File #: 2024-4358   
Type: Minutes
Body: Historical Advisory Board
On agenda: 9/5/2024
Title: Historical Advisory Board Draft Meeting Minutes - July 18, 2024



Historical Advisory Board Draft Meeting Minutes - July 18, 2024









1.                           ROLL CALL              

Present: Chair Sanchez and Vice Chair Jones, and Board Members Hernandez and Borthwick.

Absent: None


(*00:37) There was a change to the Agenda and Board Communications was moved forward.


2.                     BOARD COMMICATIONS


Henry Dong, Planner III, asked (*00:57) asked that Board Communications be moved forward to recognize Board Member Thomas Saxby’s contribution to the Historical Advisory Board. Chair Sanchez read the proclamation.


Board Member Borthwick gave (*4:57) an update on the sub-committee that she had Board Member Hernandez were on for the Radium Theater at Alameda Point.


3.                     NON-AGENDA PUBCLIC COMMENT


There were no public speakers


4.                     MINUTES




5.                     4-A 2024-4206

Alameda Point Historic District - Infill Development Design Guidelines. Public hearing to consider adopting Infill Development Design Guidelines for all new buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District at Alameda Point. The City completed an Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 201312043) for the redevelopment of this area of Alameda Point in 2013, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). These Design Guidelines are required by Mitigation Measure 4.D-1b of the Alameda EIR for application to new buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District.


Staff Member Dong introduced this item (*9:12).


The staff report and attachments can be found at:



Board clarifying questions start at the 9:59-minute mark in the video. 


Brian McGuire, Planner II, also commented.


Public Comment for 4A

Christopher Buckley (*16:46) from the AAPS, discussed a letter the society sent. He thanked the board for incorporating some of their notes and comments. He discussed some word changes that would offer better clarification and guidance.


Action for item 4A


Board discussion starts at the 19:13 minute mark in the video.


Chair Sanchez reopened (*37:58) public comment to allow for an online speaker who had been having some technical issues.


Josh Bevan, via Zoom, (*38:23) a architectural historian and an Alameda resident commented on the guidelines. He appreciated that the Secretary of Interiors was incorporated into the guidelines. He discussed his concerns and how those could be made clearer.


No formal action was taken regarding this item.


4-B 2024-4207 -

Application #PLN24-0256 - Alameda Point Historic District - Certificate of Approval to Replace Gutters on the “Big Whites” - Applicant: City of Alameda - Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to allow the replacement of copper gutters with a different material at the “Big Whites,” located at 2765 Seattle Road, 2805 Seattle Road, 2765 Newport Road, 2801 Newport Road, 2815 Newport Road, 2825 Newport Road, 2775 San Diego Road, 2805 San Diego Road, 2835 San Diego Road, 2865 San Diego Road, 2795 San Pedro Road, 2815 San Pedro Road, 2835 San Pedro Road, 2845 San Pedro Road, 2875 San Pedro Road, 2805 Pearl Harbor Road, 2825 Pearl Harbor Road, 2845 Pearl Harbor Road and 390 West Essex Drive, which are the contributing buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District’s residential subdistrict, and the existing copper gutters were identified as character defining features in the National Register nomination. General Plan: Main Street Neighborhood. Zoning: AP-MS, Alameda Point Main Street. CEQA Determination: Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities.


Annie Cox, Base Reuse & Economic Development, introduced (*43.25) this item and gave a presentation.


Staff report and attachments can be found at:



Board clarifying questions start at the 54:04-minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for 4B


Christopher Buckley (*1:05:02) from the AAPS discussed a letter the society had sent. The society would, with some reluctance, not oppose the replacement of the gutters with different materials due to theft. He discussed what they would want to see even with different materials, visually matching as much as possible.


Craig Moit, a resident of the one of the Big Whites, (*1:08:35) gave a brief history of the houses, when they were painted and when gutters started being replaced. He discussed the durability of copper and then gave the suggestion of putting in alarm systems. He discussed the benefits of the alarms to both residents and to the city.


Action for 4B


Board                      questions and discussion start at the 1:11:03 minute mark in the video.


Board Member Hernandez made a motion to revise the draft resolution and replace the word “gutter” with “downspout” and adopt it as written. Chair Sanchez said in addition to that, if any gutter or downspout required replacement then they would match proportionally to the originals. Board Member Borthwick seconded the motion and the amendment. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0.


6.                      Staff Communications




7.                      Adjournment


Chair Sanchez adjourned at 8:37 pm


*Minute mark in the video