Adoption of Resolution Approving a Final Map and Accepting the Dedications and Easements for Tract 8696, West Midway Large Lot.
Pursuant to the streamlining provision of Public Resources Section 21083.3 and Section 15183 of the CEQA Guidelines, and the exemptions set forth in Public Resources Code section 21080(b)(1) and CEQA Guidelines section 15268, no further environmental review is required. (Public Works 310)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
On January 16, 2024, the City Council approved Vesting Tentative Map 8689 per City of Alameda (City) Resolution No. 16132. Tract 8696 is the final map to subdivide the remining 158.97 acres of City-owned parcel into 22 lots, Parcels A, B, and C, three remainder parcels and associated public rights of way.
Staff recommends approval of the final map and acceptance of the dedications and easements for Tract 8696, West Midway Large Lot.
On September 5, 2023, City Council approved Ordinance No. 3346 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement for the RESHAP Development Project at Alameda Point.
On September 5, 2023, City Council approved Ordinance No. 3347 authorizing the City Manager to execute Disposition and Development Agreements for West Midway Development Project at Alameda Point.
Both the RESHAP Development Agreement and West Midway Disposition and Development Agreement require that the City transfer land out of public ownership and into private ownership, such as to the development partners, prior to the initiation of vertical construction of each phase of the two projects.
On January 16, 2024, City Council approved Vesting Tentative Map 8689 per City of Alameda Resolution No. 16132.
On March 19, 2024, City Council approved Ordinance 3365 authorizing the City Manager to execute the purchase and sale agreement of Lot 23 (1.67 acres) of Vesting Tentative Map 8986 to the Alameda Food Bank.
The project site is one large parcel (APN 74-1368-18-4) that the City received from the United States Department of Defense (US Navy). Tract 8696 will subdivide 158.97 acres of city-owned property into 22 lots with three remainder parcels and associated public rights of way.
Lots 1-8 were drawn in consultation with the RESHAP developers, MidPen and the Collaborating Partners, to maximize opportunities for highly competitive public financing for affordable housing construction. The schedule for the transfer of the parcels is dictated by the RESHAP Development Agreement milestone schedules.
The design of Lots 9-20 and Parcels A and B were drawn in consultation with the West Midway Project developers, BC West Midway LLC (Catellus/Brookfield), to reflect the construction phasing plan for the project shown in the project phasing exhibits to the Development Agreements. BC West Midway LLC will process more detailed tentative maps for each individual lot at a future date. The detailed tentative maps will be coordinated with the final Design Review plans for the project, which will be subject to Planning Board review at a future date consistent with the milestone schedule in the West Midway Development Agreement. Lots 9-20 and Parcels A and B will be conveyed at a future date per the Development Agreement.
Lots 21, 22 and Parcel C are not part of the RESHAP and West Midway Development areas but are included in the tract map to reflect how these areas may be leased or sold as part of a separate City action. Lot 23 of Tentative Map 8986 has already been conveyed to the Alameda Food Bank by separate instrument and is not a part of Tract 8696.
Tract 8696 delineates the public rights of way for West Midway Avenue, Skylark Street, Orion Street, Ardent Way, Avenue B, West Tower Avenue, Pan Am Way, West Ranger Avenue, and Main Street within the approximate 159-acre area to facilitate replacement and improvement of public infrastructure and streets consistent with the Alameda Point Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP) and to support the RESHAP and West Midway Development Projects at Alameda Point. Public utility easements, public access easements and emergency vehicle access easements are dedicated on the map.
There are two remainder parcels as a result of this subdivision. These remainder parcels can be conveyed to private ownership or further subdivided as the lands are prepared for development by the City’s selected development partners.
Approval of a final subdivision map is an administrative and ministerial action by the City Council once the City Engineer has determined that the final map is in substantial compliance with the Subdivision Map Act, previously approved tentative subdivision map conditions of approval, and is technically correct. The Planning, Building, and Transportation Department and the Public Works Department completed their reviews of the improvement plans and final map for Tract 8696, West Midway Large Lot. The final map has been reviewed and determined to be technically correct and in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and conditions of approval.
