File #: 2017-4733   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 10/17/2017
Title: Recommendation to Approve a License Agreement with the Alameda Soccer Club for the Use and Management of the Hornet Soccer Field for a Total of Five Years. (Recreation and Parks 2801010)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - License Agreement



Recommendation to Approve a License Agreement with the Alameda Soccer Club for the Use and Management of the Hornet Soccer Field for a Total of Five Years. (Recreation and Parks 2801010)



To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


From: Jill Keimach, City Manager


Re: Recommendation to Approve a License Agreement with the Alameda Soccer Club for the Use and Management of the Hornet Soccer Field for a Total of Five Years




The Alameda Recreation and Parks Department (ARPD) collaborates with the Alameda Soccer Club (ASC) on its fields to provide soccer opportunities to Alameda youth.  The City currently has two leases with ASC for their use, operation and maintenance of the Lexington Fields and Hornet Field at Alameda Point.  This has been a successful partnership that allows ASC to use these fields for hundreds of youth participants while also taking a financial burden off of the City for maintenance of those fields.

On November 15, 2016, the City Council authorized an amendment to the Hornet Field License Agreement to include the operation and maintenance of the adjacent tennis courts to create additional soccer field space.  ASC intends to repurpose these old, unused courts into new soccer and futsal fields.

The current Hornet Field License Agreement expires in February 2019; however, ASC requested to start a new 5-year term license agreement in order to provide assurance to their project’s grant funder that the field will be actively used for at least the next five years. 




This five-year Hornet Field license agreement requires ASC to maintain the fields at their sole expense.  This includes, but is not limited to, mowing and fertilizing the natural turf field, collecting and disposing of refuse, cleanup of the field, maintaining the existing quick coupler irrigation system, lining of the fields, as well as setting up and taking down all soccer games and practices.  ASC will be responsible for paying all costs for services and utilities to the License Area, as shown on Exhibit A of the License Agreement, which generally includes the soccer field, adjacent tennis courts and the asphalt area in front of the courts.  This area totals 133,304 square feet.


The allowed field uses include soccer practice, competitions, camps and fundraising activities from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., seven days a week, with the use of portable lights.  ARPD will retain the right to use the fields for various public recreational programs.


At the time that the Hornet License Agreement Amendment was approved by Council in November 2016, ASC planned to renovate all three tennis courts by installing donated synthetic turf at their own expense.  However, ASC had difficulty securing the donated turf and the Recreation and Parks Commission set requirements that the turf could not have recycled tire crumb rubber, which is common and can be detrimental.  Instead, ASC received a grant from the US Soccer Foundation (USSF) in collaboration with the San Jose Earthquakes to fully fund development of one of the courts with acrylic surfacing (similar to a tennis court or non-asphalt outdoor basketball court).  This type of surfacing is durable and will last longer than the donated synthetic turf and is well suited for soccer practices with quick movement drills or futsal, a variation of soccer that is played on a hard court surface. 


USSF will directly perform the work, valued at $40,000, which includes the surfacing, painting lines/logos, goal installation, interior fencing and fence windscreens.  USSF requires that ASC fund the asphalt repair and preparation for the court prior to their contractor’s work.  ASC has already done significant work to clear the courts of all debris and weeds as well as address trees that were overhanging the fence and creating a potential hazard.  ASC will need to do additional asphalt preparation and repair funded from their own project budget, estimated to cost $24,000. ASC will also work to identify other potential donors to complete renovation of the other two courts. 


In addition, USSF will fund the “Soccer for Success” program with the Alameda Boys and Girls Club as part of this project.  ASC is required to provide the Alameda Boys and Girls Club with the necessary space on the court at least three times per week for two hours each day for two 12 week sessions each year for “Soccer for Success.”  ASC is directly collaborating with the Boys and Girls Club as well as offering the courts to ARPD for program use. 


Since the existing license agreement expires in just over a year, as part of the grant from USSF, USSF required ASC to have at least a five year license agreement with the City in order to ensure its financial investment will be open and available for youth for an extended period of time. 


This facility is located within Enterprise Park, which is under State Land Commission (Tidelands) and as a result, is limited by specific regulations of allowable uses.  An athletic field or playground is considered a non-compliant use and is therefore a temporary use.  The City may only enter into a maximum of a five year license agreement for these use types.




There is no anticipated financial impact, with all field maintenance expenses paid by the Alameda Soccer Club.




This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code.




This action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA Guidelines (Operation of Existing Facilities).




Approve a license agreement with the Alameda Soccer Club for the use and management of the Hornet Soccer Field for a total of 5 years.


Respectfully submitted,

Amy Wooldridge, Recreation and Parks Director


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Elena Adair, Finance Director



1.                     License Agreement with the Alameda Soccer Club