File #: 2024-4313   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/17/2024
Title: Summary Title: Approval of Three Agreements Related to the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project for Construction, Design and Engineering/Inspection Services, and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Project Budget Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., for Construction of the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project, No. P.W.07-24-19, for a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $16,245,072, Including Contingency; Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Fifth Amendment to the Agreement with CDM Smith to Complete the Plans for the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project, Increasing Compensation by $200,000, Including Contingencies, for a Total Aggregate Compensation Not-to-Exceed $3,778,930; Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Agreement with CSG Consultants to Provide Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Pr...
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Bay Cities Paving & Grading Agreement, 2. Exhibit 2: CDM Smith Agreement and Amendments 1-4, 3. Exhibit 3: CDM Smith Fifth Amendment, 4. Exhibit 4: CSG Consultants Original Agreement, 5. Exhibit 5: CSG Consultants First Amendment, 6. Resolution



Summary Title: Approval of Three Agreements Related to the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project for Construction, Design and Engineering/Inspection Services, and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Project Budget

Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., for Construction of the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project, No. P.W.07-24-19, for a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $16,245,072, Including Contingency;

Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Fifth Amendment to the Agreement with CDM Smith to Complete the Plans for the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project, Increasing Compensation by $200,000, Including Contingencies, for a Total Aggregate Compensation Not-to-Exceed $3,778,930;

Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Agreement with CSG Consultants to Provide Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project, Increasing Compensation by $1,530,206, Including Contingencies, for a Total Aggregate Compensation Not-to-Exceed $2,280,206; and

Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Budget by Reducing Revenue and Appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C11000 by $400,000, Reducing Revenue and Appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C33000 by $200,000, Reducing Revenue and Appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C62000 by $300,000, Reducing Revenue and Appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C66100 by $400,000, Allocating $207,855 in Measure BB-Paratransit Funds, and Increasing Revenue and Appropriations for Capital Improvement Program C65600 by $1,507,855.

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land, including bicycle facilities). (Public Works 310)



To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager




The City of Alameda (City) issued plans and specifications for the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project, No. PW 07-24-19, on July 8, 2024. This project is approximately 1.7 miles in length and extends from the intersection of Central Avenue / Pacific Avenue / Main Street to the intersection of Central Avenue / Sherman Avenue / Encinal Boulevard.


Staff is requesting the following:

                     That City Council award the contract to Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder, in an amount not-to-exceed $16,245,072, including a 10% contingency, for the construction of the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project, PW 07-24-19. In addition, staff requests City Council approve the proposed budget resolution to transfer funds between capital improvement projects.


                     That City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Fifth Amendment of the CDM Smith contract to allow for continued Caltrans coordination, completion of design work on the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project (Central Avenue Project), and support during construction.  The Fifth Amendment increases compensation by $200,000, including contingencies, for a total aggregate compensation not-to-exceed $3,778,930. 


                     That City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a First Amendment of the CSG Consultants contract to fully fund the construction engineering and inspection services on the Central Avenue Project. The First Amendment increases compensation by $1,530,206, including contingencies, for a total aggregate compensation not-to-exceed $2,280,206.




The Central Avenue Safety Improvements project was first identified in 2013 as a high-priority bikeway project in the City’s Bicycle Master Plan Update and City Council amended the initial concept proposed design contract in 2014. Ten years, multiple community outreach and City Council meetings later, the construction contract is ready to be awarded.

The Central Avenue Project implements the City’s 2018 Transportation Choices Plan, 2019 Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, 2019 Intersection Daylighting Policy, 2019 Lane Widths Policy, 2021 Vision Zero Action Plan and 2022 Active Transportation Plan by achieving four overarching objectives as follows:

1.                     Reduce crashes and improve safety for all modes of travel and for all members of the community including children, seniors, people with disabilities, bicyclists, transit riders and automobile drivers;

2.                     Improve bicycle and pedestrian access and safety between West Alameda and Central Alameda and along the San Francisco Bay Trail;

3.                     Reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and

4.                     Reduce automobile delay and improve traffic operations and travel times.


The Central Avenue Project includes a road diet with two motor vehicle travel lanes, a two-way left-turn lane as a center lane, bikeways and, three roundabouts at 1) Main Street/Pacific Avenue/Central Avenue; 2) Third Street/Taylor Avenue/Central Street; 3) Fourth Street/Ballena Boulevard/Central Avenue, pavement resurfacing, improved bus stops, enhanced pedestrian crossings, and street trees/raingardens.  The Central Avenue Project is the result of a ten-year collaborative effort directed by City Council as shown on the project webpage: <>.  Project construction for the Central Avenue Project is anticipated to begin in winter 2024.




