File #: 2023-3364   
Type: ZA Hearing Item
Body: Zoning Administrator Hearing
On agenda: 9/5/2023
Title: PLN23-0276 - 1628 Webster Street - Use Permit - Applicant: Alameda Housing Authority. Public hearing to consider approval of a use permit to allow two (2) new residential units on the ground floor of an existing building within the C-C, Community Commercial Zoning District, and to reduce the number of required long term bicycle parking spaces.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Site Plan, 2. Item 3-A Public Comment



PLN23-0276 - 1628 Webster Street - Use Permit - Applicant: Alameda Housing Authority.  Public hearing to consider approval of a use permit to allow two (2) new residential units on the ground floor of an existing building within the C-C, Community Commercial Zoning District, and to reduce the number of required long term bicycle parking spaces.










DESCRIPTION:                     PLN23-0276 - 1628 Webster Street - Use Permit - Applicant: Alameda Housing Authority.  Public hearing to consider approval of a use permit to allow two (2) new residential units on the ground floor of an existing building within the C-C, Community Commercial Zoning District, and to reduce the number of required long term bicycle parking spaces.


GENERAL PLAN:                     Community Mixed Use

ZONING:                      C-C, Community Commercial


DETERMINATION:                     The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 - Minor Alterations to Land Use Limitations.

PROJECT PLANNER:                     David Sablan, Planner II

PUBLIC NOTICE:                     A notice for this hearing was mailed to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site, published in local newspapers and posted in public areas near the subject property. No public comments were received prior to the writing of this staff report.


EXHIBITS:                     1. Project Plans



RECOMMENDATION:                     Approve the Use Permit with conditions.




Ground Floor Dwelling Units

The project site was developed in 2003 as a 50-unit hotel at the southeast corner of the intersection of Webster Street and Pacific Avenue.  The existing building fronts directly onto Webster Street with a parking lot located behind the building that is accessible via a driveway on Pacific Avenue.  In the middle of the building on the ground floor there are several commercial tenant spaces fronting onto Webster Street.  The hotel lobby and other back of house operations occupy the northern portion of the building stretching from Webster Street to the rear of the building.  Currently there are three (3) ground floor hotel rooms at the rear of the building fronting the interior parking lot, and two (2) ground floor hotel rooms that front onto Webster Street south of the commercial tenant spaces.  All five (5) ground floor hotel rooms are accessible by an interior hallway and do not have doors on the exterior of the building.


In 2022 the applicant, the Alameda Housing Authority, entered into contract to purchase the property to convert the hotel into a 50-unit affordable multi-family mixed-use building.  Per Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) Section 30-4.9A.b, the C-C, Community Commercial zoning district permits by right dwelling units located above the ground floor and dwelling units on a ground floor that do not front a public right of way.  Ground floor dwelling units that front onto a public right of way require the approval of a use permit.


As described above there are two (2) hotel rooms that front onto Webster Street that are being proposed to be converted into studio apartments.  These two hotel rooms have existed for the entire 20 years that the hotel has operated.  The proposed dwelling units will continue to be accessed through an interior hallway. No exterior changes to the building are proposed.


Long-Term Bicycle Parking

Per AMC Section 30-7.2, the creation of new dwelling units requires conformance with the City’s Off-Street Parking Ordinance.  Per AMC Section 30-7.3 there is no minimum required number of off-street motor vehicle parking spaces per dwelling, but there is a maximum number of 1.5 motor vehicle parking spaces allowed per dwelling unit.  The proposed 50 units establish the maximum number of motor vehicle parking spaces as 75.  The project conforms since the existing parking lot has 61 spaces and the applicant is proposing to remove 17 spaces to provide an area for both short term and long term bicycle parking, resulting in a net of 44 motor vehicle parking spaces. 


AMC Section 30-7.6 requires a minimum of 1 long-term bicycle parking space per dwelling unit and 2 short-term bicycle parking spaces per 10 dwelling units.  The proposed 50 dwelling units require 50 long-term and 10 short term bicycle parking spaces.  The area dedicated to short term bicycle parking will have 5 U-shaped bicycle racks near the front fo the property.  Each individual U-shaped rack provides 2 bicycle parking spaces for a total of 10 short term bicycle parking spaces and thus satisfies the requirement.  Inside of a secured cage there will be 15 U-shaped racks, providing a total of 30 long-term bicycle parking spaces, which does not satisfy the requirement.  AMC Section 30-7.6.i authorizes either the Planning Director or Planning Board to authorize an exception to the minimum number of required bike parking spaces if such exception is required to address unique site characteristics of the use.


