File #: 2023-2770   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Social Service Human Relations Board
On agenda: 1/26/2023
Title: Discussion of 2023 Work Plan for the Social Service Human Relations Board



Discussion of 2023 Work Plan for the Social Service Human Relations Board




To: Honorable President Sarah Lewis and Members of the Social Service Human Relations Board




At the September 22, 2022 Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) meeting, Board members agreed to begin a discussion of its 2023 Work Plan at its October and December meetings. At the January 26, 2023 SSHRB meeting, Board President Lewis will lead a discussion for the creation of a 2023 Work Plan.




The City of Alameda’s Municipal Code (AMC) describes that one of the duties of SSHRB is to adopt a plan for the performance of its delineated functions “with advice and consent of the City Council.”


The 2022 Work Plan focused on developing a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) and addressing human relations concerns relevant to creating a welcoming community for all residents, as well as continuing to oversee existing City of Alameda (City) initiatives. SSHRB approved the 2022 Work Plan at its March 24, 2022 meeting. The City Council subsequently reviewed and approved the Work Plan on April 19, 2022.




At the September 22, 2022 SSHRB meeting, Board members agreed to begin a discussion of its 2023 Work Plan at its future meetings.  The discussion among the Board members may cover:


                     SSHRB’s roles and responsibilities, such as: overseeing and commenting on City programs, as requested; and sponsoring community events and engagement initiatives to raise awareness and bring community members together. 


                     Completing the Community Needs Assessment (CNA), by the May 2, 2023 City Council meeting when it will adopt funding recommendations for the FY 2023/24 CDBG Action Plan.  Considering the City’s internal staff report review process, SSHRB would need to approve the CNA at its March 23 meeting in order to present it to the City Council on May 2.


                     Finalizing the Work Plan, will follow a similar approval schedule as last year for the 2023 Work Plan. SSHRB would formally approve the Work Plan at its March 23 meeting with presentation to City Council on either April 18 or May 2, 2023. 


This item is for discussion purposes only.




This item is for discussion purposes only. No action is needed.



Respectfully submitted,



Eric Fonstein

Development Manager