Adoption of Resolution Appointing an Engineer-of-Work and an Attorney-of-Record for Maintenance Assessment District 01-1 (Marina Cove). (Public Works 276)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: John A. Russo, City Manager
Re: Adopt a Resolution Appointing an Engineer-of-Work and an Attorney-of-Record for Maintenance Assessment District 01-1 (Marina Cove)
On June 7, 2002, the City Council established Maintenance Assessment District 01-1. The purpose of this assessment district is to provide maintenance for the City park, sidewalks, and landscaping in the Marina Cove development (Exhibit 1).
To levy next fiscal year's assessments, the City is required to follow a prescribed legal process. This annual process begins with the City's appointment of an engineer-of work and an attorney-of-record for the assessment district. It culminates in a public hearing in May or June in which the City Council approves assessments for the following year.
The City must appoint an Engineer-of-Work for the annual preparation of the assessment diagram and to determine the assessment amount, by parcel, for the maintenance assessment district. It is also necessary to appoint an Attorney-of-Record to perform the legal services required in the conduct of these annual proceedings. Staff recommends that the City Engineer be appointed as the Engineer-of-Work and that the City Attorney be appointed as Attorney-of-Record for the District.
All direct costs for services, such as landscape maintenance, are presently charged to the Maintenance Assessment District. The Maintenance Assessment District is charged indirect costs of approximately $5,000 for fees and expenses related to the annual levy process (Fund 276), Marina Cove Maintenance Assessment District. There is no impact on the General Fund.
This action does not affect the Municipal Code.
The proposed project is categorically exempt from further review under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA guidelines section 15301 (Maintenance, Repair, and Improvement of Existing Facilities).
Adopt a resolution appointing an Engineer-of-Work and an Attorney-of-Record for Maintenance Assessment District 01-1 (Marina Cove).
Respectfully submitted,
Robert G. Haun, Public Works Director
Liz Acord, Management Analyst
Financial Impact section reviewed,
Juelle-Ann Boyer, Interim Finance Director
1. Maintenance Assessment District Map