The Alameda Housing Authority (AHA) owns and operates 14 affordable housing developments throughout the City.  Based on observations of operating these developments the applicant has determined that there is a lowered demand for long-term bike parking from residents.  In 2018 the AHA received a reduction in the number of required long-term bicycle parking spaces for the Rosefield Village located one block north of the project site at 727 Eagle Avenue.  Rosefield Village has a total of 91 units and provides 78 long-term bicycle parking spaces. 



1.                     The location of the proposed use is compatible with other land uses in the general neighborhood area, and the project design and size are architecturally, aesthetically, and operationally harmonious with the community and surrounding development.

The location of the proposed ground floor dwelling units have been used as hotel rooms for the past 20 years.  Currently the proposed dwelling units only have windows fronting onto Webster Street and the applicant is not proposing any exterior changes.  Entrance into these dwelling units will only be accessible through an interior hallway, which is consistent with the City’s Design Review Manual which discourages individual dwelling entrances for commercial block building types.

2.                     The proposed use will be served by adequate transportation and service facilities, including pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities.

The Alameda Housing Authority (AHA) owns and operates 14 affordable housing developments throughout the City.  Based on observations of operating these developments the applicant has determined that there is a lowered demand for long-term bike parking from residents and has received long-term bicycle parking reductions in the past.   Additionally, the project site is located on the same block as a bus stop which is served by AC Transit lines O, 20, 96, and 51A, the latter of which has 15 minute headways during commute hours and qualifies as a high quality transit line. 

3.                     The proposed use, if it complies with all conditions upon which approval is made contingent, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity and will not have deleterious effects on existing business districts or the local economy.

The proposed location of the ground floor residential units is currently used for hotel rooms and has never been utilized for retail or personal service uses.  The presence of these Webster Street facing hotel rooms have not come into conflict with the surrounding Webster Street commercial district.  The existing commercial tenant spaces will not be removed or converted as part of this use permit.

4.                     The proposed use relates favorably to the General Plan.

The project relates favorably to General Plan Policy LU-16, which calls for climate-friendly, transit-oriented mixed-use development.  The project will create affordable, higher density, multi-family dwelling units within a mixed use building in the center of the Webster Street commercial district.  The project is directly along the high quality AC Transit line 51A to provide alternative modes of climate friendly transportation.



1.                     Compliance with Conditions. The applicant/property owner shall ensure compliance with all of the following conditions. Failure to comply with any condition may result in the use being stopped, issuance of citation, and/or modification or revocation.

2.                     Changes to Approved Plans. This approval is limited to the scope of the project defined in the project description and as depicted in Exhibit 1 and does not represent a recognition and/or approval of any work completed without required City permits. Any changes to the approved scope of the project shall be submitted to the Planning, Building and Transportation Department for review and approval.

3.                     Revocation. This Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator, pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 30-21.3d should the Zoning Administrator determine that: 1) the use or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity; 2) the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance; or 3) the use is operated in violation of the conditions of the Use Permit.

4.                     Vesting. The Use Permit approval shall expire two (2) years after the date of approval or by September 11, 2025 unless authorized construction or use of the property has commenced.  The applicant may apply for a time extension, not to exceed two (2) years.  An extension request will be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator and must be filed prior to the date of expiration.

5.                     HOLD HARMLESS. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the applicant (or its successor in interest) shall defend (with counsel acceptable to the City), indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Alameda, its City Council, City Planning Board, officials, employees, agents and volunteers (collectively, “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all claims, actions, or proceedings against Indemnitees to attack, set aside, void or annul an approval by Indemnitees relating to this project. This indemnification shall include, but is not limited to, all damages, losses, and expenses (including, without limitation, legal costs and attorney’s fees) that may be awarded to the prevailing party arising out of or in connection with an approval by the Indemnitees relating to this project. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and the City shall cooperate in the defense. The City may elect, in its sole discretion, to participate in the defense of said claim, action, or proceeding and the applicant (or its successor in interest) shall reimburse the City for its reasonable legal costs and attorneys’ fees.



Use Permit

The Zoning Administrator approves the Use Permit with conditions.


The decision of the Zoning Administrator shall be final on September 21, 2023 unless appealed to the Planning Board, or called for review by either the Planning Board or the City Council, in writing within ten (10) days of the decision.



Approved by:                                                                                                                        Date:  September 11, 2023                                                                       

                     Steven Buckley, Zoning Administrator