Approval of the final map is ministerial in nature. City Council may:
• Approve the final map for Tract 8696, as recommended. This action will ensure that the RESHAP and West Midway Projects are able to commence on the milestone schedules agreed to by City Council and the development partners.
• Remand the project back to staff for further consideration and evaluation on any specific Tentative Map condition of approval.
The proposed subdivision of one City-owned parcel into 22 City owned lots has no direct financial impact on the General Fund.
The infrastructure improvements to support Lots 1-20 will be constructed by the West Midway project developer and will be subject to a Public Improvement Agreement as defined in the Disposition and Development Agreement.
The legal parcels in Tract 8696 are part of the future annexation areas defined in Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 17-1 (Alameda Point Public Services District). Once the legal parcels are created, annexed into the areas of CFD 17-1 and conveyed into private ownership pursuant to the previously approved Development Agreements, the parcels would be subject to ad valorem property taxes and City-wide property related fees per the CFD.
Tract 8696 is consistent with the City of Alameda General Plan and Alameda Municipal Code.
On September 5, 2023, City Council approved the Development and Disposition Agreements for this land, which included detailed construction phasing and conveyance phasing plans for the RESHAP and West Midway Development projects. This Tract Map allows the City to meet its obligations under those agreements.
This action supports the City Strategic Plan Priority to House All Alamedans and End Homelessness, specifically Project HH6 to Support implementation of West Midway (mixed use) and RESHAP (supportive housing) developments at Alameda Point.
Pursuant to the streamlining provision of Public Resources Section 21083.3 and Section 15183 of the CEQA Guidelines, no further environmental review is required because Tract Map 8696 is consistent with an adopted Main Street Specific Plan and Alameda Point Zoning Ordinance for the area; the environmental impacts of the development of the area consistent with the Specific Plan and Zoning Ordinance were considered in the Alameda Point Project (APP) Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) adopted by City Council on February 4, 2014, in compliance with CEQA; Tract 8696 is also consistent with and implements the City of Alameda Housing Element Program #1 Alameda Point adopted on November 15, 2022; the environmental impacts of the Housing Element and the development of the programs included in the Housing Element and associated sites inventory were considered in the General Plan Update EIR adopted by City Council on November 30, 2021; and Tract 8696 would not result in significant impacts that: (1) are peculiar to the project or project site; (2) were not already identified as significant effects, cumulative effects, or off-site effects in the FEIR and General Plan Update EIR; or (3) were previously identified as significant effects; but are determined to be substantially more severe than discussed in the FEIR and General Plan Update EIR.
Additionally, the City’s approval of final map for Tract 8696 is a ministerial action that is exempt from the requirements of CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080(b)(1) and CEQA Guidelines section 15268.
Provision of mixed income housing in a mixed use, transit oriented, urban infill location is consistent with and supports the City of Alameda Climate Action Plan and regional and statewide Climate Protection and Greenhouse Gas Emission reduction strategies, including the Bay Area’s Sustainability Strategy, Plan Bay Area.
Adopt a resolution approving a Final Map and accepting the dedications and easements for Tract 8696, West Midway Large Lot subdivide a 158.97-acre City-owned parcel (APN 74-1368-18-4) into 22 lots, Parcels A, B, C, two remainder parcels and associated public rights of way on West Midway Avenue, Skylark Street, Orion Street, Ardent Way, Avenue B, West Tower Avenue, Pan Am Way, West Ranger Avenue, and Main Street.
Respectfully submitted,
Erin Smith, Public Works Director
Scott Wikstrom, Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer
Sarah Lee, Supervising Civil Engineer
Financial Impact section reviewed,
Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director
1. Draft Final Map, Tract 8676, West Midway Large Lot