Zoning Administrator and Design Review Recent Actions and Decisions
To: Honorable President and
Members of the Planning Board
From: Andrew Thomas, AICP
Assistant Community Development Director
Date: June 12, 2017
Re: Zoning Administrator and Design Review Recent Actions and Decisions
Since the last regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting, the following applications have been reviewed by staff, and public notices have been sent to solicit neighborhood input. Decisions on these applications will be made on the dates noted below, which typically coincides with a Planning Board meeting date. Staff will provide an update at the Planning Board meeting during Staff Communications if changes to the status of any project occur. Decisions become final unless a member of the public files an appeal during the 10-day appeal period immediately following the decision date. The Planning Board or City Council may also call for review a staff decision during this appeal period. All appeals and call for reviews will be heard the Planning Board.
Zoning Administrator Hearing Items
June 13, 2017
PLN17-0248 - 2100 Clement Avenue - Administrative Use Permit - Applicant: City Ventures. Public hearing to consider a Use Permit application for a temporary sales trailer and associated signage for the new housing development at 2100 Clement Avenue. The sales office will operate in the temporary trailer between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., seven days a week, for approximately six months before relocating into a permanent building on Clement Avenue that is under construction. The project site is located within an R-2 PD, Two-Family Residence Planned Development District. The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 - Accessory Structures.
PLN17-0240 - 1620 South Loop Road -- Administrative Use Permit and Design Review - Applicant: Walter Sandmeyer, Critical Engineering Group. Public hearing to consider a renewal of a previously-approved Use Permit and Design Review approval to locate a 200-kilowatt/300 gallon diesel permanent standby generator in a landscape strip behind the building and enclosed by a 12’ high wooden fence with a landscaped trellis. The fencing will have bollards positioned to protect the equipment from impact. The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 - Accessory Structures.
PLN17-0258 - 1416 Park Street - Administrative Use Permit - Applicant: Mona Hansen. Public hearing to consider a Use Permit application for the operation of a personal training fitness center with extended hours of operation. The fitness center will feature area dedicated for health and fitness related retail sales along the storefront. The fitness center will have expanded hours of operation, opening at 4:30am, on Monday through Friday. The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 - Existing Facilities.
PLN17-0276 - 1690 Orion Street - Administrative Use Permit - Applicant: Peter Benoit for Astra Space, Inc. Public hearing to consider a Use Permit application for the establishment of new outdoor storage tank enclosures, an eight-foot high security fence around the perimeter of the property, and the placement of storage containers at the southern portion of the property. The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 - Existing Facilities.
Design Review Applications
This is the link to the plans:
PLN17-0179 2820 Bayview Drive (Action Date 6-12-17)
The project consists of construction of two second floor balconies at the rear of the building, and the removal of a portion of the existing mansard roof at the rear of the building. The proposed balconies are 49.75 square feet and 29 square feet, and will be wood decking over waterproofed steel surrounded by 1/8” diameter cables spaced at 3” on center. The exterior walls replacing the portion of the removed mansard roof will be feature cement plaster to match the existing building. The property is located within the R-1 (One-Family Residence) Zoning District.
PLN17-0108 1650 Harbor Bay Parkway (Action Date 6-12-17)
The project consists of an approximately 3.5-foot by 6-foot monument sign located at the entrance of the property along Harbor Bay Parkway. The monument sign will include an approximately 6-square-foot sign for the Girl Scouts of Northern California offices. The proposed sign is painted metal in keeping with other entry signage adjacent to the site. The property is located within the BP, Business Park Zoning District.
PLN17-0226 1506 Lincoln Avenue (Action Date 6-12-17)
The project consists of the expansion of an existing four-unit two-story residential building. The proposed addition will also be two-stories, will be located at the front of the existing building, and will expand the total floor area of the four-unit building by 2,985 square feet to a total of 6,251 square feet. Each individual unit will be increased in size by a maximum of 748 square feet. The siding of the addition will match the existing structure’s horizontal wood siding, existing windows will be replaced with single hung windows. The existing flat roof will be replaced with a hipped roof. The property is located within the R-4 (Neighborhood Residential) Zoning District.
PLN17-0243 84 Maitland Drive (Action Date 6-12-17)
The project consists of the removal of an existing brick chimney located on the side (southeast) elevation of an existing single family home. The affected portion of the southeast elevation will be repaired and new wood siding that will match the existing home. The property is located within the R-2, Two-Family Residence Zoning District.
PLN17-0253 3115 Otis Drive (Action Date 6-12-17)
The project consists of the replacement of eleven casement windows with eleven vinyl slider windows on an existing ranch-style single-family home. The property is located within the R-1, One-Family Residence Zoning District.
PLN17-0270 1193 Park Avenue (Action Date 6-12-17)
The project consists of the installation of a new window on the left (South) side of an existing single family residence. The proposed window will be a 30”x36” double hung window for a new bathroom. An existing crawl space will be excavated to create the new bathroom with a 7’6” ceiling height. The property is located within the R-5 (General Residential) Zoning District.
PLN17-0167 1325 Saint Charles Street (Action Date 6-12-17)
The project consists of a second story addition of 148 square feet to an existing two story single family home. The addition will convert an existing second story balcony to habitable space. The addition will be located over a previously constructed first story addition at the rear of the home along the street facing side of the property. The proposed addition is designed to match the existing home and will utilize the same materials of the existing building. The property is listed on the Historical Buildings Study List with a (S) designation. The property is located within the R-1, One-Family Residential Zoning District.
Staff recommends that the Planning Board accept this report.
Andrew Thomas
Assistant Community Development Director