File #: 2025-4696   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 1/27/2025
Title: Drat Meeting Minutes - December 16, 2024



Drat Meeting Minutes - December 16, 2024








1.                     ROLL CALL   

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

* Members of the public can participate in person or remotely via Zoom.   


Present: President Cisneros, Vice President Ariza, Board Members Ruiz, Hom, Saheba, Wang and Tsou.

Absent: None


2.                     AGENDA CHANGES 




3.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT




4.                     CONSENT CALENDAR

4-A 2024-4530 - Draft Meeting Minutes - October 28, 2024


Minutes can be found:



There were no public comments on the Consent Calendar.


Board Member Wang made a motion (*2:16) to approve the October 28th Meeting Minutes and Board Member Saheba seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with 3 abstentions (President Cisneros, Vice President Ariza and Board Member Ruiz) due to their absence at the meeting.


5.                     REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS

5-A 2024-4527

Update on the status and understanding of the 2014 Alameda Point EIR requirement to adopt Guidelines for New Infill Development within the NAS Alameda Historic District.


Brian McGuire, Planner II, introduced (*3:08) this item and gave the presentation.


The staff report and attachments can be found at:



Public Comment for item 5A

There were no public comments.

Action taken for item 5A


Board discussion and additional clarifying questions start at the 9:35-minute mark in the video.


This item was a workshop, and no formal action was taken.


5-B 2024-4529

PLN24-0145 - 2151 Ferry Point - Applicant: Little Opera House, LLC. - Public Workshop on Radium Theatre Performing Arts Center Development Plan. Public workshop to discuss the proposed Radium Theatre Performing Arts Center. The project location is comprised of Blocks 12 & 13 in the Site A Development Plan, an approximately 2.13-acre site on the west side of Pan Am Way near the intersection of West Atlantic Avenue. CEQA Determination: The draft Development Plan is subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act. No final action on the environmental review or the Development Plan will take place at this meeting


Staff Member McGuire introduced (*16:15) this item and gave a presentation. Staff report and attachments can be found at:



The applicant also presented (*22:05).


Board clarifying questions start at the 39:14-minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for 5-B


There were no public comments.


Action Taken for 5-B


Board discussion start at the 57:16-minute mark in the video.


This item was a workshop, and no formal action was taken.


5-C 2024-4620

Discuss the Draft Concept Designs for the Estuary Adaptation Project and the Bay Farm Island Adaptation Project and a Status Update of the Subregional Adaptation Plan


Gail Payne, Project Manager, introduced this item (*1:04:53) and gave a presentation.


Staff Report and attachments can be found:



Board clarifying questions start at the 1:19:21-minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for 5-C

There were no public comments.


Action Taken for 5-C


Board discussion start at the 1:22:38 minute mark in the video.


This item was a workshop, and no formal action was taken.


5-D 2024-4630

PLN2-0167 - 200 Wind River Way - Applicant: Blue Rise Ventures, LLC. - Public workshop on Development Plan Amendment and Design Review for an approximately 120,000 square foot life sciences building and Bay Trail improvements. Public workshop to discuss a proposed 120,000 sf, three-story life science building located at the intersection of Clement Avenue and Sherman Street on the existing Wind River Campus. CEQA Determination: The project is subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act. No final action on the environmental review, Development Plan, or Design Review will take place at this meeting.


Staff Member McGuire introduced (*1:26:40) this item. The Staff Report and attachments can be found at:



Board clarifying questions start at the 1:41:42 minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for 5-D


Thomas Charron (*1:56:41) who lives near the estuary was in support of this project but had concerns about Blue Rise Ventures commitment to maintaining the Bay Trail. He discussed how they had not complied with BCDC requirements for the Wind River Park since purchasing the property in 2019.


Tracy Reigelman (*1:58:27) who represented the Marina Village HOA, believed this project would be an enhancement for the area but like the previous speaker was concerned with the upkeep of the Wind River Park. He pointed out weeds, drainage pipes that were causing property damage and other safety issues.


Dan Prinski (*2:01:43) Managing Parter of Blue Rise Ventures, discussed what benefits they had brought to Alameda and the many businesses they had brought to the city. He added that they do their best and what they had done for BCDC improvements. He also added work had been planned but weather and scheduling had delayed some things. He said that they would also work to do the right thing.


Action Taken for 5-D


Board discussion start at the 2:04:35 minute mark in the video.


This item was a workshop, and no formal action was taken.


6.                     STAFF COMMUNICATIONS

6-A 2024-4631

Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions


Recent actions and decisions can be found at:



No decision or action was pulled for review.


There were no public comments.


6-B 2024-4618

Oral Report - Future Public Meetings and Upcoming Planning, Building and Transportation Department Projects


Manager Buckley discussed upcoming agendas (*2:18:29).


There were no public comments.


6-C 2024-4619

Appointing members to an advisory working group for revisions to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and related matters.


Board Member Hom volunteered himself (*2:21:32) and then President Cisneros joined.


There were no public comments.


7.                     BOARD COMMUNICATIONS


Board Member Ruiz asked for a larger format print out for these larger projects.


There were no public comments.


8.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT



9.                     ADJOURNMENT


President Cisneros adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m.



*Refers to the minute mark in the video