Award Contract to Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc.: To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, plans and specifications for construction were provided to 17 separate builders’ exchanges throughout the Bay Area.  Notices were also sent to contractors on the Public Works Department Contractor List.  In addition, notices were placed on the City’s website and published in the Alameda Journal.  Bids were opened on August 8, 2024.  Seven contractors submitted bids. The bid result is as follows:




Bay Cities Paving & Grading


Gallagher & Burk, Inc.


Redgwick Construction Co.


Ghilotti Construction Co.


Ghilotti Bros.


Azul Works


McGuire & Hester



Public Works staff contacted representative references provided by the lowest bidder and received positive feedback on the ability of the company to meet the project requirements and the quality and timeliness of their work.


Staff recommends awarding a contract to Bay Cities Paving & Grading for a total amount of $16,245,071.96, which includes a 10% contingency in the amount of $1,476,824.72. The contractor is not guaranteed any of the contingency amount and use of the contingency will be at the sole discretion of the City for work not originally anticipated in the plans and specification. The specifications also informed the successful bidder that they shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations.  The contract is attached as Exhibit 1.


CDM Smith Amendment: Staff is requesting City Council authorization for a Fifth Amendment of the CDM Smith contract to allow for continued Caltrans coordination, completion of the design work, and more extensive construction support due to the added roundabouts.  The Fifth Amendment would increase compensation by $200,000, including contingencies, for a total aggregate compensation not-to-exceed $3,778,930.  The costs are higher than other corridor projects because the City has obtained federal monies, which necessitate that the City fulfill federal requirements, and the project is partially on Caltrans State Route 61, which required more detailed Caltrans staff reviews than expected.  For example, Caltrans requested eight revisions to the Project Report and twelve revisions to the Design Standard Decision Document, which significantly increased project costs, and is expected to continue to require these more extensive reviews through the construction phase.


The original CDM Smith Agreement (Exhibit 2, including all Amendments) was for the Project Initiation Document (PID) and Optional Amendments for the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) and the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E).  The First Amendment of the Agreement  was a time extension.  The Second Amendment was consistent with the approval of the original contract, which stated that City staff would return to request City Council authorization to proceed with the PA&ED and PS&E.  The Third Amendment allowed for continued Caltrans coordination during PA&ED and PS&E, the completion of the design with the two additional roundabouts and construction engineering support.  The Fourth Amendment allowed for continued Caltrans coordination for the PS&E and construction phases, the completion of the design for the roundabout at the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Boulevard intersection, and additional construction engineering support.  The Fifth Amendment (Exhibit 3) is the subject of this request and allows for the completion of design work, continued Caltrans coordination, and more extensive construction support.


CSG Consultants Amendment: Staff is requesting City Council authorization for a First Amendment (Exhibit 5) of the CSG Consultants Agreement (Exhibit 6) to provide construction engineering and inspection services for the Central Avenue Project.  The First Amendment would fully fund the construction engineering and inspection services for the construction phase.  On March 26, 2024, City staff issued a Request for Proposals to the three on-call construction engineering and inspection service providers - CSG Consultants, 4LEAF and Ghirardelli - for the Central Avenue Project.  After a submittal period of 17 days, the City received responses from CSG Consultants and 4LEAF and selected CSG Consultants.  City staff authorized a work order for $750,000, under the on-call contract with CSG previously approved by City Council.  The purpose of this First Amendment for $1,530,206 is to fully fund the construction engineering and inspection services, which totals $2,280,206 and includes a 5% contingency.




