File #: 2024-3919   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 4/8/2024
Title: Draft Meeting Minutes - February 12, 2024



Draft Meeting Minutes - February 12, 2024









1.                     ROLL CALL   

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

* Members of the public can participate in person or remotely via Zoom.   


Present: President Hom, Vice President Cisneros and Board Members Ruiz, Wang, Saheba and Tsou.

Absent: Board Member Ariza


2.                     AGENDA CHANGES 



3.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT



4.                     CONSENT CALENDAR

4-A 2024-3792

Draft Meeting Minutes - January 22, 2024


Minutes can be found:



Board Member Ruiz made a motion (*2:32)) to approve Consent Calendar item 4A and Vice President Cisneros seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0 with 1 abstention.


5.                     REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS

5-A 2024-3793

PLN21-0560 - 2331 North Loop - Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter (FAAS) Final Development Plan, Use Permit, and Design Review for an Interim Veterinary Services Facility - Applicant: John Lipp on behalf of FAAS. Public hearing to consider re-approval of a final development plan and conditional use permit to allow an indoor animal shelter with veterinary medical services and administrative offices for FAAS. The Planning Board approved a conditional use permit for an animal shelter with outdoor dog runs on January 27, 2020 and the project was granted a one-time 2-year extension in January 2022. The applicant is also seeking design review approval for temporary structures so operations can begin while fundraising for the permanent structure continues. General Plan designation: Business + Employment. Zoning designation: C-M-PD, Commercial-Manufacturing and Planned Development Zoning District. CEQA Determination: Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - Infill Development.


David Sablan, Planner II, introduced this item and gave the presentation (*3:35).

The staff report and attachments can be found at:



Clarifying questions start at the 8:26 minute mark in the video.


The applicant, John Lipp, Director of FAAS, also gave a presentation (*19:21).


Board continued clarifying questions (*22:41).


Public Comment for item 5A


Due to the amount of speakers President Hom limited time to 2 minutes per speaker.


Kelly Lux, FAAS Director, gave (*26.:52) her support for the reapproval of this project. She discussed all the great work FAAS did for the community and how great the design was.


Steven Jones, via Zoom, gave (*28:54) his support and thanks to the FAAS team and board for the long-term effort to get this project approved. He also thanked the city and the planning department for their support.


Melina Kim, who lives in one of the neighboring parcels, was strongly against this and urged (*29:57) the board to deny this Use Permit and Final development Plan. She did not believe an animal shelter should be in a commercial manufacturing zone and would lower home values. She gave more reasons why this was a poor fit for this location.


Stanly Lancet, via Zoom, neighbor to project, also (*32:15) was against this project and agreed with the reasons Speaker Kim had given. He also discussed how a walking path would be blocked by this project. He also discussed how parking was already very limited.


Fran Kahan, neighbor, was (*34:32) very disappointed in FAAS’s behavior in being a bad neighbor and how they have done very little in providing notifications. She also felt that the board and planning staff had also not done their jobs to ensure that the existing zoning was upheld. She felt that the neighborhood had been understanding but very little had been done to communicate with them.


Joanna Lamb, via Zoom, neighbor, discussed (*36:22) her safety concerns about her children attending the day care next door. She wanted to know more about the dog walks proposed since children are walking around the neighborhood.


Cythina Chen, neighbor, (*38:14) has a shared fence with this project and did not receive a notice about this hearing. She felt that was very strange and was worried about how much the plans had changed and what an outdoor run was needed for this animal shelter. She felt that FAAS was pushing things too quickly.


Kerwin Allen, neighbor, (*40:46) was a fan of FAAS but was concerned how this project had made its way through the system. He wanted to know more about how noise was going to be regulated.

Ceclia Jayne, neighbor, (*42:55) was very disappointed how this was done without much noticing. She liked FAAS but the outdoor dog run was very concerning. She wanted the project delayed so more information could be gathered, and concerns could be addressed.

Tony Ing, via Zoom, resident of Ratto Rd, (*44:49) discussed his concerns about the proposed “event space” and what did that entail. He also agreed that the path and parking spaces did not make sense. He was very opposed to the project as is.


President Hom allowed the applicant to address the concerns that were raised.


The applicant addressed (*47:54) the concerns.


Action taken for item 5A


Board discussion started at the 52:43-minute mark in the video. The applicant was available to answer any questions.


Allen Tai, Planning, Building & Transportation Director, discussed (*1:18:10) conditions in the draft resolution in the staff report.


Vice President Cisneros made a motion (*1:21:27) to approve the continued conditional use for the updated described uses and the Design Review according to the previous plan and adding a condition about a limited number of public events. This number will be determined later with the applicant’s, neighbor’s and staff’s input. Board Member Ruiz added a condition about working with staff to incorporate previously approved site plan that had landscaping and curb cut locations. This will also include the pathway and bike parking. Board Member Saheba also added a condition to reduce the fence that went to the property line, to cut it back all the way to where the new gate is. Board Member Saheba seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0.


5-B 2024-3794

PLN23-0116 - 1413 Park Street -Use Permit - Applicant: Adriano Silva for Triumphant Life Church of Alameda, Inc. Public hearing to consider a use permit to allow community assembly inside an approximately 3,300 square foot commercial storefront. General Plan designation: Community Mixed-Use. Zoning designation: C-C-T, Community Commercial, Theater Combining District. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities and Section 15183, projects consistent with General Plan and Zoning.


Brian McGuire, Planner II, introduced this item and gave a presentation (*1:31:08).


