Draft Meeting Minutes - April 24, 2017
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2017
President Köster convened the meeting at 7:03pm
Board Member Sullivan led the flag salute.
Present: President Köster, Board Members Curtis, Knox White, Sullivan. Board Members Mitchell and Zuppan arrived at 7:07pm. Absent: Board Member Burton.
Liz Taylor said the economic analysis provided by the Alameda Marina developer’s consultant is not a complete representation of the economic benefits of the maritime businesses the marina supports.
Gabrielle Dolphin said the city needs to take bolder steps to combat climate change, specifically citing solar policies and including AMP in plans.
6-A 2017-4207
Make a Determination that the Proposed Fiscal Year 2017-2019 Capital Budget is Consistent with the General Plan
Board Member Knox White made a motion to approve the consent calendar. Board Member Curtis seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0.
7-A 2017-4205
Public Hearing on the Scope of the Alameda Shipways Residential Project Environmental Impact Report
Staff Member Thomas introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: <https://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3021222&GUID=5BB563F0-B829-4BFB-BFD7-89258060B9E4&FullText=1>
Board Member Knox White asked if we were still going to have a multi-modal level of service analysis in the EIR.
Staff Member Thomas said it would still be included.
Board Member Curtis asked how the traffic impacts are extrapolated in the analysis.
Staff Member Thomas said they use a baseline and model impacts of all projects that contribute to growth in the city and region on traffic impacts.
Dennis Cavallari, applicant, gave a presentation on the proposed project.
Board Member Zuppan asked what changes BCDC requested.
Mr. Cavallari said BCDC wanted to see fewer large plantings, to preserve view corridors, and more active lawn space.
Board Member Mitchell asked about the changes to the shape of the park.
Mr. Cavallari said they made a business decision to change the shape to avoid having to go through a process that involved the Army Corps of Engineers.
Board Member Sullivan asked how long the building is.
Mr. Cavallari said he did not have that information at this time.
Board Member Curtis asked if they have solved the load bearing problems with the site.
Mr. Cavallari said he believes they have the best geotechnical engineer in the area and will be able to have a successful building plan.
Board Member Mitchell asked if they have studied the soil and whether it would create problems for building.
Mr. Cavallari said they do not plan to disturb any contaminated soil, which is where the problems would arise.
President Köster asked if there were Tidelands on this project site.
Staff Member Thomas said the Tidelands are north of the property line.
President Köster asked why there was no marina facility planned for the site.
Mr. Cavallari said they are surrounded by Marinas and felt that re-creating a shoreline might be the highest and best use.
President Köster opened the public hearing.
Liz Taylor suggested using the ramps for rowing launches. She said the ramps could be used by amphibious vehicles for emergency egress and we should preserve one or two of them.
Nancy Hird said that if we keep taking away commercial spaces with jobs and replacing them with housing Alameda would become a bedroom community for Oakland.
Angela Hockabout asked for a show of hands from the board members that are under 40 years old (one). She said young people are desperate for housing. She said worrying about views prioritizes people who already have stable housing. She said she would like to see the project go higher in order to get more low income housing.
Karen Bey said she is happy we are adding much needed housing to the site. She said we should plan for a potential 4th ferry terminal at this site. She said she was disappointed to not see any amenities in the project. She said the business park needs more restaurants and cafes.
President Köster closed the public hearing.
Board Member Knox White suggested we also look at the impacts of not building housing at the site to highlight not just the negative impacts of housing.
Board Member Zuppan said we need to make sure we have adequate observations to base our conclusions on. She asked that a confidence interval accompany the traffic estimates.
Board Member Mitchell asked to include an analysis of how freeway congestion impacts congestion in Alameda, rather than stopping the study at the tube. He suggested including an energy analysis in the EIR.
Board Member Sullivan asked if the report would take into account the impacts of other approved projects.
Staff Member Thomas said they would study impacts from two future dates to capture impacts from future development at various stages.
