File #: 2024-4016   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 5/21/2024
Title: Recommendation to Authorize the Purchase of One Truck Mounted Leaf Vacuum for an Amount Not-to-Exceed $241,435.76 from Municipal Maintenance Equipment, Consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Policy; and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Operating and Capital Budgets by Reducing Revenue and Expenditures Appropriations in Capital Improvement Project C31000 (301) by $205,436 and Increasing Revenue and Expenditures in the Vehicle Replacement Fund (601) by $205,436 to Fund the Purchase of One Truck Mounted Leaf Vacuum. (Public Works 60141581)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Quote, 2. Resolution



Recommendation to Authorize the Purchase of One Truck Mounted Leaf Vacuum for an Amount Not-to-Exceed $241,435.76 from Municipal Maintenance Equipment, Consistent with the Vehicle Replacement Policy; and

Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Operating and Capital Budgets by Reducing Revenue and Expenditures Appropriations in Capital Improvement Project C31000 (301) by $205,436 and Increasing Revenue and Expenditures in the Vehicle Replacement Fund (601) by $205,436 to Fund the Purchase of One Truck Mounted Leaf Vacuum. (Public Works 60141581)



To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager




Seasonally, Public Works deploys a leaf vacuum in addition to the regularly scheduled street sweeping service. The City of Alameda’s (City) existing leaf vacuum has exceeded its useful life and requires replacement. Staff recommends the existing trailer mounted leaf vacuum equipment be replaced with a truck mounted leaf vacuum.


Municipal Maintenance Equipment (MME) was awarded Sourcewell Contract #031121-ODB.  Sourcewell is a cooperative purchasing agency in which the City participates.  Staff recommends that City Council approve the purchase of the truck mounted leaf vacuum from MME, based on the Sourcewell contract pricing, in the amount not-to-exceed $241,435.76.




Street sweeping is a City service that beautifies the community by removing litter and debris from public streets. Street sweeping also reduces the pollutant load (litter, leaves, pet/animal debris, heavy metals, sediment, etc.) that may clog storm drains or might otherwise reach local waterways.  Seasonally, Public Works deploys a leaf vacuum in addition to the regularly scheduled street sweeping service.


On November 5, 2019, staff brought to City Council a revised Administrative Policy and Procedure Number 48, Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Policy (Fleet Replacement Policy). In accordance with City Administrative Instruction Number 5 (“Purchasing Policy”), vehicles may be purchased by piggybacking on another agency’s purchase agreement or through cooperative purchasing.  City Council must approve an award of vehicle purchases to a single vendor made through either piggybacking or cooperative purchasing in excess of a cumulative total of $75,000 in any given fiscal year.




The existing leaf vacuum equipment is at the end of its useful life and requires replacement. Staff recommends the existing trailer mounted leaf vacuum equipment be replaced with a truck mounted leaf vacuum. This is a significant upgrade that will have a variety of operational benefits.  The trailer mounted leaf vacuum requires three personnel to operate (a driver, a vacuum operator, and someone to rake).  The truck mounted unit only requires a single staff member since the driver can control the vacuum from within the truck and with additional maneuverability, it eliminates the need for additional raking. Thus, there are significant operational efficiencies gained with this purchase, allowing Public Works to redeploy staff from this task to other areas.  In addition, the existing leaf vacuum equipment requires a dump truck to trailer the equipment, which is not needed for the truck mounted leaf vacuum.  The Public Works fleet has three dump trucks, which are in high demand given their versatility and nature of the department’s work.  Dedicating a dump truck for leaf vacuuming creates challenges for other day-to-day operations. Another challenge with the existing equipment is the length of the trailer and dump truck. The long length makes servicing dead end streets difficult and unsafe due to limited space to make U-turns. The truck mounted leaf vacuum is significantly shorter and will allow improved access to dead-end streets and other tight areas. Lastly, the truck mounted unit has a larger capacity debris bin, which will require fewer trips back to the City’s service center to dump allowing more time to collect leaves and cause less traffic congestion.


The City’s Stormwater Fund (Fund 264) supports the cost of street sweeping and leaf vacuum operations. The truck mounted leaf vacuum is significantly more expensive than the trailer equipment; however, the City’s Stormwater Fund has sufficient fund balance to incur the cost given the ongoing operational benefits and staff efficiencies. To facilitate the purchase there is a need to transfer $205,436 from Capital Improvement Project C3100, which has sufficient Stormwater Funds to the Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement Fund (Fund 601).


Staff recommends purchase of a truck mounted leaf vacuum from MME based on pricing from their contract with Sourcewell, a cooperative purchasing agency in which the City participates. Exhibit 1 includes the cost proposal and truck specifications.  This type of heavy-duty equipment is not available in electric models. Staff will continue to monitor the market.




                     Approve purchase of the truck mounted leaf vacuum and associated budgets resolution.

                     Do not authorize this purchase and direct staff to return to City Council with the purchase of a new trailer mounted leaf vacuum. This equipment will have a lower upfront cost but will result in less efficient operations over the life of the unit.




Based on the depreciation schedule of the trailer equipment, $36,000 has been deposited from the Stormwater Fund (Fund 264) to the City’s Vehicle Replacement Fund (Fund 601).  As part of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget, amended February 20, 2024, Stormwater Funds were appropriated to Capital Improvement Project C3100 for storm culverts, installation of new storm mains, and other drainage related issues. The proposed budget resolution moves $205,436 of the previously appropriated Stormwater Funds from the capital budget to the Vehicle Replacement Fund (601). There is no impact to the General Fund.




This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code.  This action supports the City’s Fiscal Year 2023-26 Strategic Plan priorities to Invest in Transportation, Infrastructure, Economic Opportunities and Historic Resources and to Build Resilience to Climate Change and Water Level Rise. This action is subject to the Levine Act.




This action does not constitute a “project” as defined in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 and therefore no further CEQA analysis is required.




The Fleet Replacement Policy is consistent with the City’s recently adopted Climate Action and Resiliency Plan and emphasizes greenhouse gas emission reductions. The revised policy includes a focus on right-sizing the City fleet, the purchase of electric vehicles when feasible, and lowering the fleet’s greenhouse gas emissions through acquisition of low emission vehicles.


This replacement will be equipped with “Clean Diesel Technology” and will meet or exceed all current state and federal emission requirements. These “Clean Diesel” vehicle purchases confirm the City’s commitment to a green fleet. The new vehicles will cut carbon dioxide and diesel particulate matter in emissions by nearly 50% from the vehicles they replace.




Authorize the purchase of one Truck Mounted Leaf Vacuum for a not to exceed amount of $241,435.76 from Municipal Maintenance Equipment consistent with revised Vehicle Replacement Policy; and adopt a resolution amending the fiscal year 2023-24 Operating and Capital Budgets by reducing revenue and expenditures appropriations in Capital Improvement Project C31000 (301) by $205,436 and increasing revenue and expenditures in the Vehicle Replacement Fund (601) by $205,436 to fund the purchase of one Truck Mounted Leaf Vacuum.


Respectfully submitted,

Erin Smith, Public Works Director



Carlo Balboni, Fleet Supervisor


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director



1.                     Quote