skills required to be highly successful in this position will need a strong educational background, including, potentially, a graduate degree, and five or more years of development experience. These sorts of candidates tend to be well compensated and difficult to recruit. Upgrading the compensation for this position, as recommended, should also help the City attract a larger pool of qualified candidates.
The proposed revision to the MCEA salary schedule below would be effective the first full pay period following approval of this recommendation.
Base Reuse Manager - Effective Date to be First Full Pay Period Following Approval |
Step 1 |
Step 2 |
Step 3 |
Step 4 |
Step 5 |
Old annual salary |
128,257 |
134,672 |
141,404 |
148,473 |
155,898 |
New annual salary |
141,822 |
148,912 |
156,359 |
164,176 |
172,384 |
The proposed salary and schedule changes have been reviewed and agreed upon by the Management and Confidential Employees Association (MCEA).
Alternatives include:
• Authorize adoption of a resolution amending the Management and Confidential Employees Association (MCEA) Salary Schedule
• Direct staff to keep the Base Reuse Manager at its current compensation range.
The cost of the additional salary, if the employee is hired at the top step of the classification, is estimated to be $22,000 annually including retirement benefits. The cost for the remainder of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 is estimated to be $4,000. The Community Development Department is able to absorb the additional cost for this Fiscal Year in their current budget and will include the increase in cost in the Fiscal Year 2021-23 budget.
This action is in conformance with the Alameda Municipal Code.
Adoption of a revised salary schedule is not subject to environmental review in that it is not a “project” as defined by CEQA. A “project” does not include the creation of governmental funding mechanisms or other governmental fiscal activities which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. CEQA Guidelines, section 15378(b)(4).
There are no identifiable climate impacts or climate action opportunities associated with the subject of this report.
Adopt a Resolution amending the Management and Confidential Employees Association (MCEA) Salary Schedule l to increase the salary range for the job classification of Base Reuse Manager effective the first full pay period following approval
The City Manager concurs with the recommendation.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Bronstein, Director of Human Resources
Financial impact section reviewed,
Annie To, Finance Director
1. Revised MCEA Salary Schedule Effective April 25, 2021
cc: Eric Levitt, City Manager