Attachments and staff report can be found at:



Board clarifying questions start at the 1:41:17-minute mark in the video.


The applicant also presented (*1:56:18) and answered board questions.


Public Comment for item 5B


Ann Gormely, Board of Directors of Triumph of Life Church, (*2:12:10) spoke about the history of the church and why this location worked for them. She discussed the building work that they had done to make this location work for them.

David Anston, member of church, talked (*2:13:03) about the great work this church was doing and believed the Alameda Code was wrong.


Genevive, business owner, (*2:15:10) read two letters supporting the church.


Barbara Mooney, business owner Daisy’s, spoke (*2:17:36) urged the board to be cautious about allowing the church at this location. She was concerned about the loss of retail space and how nonretail places can negatively impact other businesses.


Talta, who had a translator (*2:20:04) spoke in support of the church and all the support they had given her and her family.


Amanda Silva gave her support of the church (*2:23:03) and discussed all the great resources she had received with them.


Maxton Anston gave his support of the church (*2:24:55) and discussed all the great things they had done for the youth community.


Zackary Reese gave his support (*2:26:18) and believed the church brough diversity to the community.


Fernanda Silva gave her support (*2:27:09) of the church and believed the church was a business.


Kathy Weber, Director Of DABA, was opposed to the approval of the Use Permit (*2:29:30). She discussed how this would set a dangerous precedent for the commercial zone and added that other businesses had gone through the proper permitting process before beginning operations and the church had not. She went into detail about the hard work to get a thriving business district alive and the church limits the potential business in the area.


Chadwick Spell, business owner Karibu Wine Lounge, (*2:33:36) spoke on the General Plan and the growth of the business district and felt this came down to compatibility and land uses and the church brought up concerns for businesses that offer alcohol and what would be allowed going forward.


Babe Lee, business owner on Park St, felt (*2:36:10) that the church brought business to Park Street.


The applicant Antiono Silve gave follow up comment (*2:38:27). 


Action taken for item 5B


Board Member Saheba had to leave during the public comment period.


Board Comments start at the 2:40:32 minute mark in the video.

Director Tai gave comment (*2:54:41) about what had been discussed with the City Attorney’s office.


Board Member Ruiz made a motion (*3:01:53) to approve the Use Permit at 1413 Park Street with the following conditions. They must maintain the first 5 feet for retail display and return (staff report) within a year of Final Certificate of Occupancy for review Conditional Use Permit ratification. She also wanted to strike language about the hours of operation since that was not in the purview of the board. Board Member Wang seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and motion passed 5-0.


Board Member Ruiz made a motion (*3:09:46) to continue the meeting past 11pm and Board Member Wang seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0.


5-C 2024-3795

PLN23-0518 - Development Plan Amendment, Use Permit and Design Review -- 2000 Ardent Way - Applicant: Equity Residential. Public Hearing to Consider Amending the Development Plan and Design Review Approvals for Block 9 at Alameda Point Site And Approving a Use Permit to Convert a Portion of the Previously-Approved Retail Space into Work/Live Studios. General Plan: Waterfront Town Center. Zoning: Alameda Point - Town Center. CEQA Determination: On February 4, 2014, the City of Alameda certified the Alameda Point Final EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 201312043) in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Final EIR evaluated the environmental impacts of redevelopment and reuse of the lands at Alameda Point consistent with the Town Center Plan, which included Site A. No further environmental review is required for this approval.


Steven Buckley, Planning Services Manager, introduced (*3:10:26) the item and gave a presentation. Staff report and attachments can be found at:



The applicant also presented (*3:18:31) and was available for questions.


Public Comment for item 5C


Karen Bey, via Zoom, (*3:26:47) said she had also submitted her comments in writing. She discussed the goals in the 2040 General Plan for Block 9 and spoke about how the term preserved was used for the point. She was very concerned about how commercial spaces were continuing to be diminished. She urged the board to think carefully about this decision since then we would lose those retail spaces forever.


Action taken for item 5C


Board discussion started at the 3:29:38 minute mark in the video.


Board Member Wang made a motion (*3:38:44) to approve with the following conditions. The work/live unit designs have a building identification system and future tenants of the work/live units add the identification in place. Vice President Cisneros seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0.


6.                     STAFF COMMUNICATIONS

6-A 2024-3786

Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions

Recent actions and decisions can be found at:



No decision or action was pulled for review.


6-B 2024-3748

Oral Report - Future Public Meetings and Upcoming Planning, Building and Transportation Department Projects


Manager Buckley gave an update on projects and discussed upcoming meetings (*3:40:17).


7.                     BOARD COMMUNICATIONS


Vice President Cisneros (*3:41:39) discussed new housing bills that had passed and wanted to know how the board felt about having a workshop session after a legislative session.


Manager Buckley discussed learning opportunities and was open to ideas.


Board Member Wang (*3:44:03) also gave comment on how state legislation come into play in Alameda.


Board Member Ruiz (*3:45:20) said that members of the community had been reaching out to her about concerns about lack of public transportation to and from Alameda Point. She had heard of parents having to walk 45 minutes to get to school and she asked staff to work with the Transportation Commission to address those concerns.


Staff Member McGuire discussed (*3:46:22) what work the Transportation Department had been doing with AC Transit to address those issues.


Board Member Tsou (*3:46:50) commented on DABA’s concerns about loss of commercial space regarding 1413 Park St. He discussed reviewing allowed uses. President Hom also gave comment.


8.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT




9.                     ADJOURNMENT


President Hom adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p.m.



*Refers to the minute mark in the video