Adoption of Resolution Approving Letter of Understanding Between the City of Alameda and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1245 Adjusting System Operator Classification Work Schedule. (Human Resources 10025060)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
The City of Alameda’s Human Resources Director and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1245 (IBEW) have been meeting to discuss System Operator classification work schedule since April 2024. The Letter of Understanding (LOU), Exhibit 1, is a result of those meetings, modifying the System Operator classification work schedule to a rotating 7-on-7-off schedule, and falls within the parameters authorized by City Council. This modification would go into effect for the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) period when there are four (4) fully trained System Operators, and sunset on July 1, 2025, with the expiration of the current IBEW Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. The Public Utilities Board (PUB) approved the LOU at the September 16, 2024, meeting and signed Resolution 5234 recommending City Council approve the LOU (Exhibit 3).
The City of Alameda (City) is required to meet and confer in good faith with bargaining units regarding various topics, including pay and working conditions. In March 2024, IBEW requested to meet to discuss changes to the current MOU, Section 11.7 - System Operator, to address personnel and operational issues with the current System Operator work schedule.
The City’s Human Resources Director and IBEW have been meeting to discuss System Operator classification work schedule since April 2024. The LOU (Exhibit 1) is a result of those meetings and falls within the parameters authorized by City Council. The LOU modifies the System Operator classification to a 7-on-7-off workweek schedule with rotation of various weekly hours over a four (4) week period. This modification would go into effect for the FLSA period when there are four (4) fully trained System Operators, and sunset on July 1, 2025, with the expiration of the current IBEW MOU dated July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. If at any point during the duration of this LOU there are three or fewer fully trained system operators, the System Operator schedule shall revert to the current 12-hour shift schedule.
At the September 16, 2024, meeting, the PUB approved the LOU and signed a resolution recommending the adopting of the LOU (Exhibit 3).
IBEW has a current agreement in effect from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. IBEW requested to meet with Human Resources staff in March 2024 to discuss re-opening the current MOU, Section 11.7 - System Operator, to make amendments to the System Operator schedule. Human Resources agreed and engaged in the meet and confer process starting in April 2024.
During these meetings, IBEW and HR staff discussed a variety of issues related to the current schedule of System Operators including excessive overtime and work/life balance distribution when switching between day and night shifts within the same work week. Several meetings included reviewing rotating schedules commonly found in 24/7 operations, such as 4-on-4-off and 4-3-3-4, and ways to mitigate overtime and expense to Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) and the City.
After much discussion, IBEW proposed a 7-on-7-off schedule which would allow for System Operators to work a seven-day schedule on one shift (e.g., day or night shift) and be off for seven days before starting the next seven-day shift. This would allow for System Operator staff to work a schedule that allowed for adequate coverage and maintain services, while providing a significant rest period to reacclimate and prepare for a change in shift such as going from day shift to night shift. The schedule would result in overtime, however, the overtime would be built into the schedule, allowing for predictable expense and accounting.
The HR Director consulted with City Council in May 2024 and received direction for a 7-on-7-off schedule for System Operator staff. HR continued to meet with IBEW and in July 2024 agreed to a 7-on-7-off rotating schedule for System Operators as follows:
• The FLSA period, which would apply to all System Operators, would commence Thursday at 1100 hours (11:00 AM) through the following Thursday at 1059 hours (10:59 AM).
• Day Shift would commence at 0500 hours (5:00 AM) through 1700 hours (5:00 PM) of the same day.
• Night shift would commence at 1700 hours (5:00 PM) of the day prior to 0500 hours (5:00 AM) of the following day.
• The number of hours within the FLSA workweek will change, with twelve (12) hours of regularly scheduled overtime built into the rotating schedule for each operator over the four (4) week period, cycling through 36-42-42-48 hours over a four (4) week period in working shifts of 0000 hours (12:00 AM) to 0500 hours (5:00 AM), 0500 hours (5:00 AM) to 1100 hours (11:00 AM), 1100 hours (11:00 AM) to 1700 hours (5:00 PM), and 1700 hours (5:00 PM) to 2359 hours (11:59 PM).
An example of the rotating 7-on-7-off schedule is attached as Exhibit 2.
Additionally, at the time of the LOU ratification, AMP was actively engaged in the process of hiring two additional System Operators, IBEW agreed that the adjustment to the System Operator schedule will go into effect for the FLSA pay period when there are four System Operators fully trained and able to fulfill the duties of System Operator and provide adequate coverage of the modified schedule. The schedule modifications in the LOU will sunset with the expiration of the current MOU which is in effect from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. Lastly, if at any point during the duration of this LOU there are three or fewer fully trained System Operators, the System Operator schedule shall revert to the 12-hour current schedule.
In July 2024, IBEW agreed to the proposed LOU adjusting the System Operator schedule and ratified the LOU in August 2024.
The LOU was brought to the PUB at the September 16, 2024 meeting. The PUB approved the LOU with IBEW and signed Resolution 5234 recommending that City Council adopt the LOU (Exhibit 3).
There are sufficient funds in the fiscal year (FY) 2025 budget for the adjustment to the System Operator classification schedule. These costs will be incorporated into future budgets.
This action is consistent with Alameda Municipal Code.
This action does not constitute a “project” as defined in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 and therefore no further CEQA analysis is required.
There are no identifiable climate impacts or climate action opportunities associated with the subject of this report.
Adopt a resolution approving LOU between the City and IBEW adjusting system operator classification work schedule.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Romeo, Human Resources Director
Noelle White, Senior Human Resources Analyst
Financial Impact section reviewed,
Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director
1. Letter of Understanding
2. System Operator Schedule Example
3. PUB Resolution