City Council may consider a range of alternatives:

                     Authorize the recommended contract amendments, budget amendment resolution, and award the construction contract.

                     Authorize the recommended contract amendments, budget amendment resolution, and construction contract with revisions determined necessary by the City Council.

                     Do not authorize the contract amendments or award the construction contract and direct staff to proceed with another approach. Failure to award the construction contract by September 30, 2024, may lead to the loss of $6.8 million in federal funding for the project.




The Central Avenue Safety Improvements project is budgeted in Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project C65600.  This project is funded by federal and state grants, Measure B and BB Local Streets and Roads monies, Transportation Development Impact Fees (DIF), and the General Fund.  When completed, the Central Avenue project will cost approximately $23 million with 64 percent coming from federal and state grants and 36 percent coming from local monies (Table 1).  The appropriation of additional local funds totaling $1,507,855 are required to meet the total anticipated construction cost of $19,142,634 (Table 2).


Table 1: Central Avenue - Cost Allocations by Project Phase




Current Phase




Construction Management


CBTP Caltrans





CMAQ/STP Federal





ATP Federal





OBAG3 Federal





Water Quality EPA





Grant Local Match





Additional Funding Required










Cost %











Table 2: Funding For Current Construction Phase


Construction Funding Needed


Construction Management (CSG)


Admin and Construction Support (CDM Smith existing contract and Fifth Amendment)


Admin and Construction Support (City Staff)


Construction Costs






Construction Funding Secured



Local Match for Grants





The difference between the funding already secured and the needed funds is $1,507,855.  In order to provide the additional funding required to complete the project, staff recommends transferring $400,000 of funds budgeted in CIP Project C11000 Pavement Management, $200,000 of funds budgeted in CIP Project C33000 Green Infrastructure, $300,000 of funds budgeted in CIP Project C62000 Safe Routes To School, $400,000 of funds budgeted in CIP Project C66100 Transit Stop Enhancements, and an allocation of $207,855 from Measure BB - Paratransit to CIP C65600, which will provide $19,142,634 in total funding to complete this project.


Pavement Management is funded in part by Measure BB - Local Streets and Roads. Use of funds from Pavement Management is requested because the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project will resurface 1.7 miles of roadway.


Green Infrastructure is funded by the Stormwater fund. Use of funds from Green Infrastructure is requested because the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project includes bioswales and bioretention facilities to treat stormwater runoff for new and existing impervious surfaces.


Safe Routes to School is funded by Measure BB Local Streets and Roads. Use of funds from Safe Routes to School is requested because the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project will improve safety for all modes of travel (vehicular, bike, and pedestrian) for parents, students and teachers along the project route that fronts both Encinal Junior and Senior High and Paden Elementary School.


Transit Stop Enhancements is funded by Measure BB - Paratransit. Use of funds from Transit Stop Enhancements is requested because the Central Avenue Safety Improvements Project includes upgrades to existing bus stops along Central Avenue.


Table 3: Local Funds


Budget Request

Revenue/ Expenditure

Fund No.

Fund Description

Project Number

Project Name

Budget Amount


Decrease Expenditure Budget


Capital Fund


Pavement Management


Transfer Between Funds Request

Decrease Expenditure Budget


Capital Fund


Green Infrastructure



Decrease Expenditure Budget


Capital Fund


Safe Routes to School



Decrease Expenditure Budget


Capital Fund


Transit Stop Enhancements



Increase Expenditure Budget


Capital Fund


Central Ave Safety


New Appropriation Request

Increase Expenditure Budget


Measure BB-Paratransit




If the requested budget transfer is approved, the available project budget in CIP C65600 Central Avenue Safety Improvements will total approximately $19,142,634. There are no additional appropriations requested from the General Fund.


For CDM Smith, this Fifth Amendment would increase compensation by $200,000, including contingencies, for a total aggregate compensation not-to-exceed $3,778,930 (Table 4).