Board Member Sullivan asked if the report would study the impact on the mix of owners vs. renters and the cultural impact on the city.
President Köster said he would like to study what increasing the intensity of use to the site would do. He also said studying the historical aspects of the site would be interesting, including densifying the rest of the site while saving one of the ramps.
Board Member Knox White asked that one alternative study a low parking alternative on transportation impacts.
7-B 2017-4206
Study Session to Provide Comments and Direction on Collaborating Partners Main Street Neighborhood Site Plan
Staff Member Giles introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: <https://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3021223&GUID=FB464FE4-6673-4FB8-B393-524FFE47A1BB&FullText=1>
Doug Biggs, Executive Director of the Alameda Point Collaborative, gave a presentation on their plan.
Abby Goldware, Mid-Pen Housing, continued the presentation.
Board Member Sullivan asked who would be responsible for the infrastructure costs of the project.
Ms. Goldware said the master developer for the Main St. neighborhood would likely be responsible for the infrastructure.
President Köster asked what the phasing of the project would work.
Ms. Goldware said they will have to work with the Main St. master developer to plan the infrastructure through existing units.
President Köster asked if they feel like they have enough space on the site.
Mr. Biggs said they do feel they have enough space on the site.
Board Member Curtis asked if the .79 to 1 parking ratio is sufficient.
Mr. Biggs said their residents have less than a 30% car ownership rate. He said they also recently worked with the city to provide bus passes to all residents.
President Köster opened the public hearing.
Angela Hockabout said the people in the video are the same type of people that are currently living under freeways and need this type of housing. She said we need more of this type of supportive housing.
Karen Bey said she wanted to support this community. She said she loves the idea of the expanded farm. She suggested an arts center for children to work and perform in which can be helpful for children who have been traumatized.
President Köster closed the public hearing.
Board Member Sullivan asked if there would be any animals at the farm.
Doug Biggs said they have some chickens, pigeons, and doves currently. He said he does not see larger livestock as part of the current plan due to land use regulations.
Board Member Mitchell asked how we are trying to move this project along.
Staff Member Giles said they are working on an RFQ to take to City Council next month.
Board Member Mitchell said he loved the community involvement in the design. He said it looks like a well rounded project.
Board Member Zuppan questioned if the layout of the townhomes would be thoughtful enough in case they need to grow in the future. She said she would like to see more indoor community spaces.
Board Member Curtis said this is a project that the community needs and we need to move it forward.
Board Member Knox White said the community here makes Alameda a better place. He said we need to make sure we do not create dead spaces. He said the new street near the public park is ill placed and might create cut through traffic.
President Köster said he loves the urban agriculture imagery. He suggested considering limiting automobile access on the interior streets.
8-A 2017-4204
Draft Meeting Minutes-February 27, 2017
Board Member Zuppan asked for a correction to her comment on the mix of housing and commercial on a development site.
Board Member Mitchell made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Board Member Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0.
9-A 2017-4208
Zoning Administrator and Design Review Recent Actions and Decisions
Staff Member Thomas summarized recent decisions made by staff.
9-B 2017-4209
Future Public Meetings and Upcoming Community Development Department Projects
Staff Member Thomas gave an update on agenda items for the upcoming meetings. He shared an article on ABAG housing plans. He explained the dynamics around local control vs. state interest in housing production.
Board Member Curtis said the speakers tonight do not reflect the views of the silent majority of Alamedans. He said we might be trying to solve one problem in the short term and creating other problems of blight and decreased property values in the long term.
Board Member Knox White asked for updates on 2nd unit and Universal Design ordinances.
Staff Member Thomas said the 2nd unit ordinance would be back in May and the Universal Design ordinance should be back in June.
11-A 2017-4210
Subcommittee for Alameda Marina
*Did not meet*
11-B 2017-4211
Subcommittee with Commission on Disability Issues regarding Universal Design Ordinance
*Did not meet*
President Köster adjourned the meeting at 9:39pm.