Staff Communications (Discussion)
2024 Major City Council actions on items reviewed by the Transportation Commission:
• 10/1: Receive an update on the construction impacts of the Oakland Alameda Access Project
• 10/1: Consider approving parking pay station and mobile payment contract, and discuss ferry terminal parking pricing strategy
• 9/17: Approved Central Avenue construction contract
• 9/17: Discussed Neighborhood Greenways implementation strategy and directed staff to keep all but two of the Slow Streets barricades in place until Neighborhood Greenway/Central Ave implementation, and to use San Francisco-style paddle signs for improved communication, where appropriate.
• 9/17: Accepted a grant for the Oakland Alameda Estuary Bridge waterways study
• 9/17: Accepted a State earmark for Lincoln/Marshall/Pacific design
• 5/7: Approved a construction contract for 2024 pavement program
• 5/7: Approved a construction contract for Lincoln Ave/Walnut St
• 3/19: Accepted the Transportation 2023 Annual Report and 2024 Work Plan
• 2/6: Authorized agreements to implement the Estuary Water Shuttle Service
Note: these are brief, descriptive highlights. See meeting agendas, videos, and minutes for the full details and record of City Council decisions: <https://alameda.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx>
Upcoming Transportation Commission meetings:
• November 20
Potential Transportation Commission agenda topics for upcoming meetings:
• Fernside Traffic Calming & Street Resurfacing Project: Final Design Concept
• 2025 Transportation Commission calendar (with consideration of a monthly calendar)
• Subregional sea level rise adaptation project
September 14 Family Fun Ride Around Alameda
September 18 Stargell Ave Public Workshop, Bayport Recreation Center
September 25 Transportation 101 and Senior Clipper Card Sign Up Event, Mastick Senior Center
September 28 Pacific Ave Neighborhood Greenway Pop-up, locations along Pacific Ave
October 9 International Walk & Roll to School Day
Most project updates are included in this agenda via the Status Report on Transportation. Additional updates are below.
Oakland Alameda Access Project - Proposed Posey/Webster Tube Lane Closures
The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) released construction plans to improve the road connections between the Webster and Posey tubes to the I-880 freeway. However, the plans indicate a two-year, 24/7 continuous single lane closures in the Posey Tube and an 8-month continuous single-lane closure in the Webster Tube, along with intermittent nighttime and weekend full closures.
The City of Alameda (City) believes these closures will significantly impact our community and is taking action to advocate for solutions that reduce the planned lane closures. The City contracted with an expert engineering firm to propose construction staging shifts that would minimize peak-hour closures, and has held multiple meetings with staff from Alameda CTC, Caltrans, and consultant staff. We are also informing and convening meetings with Alameda business groups, and contracting with another expert firm to support the City’s role in public communications.
On September 26, the Alameda County Transportation Commission is scheduled to consider advancing the Oakland Alameda Access Project to construction. Alameda CTC Online Public Comment Card: <https://www.alamedactc.org/all-meetings/public-comment-card> or contact@alamedactc.org <mailto:contact@alamedactc.org>
Oakland Alameda Water Shuttle
The Water Shuttle service continues to be extremely popular, with an average of 500 passengers and 100 bicycles riding each day in late August and early September. Since launching on July 17, Woodstock has served over 22,000 passengers. Staff from SF Bay Ferry, the City, and Alameda TMA are currently reviewing passenger data and feedback from riders and crew members to develop schedule improvements (tentatively slated for November), focusing on meeting the high demand on weekend afternoons. Project webpage: <http://www.watershuttle.org/>
AC Transit Realign
The public comment period for the Realign Draft Final Plan ended on September 11. The City submitted a supportive letter, as the Draft Final Plan contains several changes that reflect feedback from the Alameda community (importantly keeping Line 51A in its current form). The AC Transit Board is expected to make their decision on Realign as early as October 2024 for implementation of new service in 2025.
Caltrans’ Doolittle/Otis/Broadway Pavement Maintenance Project
Updates on this project will be shared as part of the Status Report on Transportation.
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Alameda transportation, traffic safety, and parking webpages: <https://www.alamedaca.gov/transportationlinks>
Alameda SeeClickFix - City of Alameda platform for service requests and reporting street safety concerns: <https://www.alamedaca.gov/reportaproblem>
Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools: <https://www.alamedacountysr2s.org>
Get Around Alameda: <https://www.alamedaca.gov/getaround>
All Aboard Bay Area Transit: allaboardbayarea.com <http://www.allaboardbayarea.com>
Clipper (adults) - order online or at Walgreens or set up autoload: clippercard.com/ClipperWeb/register.html <http://www.clippercard.com/ClipperWeb/register.html>
Clipper Discounts for youth, seniors and people with disabilities: clippercard.com/ClipperWeb/discounts.html <https://www.clippercard.com/ClipperWeb/discounts.html>
Clipper START program - discounts for low-income adults: clipperstartcard.com/s/ <http://www.clipperstartcard.com/s/>
FasTrak or new toll tag for I-880 Express Lanes: online or at Walgreens and then register online: bayareafastrak.org/en/signup/signUp.shtml <https://www.bayareafastrak.org/en/signup/signUp.shtml>
Subscribe to Alameda Emergency Alerts: www.acgov.org/emergencysite/ <http://www.acgov.org/emergencysite/>
Subscribe to Regional Emergency Transportation Alerts: 511.org/alerts/emergencies/511Alert <https://511.org/alerts/emergencies/511Alert>
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Trainings: alamedaca.gov/Departments/Fire-Department/Alameda-CERT <http://www.alamedaca.gov/Departments/Fire-Department/Alameda-CERT>