Table 4: Central Avenue Project - Costs by Contract Phase for CDM Smith



Approval Date


Expended (as of August 2024)

Original Contract

April 18, 2018



1st Amendment

June 10, 2019

Time extension

Not applicable

2nd Amendment

Nov. 7, 2019



3rd Amendment

Dec 7, 2022



4th Amendment

May 16, 2023



5th Amendment

Sept. 17, 2024








For CSG Consultants, the First Amendment would fully fund the construction engineering and inspection services for the construction phase and would increase compensation by $1,530,206, including contingencies, for a total aggregate compensation not-to-exceed $2,280,206 (Table 5).


Table 5: Central Avenue Project - Costs by Contract Phase for CSG Consultants



Approval Date


Expended (as of June 2024)

Original Contract

June 12, 2024



1st Amendment

Sept. 17, 2024









The proposed amendments allow for continued Caltrans coordination, the completion of the design work and construction engineering and inspection services on the Central Avenue Project.  




This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code and the City's Mobility Element of the General Plan with the four main goals of equity, safety, choices and sustainability.


General Plan policies support complete streets, which are designed for all modes of transportation. General Plan policies LU-3 Complete Streets and ME-10 Movement, Action A, Complete Streets. The project is also included in Resolution 15849, Making Significant Safety Improvements to Alameda Streets in 2022 and Beyond to End Fatalities and Serious Injuries.

The Central Avenue Project implements the City of Alameda’s (City) 2018 Transportation Choices Plan, 2019 Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, 2019 Intersection Daylighting Policy, 2019 Lane Widths Policy, 2021 Vision Zero Action Plan and 2022 Active Transportation Plan by achieving four overarching objectives as follows:

1.                     Reduce crashes and improve safety for all modes of travel and for all members of the community including children, seniors, people with disabilities, bicyclists, transit riders and automobile drivers;

2.                     Improve bicycle and pedestrian access and safety between West Alameda and Central Alameda and along the San Francisco Bay Trail;

3.                     Reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and

4.                     Reduce automobile delay and improve traffic operations and travel times.


This Project implements the City FY 2023-26 Strategic Plan Priority to Invest in transportation, Infrastructure, Economic Opportunities and Historic Resources, specifically Project TIE12 to Construct Central Avenue safety improvements including roundabouts and bicycle lanes. This action is subject to the Levine Act.




In accordance with CEQA, this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land, including bicycle facilities). For the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) determination, Caltrans has specified that this project is a categorical exclusion under 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 771.117(c)(3).




Since vehicle miles traveled in Alameda is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Alameda, safety improvements in support of pedestrians, bicyclists and transit will have a positive climate impact.




Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc., for Central Avenue safety improvements, Project No. P.W.07-24-19, for a not- to-exceed amount of $16,245,072, including contingency.


Authorize the City Manager to execute a Fifth Amendment to the agreement with CDM Smith to increase compensation by $200,000, including contingencies, for a total aggregate compensation not-to-exceed $3,778,930, to complete the plans for the Central Avenue Project.


Authorize the City Manager to execute a First Amendment to the agreement with CSG Consultants to increase compensation by $1,530,206, including contingencies, for a total aggregate compensation not-to-exceed $2,280,206, to provide construction engineering and inspection services for the Central Avenue Project.


Adopt a resolution amending the fiscal year 2024-25 Capital Budget by defunding revenue and appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C11000 by $400,000, defunding revenue and appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C33000 by $200,000, defunding revenue and appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C62000 by $300,000, defunding revenue and appropriations in Capital Improvement Program C66100 by $400,000, allocating $207,855 in Measure BB-Paratransit funds, and increasing revenue and appropriations for Capital Improvement Program C65600 by $1,507,855.


Respectfully submitted,

Erin Smith, Public Works Director



Scott Wikstrom, City Engineer

Brendin Christolear, Supervising Civil Engineer


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director



1.                     Bay Cities Paving & Grading agreement

2.                     CDM Smith Agreement and Amendments 1-4

3.                     CDM Smith Fifth Amendment

4.                     CSG Consultants First Amendment

5.                     CSG Consultants Original Agreement