File #: 2022-1743   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 2/14/2022
Title: PLN21-0459 - Design Review and Development Plan Amendment - 2607 - 2619 Santa Clara Avenue & 1514 - 1518 Broadway - Applicant: Branagh Land Inc. Public hearing to consider Design Review and Development Plan Amendment to allow the construction of eight townhome dwellings within an existing 1.29-acre residential development. General Plan designation: Medium Density Residential. Zoning: R-5-PD, General Residential-Planned Development zoning district and partly within the R-4-PD, Neighborhood Residential-Planned Development. CEQA Determination: Design Review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA. McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80, Public Resources Code Section 21080. As a separate and independent basis, the development plan amendment is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-fill Development
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Project Plans, 2. Exhibit 2 Draft Resolution



PLN21-0459 - Design Review and Development Plan Amendment - 2607 - 2619 Santa Clara Avenue & 1514 - 1518 Broadway - Applicant: Branagh Land Inc. Public hearing to consider Design Review and Development Plan Amendment to allow the construction of eight townhome dwellings within an existing 1.29-acre residential development. General Plan designation: Medium Density Residential. Zoning: R-5-PD, General Residential-Planned Development zoning district and partly within the R-4-PD, Neighborhood Residential-Planned Development. CEQA Determination: Design Review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA. McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80, Public Resources Code Section 21080. As a separate and independent basis, the development plan amendment is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-fill Development





To:                                          Honorable President and

                                          Members of the Planning Board


From:                      Henry Dong, Planner III




On November 23, 2020, the Planning Board approved Density Bonus and Development Plan No. PLN19-0448 to replace two tennis courts and a basketball court with nine town homes located within an existing residential development at Santa Clara Avenue and Broadway. The Planning Board also recommended City Council approval of Tentative Map Tract 8534 to subdivide the existing 1.29-acre property into 12 lots.  On January 19, 2021, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing and approved Resolution No. 15737 for Tentative Map Tract 8534. The staff report and exhibits from the 2020 Planning Board Development Plan approval can be found at the following link: <>.


In order to satisfy off-street parking requirements, the approved Development Plan included a stacked parking structure containing mechanical lifts to accommodate the number of required parking spaces serving the nine-unit development. The Planning Board also required the architectural plans for the parking structure be brought back for Design Review.  Since the City Council passed an ordinance in 2021 eliminating minimum parking requirements, the applicant wishes to revise the plans to eliminate the stacked parking structure. 


The applicant is requesting Planning Board consideration of a Design Review and Development Plan Amendment to allow the construction of eight dwelling units instead of nine, and to omit the previously-approved parking structure. The two-story parking structure and one townhome dwelling will be replaced with a surface parking lot and revised open space plan. The proposed plans can be found in Exhibit 1. Staff is recommending approval of the Development plan amendment and design review application.





Development Plan Amendment: As construction costs continue to increase in recent years, the applicant determined that the two-story stacked parking structure would be both cost prohibitive to build and operationally challenging for future residents. The applicant is now requesting a development plan amendment to replace the stacked parking structure in Lot 12 containing 18 parking spaces with a surface lot containing 11 parking spaces. Due to the physical constraints of the site, the project will now consist of eight townhomes in two buildings instead of the nine townhomes in the approved plan.  The revised site plan includes more open space and appears less cluttered than the previous plan. The revised plans are intended to make the project more economically viable for construction.


The removal of the two-story parking structure and one dwelling unit would drastically open up the site design. The resulting plan provides more open area and the site plan would feel less cluttered with buildings.  The proposed changes increase total open space by approximately 140 sq. ft. creating additional landscaping and bench seating. Otherwise, the proposed landscape design for the development reflects Bay-Friendly landscaping principles for low water use, drought resistant, durable, low maintenance native plantings. The proposed landscape and open space plan include approximately 4,800 square feet of contiguous open space with a variety of seating, gathering areas, and a play area for children. Decorative permeable pavers are used throughout the common areas as well as the parking areas, providing texture and a unified appearance while also minimizing runoff.


Access to the site will remain via a private driveway extending from Broadway. The project will provide 12 short term bike rack spaces (short-term bike parking) and 12 long term bike parking spaces within an accessory bike storage structure adjacent to a detached trash enclosure along the south property line as required in the original development plan.


Design Review: The revised project includes two three-story residential buildings that face each other, each containing five and three townhomes. The townhomes are approximately 1,500 square feet in size and they all contain three bedroom, two and one-half bathroom units with private rear/side yards. The architectural design is a modern interpretation of the adjacent buildings; the design incorporates the gabled roof forms, windows, and materials that are prevalent in the neighborhood. The exterior features include a combination of smooth sided vertical and horizontal siding, and shingle siding that relates to the varied siding elements of the surrounding neighborhood.  Other notable features include decorative metal canopies over entrances, belly band, decorative lighting, wood trim and accent, and a boxed-window surround. The proposed three-story townhomes are approximately 37.5 feet tall, which is within the 40 feet maximum height limit and similar to the height of the three-story buildings fronting Broadway. While the project is not subject to the Objective Design Review Standards adopted by the Planning Board on February 22, 2021, the applicant has chosen to design the project to be consistent with the standards.

Development Standards: As shown in Table 1, the project is consistent with all of the development standards for the property.



The Density Bonus Application that was approved for the previous Development Plan included a parking waiver to allow 33 parking spaces for the 31 units in the overall development. With the recent changes to the parking ordinance that eliminated minimum parking requirements citywide, the project no longer needs the parking waiver as part of the Density Bonus Application. The applicant proposes to remove one unit from the project and was also able to add two spaces on the existing lots for a total of 28 parking spaces for 30 units. The 28 total parking spaces is less than the 45 maximum parking spaces required by the parking ordinance. All other waivers and concessions in the Density Bonus Application remain the same as the 2020 approval.


Overall, the site layout and building architecture present an improved site design and attractive building designs that are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. 


Conclusion:  In conclusion, staff believes the Design Review and Development Plan Amendment plans are consistent with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and the Objective Design Review Standards Staff is recommending the Board approve the project based on findings contained in the draft resolution (Exhibit 2).   With Planning Board approval, the applicant will proceed with Final Map approval and soon begin the process for building permit review.



Property owners and residents within 300 feet of the project’s boundaries were notified of the public hearing and given the opportunity to review and comment on the proposal.




The proposed project is consistent with the City’s Climate Action and Resiliency Plan housing policies, which encourages higher-density housing in order to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed project provides important infill housing in an urban area, in proximity to transit, jobs and services, which can reduce greenhouse gas pollution more effectively than housing built in non-urban locations. 




Design Review Approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA.  McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80, Public Resources Code Section 21080.  As a separate and independent basis, the development plan amendment is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-fill Development.




Hold a public hearing and adopt a draft Resolution approving Development Plan Amendment and Design Review Application No. PLN21-0459 for the eight townhome dwellings.


Reviewed by,

Allen Tai, City Planner



Henry Dong, Planner III




1.                     Project Plans

2.                     Draft Resolution