File #: 2025-4695   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 1/27/2025
Title: Drat Meeting Minutes - December 9, 2024



Drat Meeting Minutes - December 9, 2024








1.                     ROLL CALL   

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

* Members of the public can participate in person or remotely via Zoom.   


Present: President Cisneros, Vice President Ariza, Board Members Ruiz, Hom, Saheba, Wang and Tsou.

Absent: None


2.                     AGENDA CHANGES 


Steve Buckley, Planning Services Manager asked that Agenda item 5-C be moved to the top of the Regular Agenda Items.


Board Member Hom made a motion (*2:04) to approve this agenda change, Board Member Ruiz seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.


3.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT


Daren Clark (*2:53) from the local carpenters’ union discussed the benefits of the union and opportunities the union provides. He wanted to start a conversation with developers coming into the city about ensuring jobs.


4.                     CONSENT CALENDAR

4-A 2024-4514 - Planning Board 2025 Meeting Schedule


Calendar can be found:



4-B 2024-4599 - Annual Review: Alameda Point Site A Development Agreement -

Applicant: Alameda Point Partners, LLC (APP). The applicant is

requesting a periodic review of the Alameda Point Site A Development

Agreement. The consideration of an Annual Report is not a project

under CEQA. No further environmental review is required


Staff Report and attachments can be found:



4-C 2024-4600 - Boatworks Development Agreement Annual Review - Applicant: Boatworks, LLC. The applicant is requesting a periodic review of the Boatworks Development Agreement. The consideration of an Annual Report is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). No further environmental review is required.


Staff Report and attachments can be found:



4-D 2024-4601- Del Monte Development Agreement Annual Review - Applicants: TL Partners I, LP and Alta Buena Vista Owner, LLC. The applicants are requesting a periodic review of the Del Monte Warehouse Project Development Agreement. The consideration of an Annual Report is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).


Staff Report and attachments can be found:



4-E 2024-4602 - Encinal Terminals Development Agreement Annual Review - Applicants: North Waterfront Cove, LLC. The applicants are requesting a periodic review of the Encinal Terminals Project Development Agreement. The consideration of an Annual Report is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). No further environmental review is required.


Staff Report and attachments can be found:



There were no public speakers.


Board Member Hom made a motion (*7:24) so approve Consent Calendar Items A, B and C. Vice President Ariza seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.


Board Member Hom made a motion (*7:45) to approve Consent Calendar Items D and E. Board Member Tsou seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Board Member Ruiz abstaining due to the proximity of the project to her home.



5.                     REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS

5-C 2024-4611

PLN24-0614 - 800 Atlantic Avenue - Public Workshop on the Alameda Aquatic Center. Applicant: City of Alameda Recreation & Parks Department. Description: Public workshop to discuss the proposed Alameda Aquatic Center. The project is located at the western end of the Jean Sweeny Open Space Park near the intersection of Wilma Chan Way and Atlantic Avenue.


Manager Buckley introduced (*8:28) this item and gave the presentation.


The staff report and attachments can be found at:



Justin Long, Director of Parks & Recreation, also spoke.

Board clarifying questions start at the 16:53-minute mark in the video. 


Public Comment for item 5C


Micheal Sullivan, via Zoom, (*29:07) discussed some concerns he had. He shared concerns over flooding in the area, mitigation of noise, and wanted hours of operation to be compatible with the surrounding residential areas. He wanted the board and the city to take these concerns into consideration.


Action taken for item 5C


Board discussion and additional clarifying questions start at the 30:45-minute mark in the video.


This was a Public Workshop, and no formal action was taken.


5-A 2024-4612

PLN24-0639 - Master Plan and Development Agreement - 1521 Buena Vista Avenue - Applicant: North Waterfront Cove LLC. Public hearing to consider an application pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) section 30-4 and sections 30-91 through 30-95 to amend the Encinal Terminals Master Plan and Development Agreement (entered into by the City Council on February 1, 2022) to modify interim milestones and related / conforming amendments. General Plan: Mixed Use. Zoning: M-X, Mixed Use. CEQA Determination: Exempt - prior environmental review was conducted for the project and none of the circumstances necessitating further CEQA review are present. Amending the implementation timeline has no foreseeable effect on the environment.


Board Member Ruiz recused herself (*39:42).


Manager Buckley introduced (*39:58) this item and gave a presentation. Staff report and attachments can be found at:



Mike O’Hara, the applicant, also presented (*46:09).


Board clarifying questions start at the 49:25-minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for 5-A


Darin Clark (*1:07:01) discussed the Carpenters’ Union and how they are not included in the Building Trade. He wanted to know if the developer would pay area standard on this project and if traffic was being considered and the impact these units would have on the area.


Joe Maraspina (*1:08:55) discussed the positive ways being a member of the carpenters’ union had been in his life. He shared his concerns about projects that use nonunion workers and hoped the developer would hire local union members.


Action Taken for 5-A


Board discussion start at the 1:12:38 minute mark in the video.


Board Member Tsou made a motion (*1:16:32) to adopt the resolution recommending to the City Council that they approve an amendment to the Encinal Terminals Master Plan and Development Agreement (entered into by the City Council on February 1, 2022) to modify interim milestones and related / conforming amendments. Board Member Wang seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Board Member Ruiz abstaining.


Board Member Ruiz returned after the vote.


5-B 2024-0434

PLN24-0434 - Use Permit and Design Review - 2350 Saratoga Street (Alameda Point, Building 8). Public hearing to consider an application pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) sections 30-21.3 (Use Permit) and 30-37 (Design Review) to alter the area in front of Building 8 at 2350 Saratoga Street, a contributing structure within the NAS Alameda Historic District, by installing an outdoor dining facility that includes a semi-permanent structure, as well as temporary structures, fences, landscaping, paving, lighting and furniture and mobile food trucks.


Manager Buckley introduced this item (*1:18:58) and gave a presentation. Staff Report can be found:



The applicant, Jonah Hendrickson, also presented and was available for questions (*1:25:44).


Board clarifying questions start at the 1:27:00-minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for 5-B


There were no public comments.


Action Taken for 5-B


Board Member Ruiz made a motion (*2:28:13) to approve both the Use Permit and the Design Review with the following conditions. The hours of operation will be limited from sunrise to sunset (the hours of operation can be adjusted with the review of a lighting plan presented to the board), the applicant must provide drought tolerant low water consumption ground cover plant material at non seating areas, provide a minimum of 4 trees (applicant will work with staff on species) either in ground or in containers (48 inch box) and the Use Permit will be limited to 2 food trucks maximum. Board Member Wang seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.

6.                     STAFF COMMUNICATIONS

6-A 2024-4605

Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions


Recent actions and decisions can be found at:



No decision or action was pulled for review.


There were no public comments.


6-B 2024-4606

Oral Report - Future Public Meetings and Upcoming Planning, Building and Transportation Department Projects


Manager Buckley discussed upcoming agendas (*2:33:23).


There were no public comments.


7.                     BOARD COMMUNICATIONS


President Cisneros (*2:35:16) discussed having more complete Design Reviews being brought before the board.


Board Member Ruiz (*2:37:05) agreed and questioned the very full agendas and wanted a better plan to not have 4 important items at one meeting.


8.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT



9.                     ADJOURNMENT


President Cisneros adjourned the meeting at 9:39 p.m.



*Refers to the minute mark in the video