Draft Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2014
1. CONVENE: 7:02 p.m.
2. FLAG SALUTE: Board member Tang led the flag salute.
3. ROLL CALL: President Burton, Vice President Henneberry (late), Board members Knox White, Alvarez-Morroni, Tang and Zuppan. Absent: Board member Köster.
Mr. Carlos Calente, spoke on the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and stated he was a former public safety officer and currently in emergency system communications. He stated concerns with the site design of the EOC which included the street intersection, the building height, and lighting, elevator venting, equipment, and the overhead wiring. He further commented on this site meeting a National Standard, number 1221.
Mr. Tim Coffey, spoke on the proposal for developing the Harbor Bay Club and is opposed. He commented on the history of entitlements.
Mr. Peter Fletcher, spoke and is opposed to the Harbor Bay Club being moved and the proposal to build housing on the site. The developer has a long history with the city. He reported on the homeowners buying into the association and the CC&R's being changed once a developer wants a change. The planned unit development is why homeowners buy and with a protection that comes with buying. He asked for the rights of the homeowners be protected.
Ms. Donna Fletcher, commented on rewriting the Zoning Plan and the General Plan, and the city has satisfied the requirements for housing, which has been approved by the state. Changing these two things would be setting a precedent. The city needs jobs not housing. Moving the Harbor Bay Club doesn't make sense and doesn't support the short term and long term of the community of Harbor Bay.
Mr. Chuck Headly, commented on the alternative plan for placing a hotel on the current site. He is opposed and this would not be a good use of the property, The language in the General Plan does not include a hotel. A hotel would be better in the business park or in the downtown area of the city.
7.A. Recommend Adoption of an Ordinance Adding Section 30-5.17 of the Alameda Municipal Code to Provide Regulations Regarding Reasonable Accommodation in Compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and California Housing Element Law; Action is Categorically Exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15305, Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations
Mr. Andrew Thomas, City Planner, provided a briefing on the Ordinance. The Disability Commission heard the item last month.
Board member Zuppan asked about an appeal process.
Mr. Thomas reported if this is related to a building permit there would not be a notice to neighboring residents, and if the applicant was denied, and related to any other land use they would have the same appeal process. There are acceptations for the reasonable accommodations.
President Burton opened the item for public comment.
Ms. Kelly Harp, Chair for Commission on Disability Issues, reported this was studied by many of the Commissioners and she encouraged the Board to approve this item. She commended the PB on the work done on the Housing Element.
President Burton closed the item to public comment.
Board member Knox White requested changing the language on page 4 in the finding #1 to read Individual with a Disability .
Vice President Henneberry motioned to approve with the edit requested.
Board member Zuppan seconded.
Motion carried, 6-0
7.B. PLN13-0175 - 1835 Oak Street - Rezoning - Applicant: City Ventures. A request for direction as to whether to proceed with an application to rezone an approximately 2.58-acre site from M-2, General Industrial(Manufacturing) to a residential planned development district. The proposal is subject to further review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Mr. Andrew Thomas, City Planner, gave a presentation to the Board.
Mr. Phil Kern, City Ventures, provided a brief presentation.
Vice President Henneberry asked about the use of the former business and when did the business close. He further asked about job loss, and the potential for new jobs.
Mr. Thomas stated it was a glass manufacturing plant and closed in 2012. He wasn't sure how many employees they had.
Mr. Kern stated there were 18 employees at the former glass plant. The proposal would be 10 new shop-keeper locations with an additional 2,000 sq. ft. of possible retail which could house various opportunities.
Board member Tang asked how do they factor the property tax revenue. He asked how many housing units are proposed.
Mr. Kern stated the calculation is a third of percentage of revenue. The proposed housing is 42 units.
Mr. Andrew Warner, City Ventures, stated each housing unit was an estimated $600, 000 per unit, and 1% was to property tax.
Board member Zuppan asked if that was an incremental amount or total.
Mr. Warner replied the proposed projected number was total.
President Burton asked for clarification on the discussion and what the focus should be.
Mt. Thomas clarified the issue and topic focus.
Board member Knox White asked for clarification on moving forward with the site plan and design details.
Mr. Thomas reported there is one scenario to avoid, and that is if there is a bunch of money on the client and the city with the process moving forward and it comes back later with the decision to not rezone the area. If the Board is interested in rezoning or not rezoning that is what needs to be determined.
Board member Alvarez-Morroni suggested to move this forward to rezone to mixed-use.
Mr. Kern reiterated they are excited about the possibilities for the property.
President Burton opened the item to public comment.
Mr. Kim Dong, spoke on the support for the project being rezoned as mixed-use. He and his family submitted a written comment on the project. He has concerns with health issues. He thanked the developer and staff for the opportunity of the public workshop and hopes this continues.
Ms. DawnLemoine, lives on Oak Street and commented on the parking issues previously and currently on the street. Its a very narrow street and isn't pleased with large manufacturing trucks using her front yard to turn around. It would be wonderful to see this rezoned and not manufacturing. She asks for parking alternatives to be looked at.
President Burton closed the item to public comment.
Board member Tang asked if there was any comment from SKS (company).
Mr. Thomas stated per the last conversation with them, with the design of a hard property line on the edge of their property they feel better about the proposal. They are concerned with new residents complaining about SKS in the neighborhood. All of SKS is inside a building.
Mr. Kern reported his firm has had a lot of communications with SKS.
Board member Tang asked about the inquiries taking over the site. Do we know from a property value the difference in commercial vs. residential.
Mr. Thomas stated there has been a wine maker. He commented there were various appraisals done, but commercial use would be less than ownership.
Board member Alvarez-Morroni stated the parking issue should be looked at when we get to that point.
Board member Knox White stated there are good arguments for both commercial and residential. If we rezone this area, there will be an impact to the current business and considering the Boatworks property and Northern Waterfront areas will this be beneficial.
He wasn't sure if mixed-use is a good way to go, but for any rezoning mixed-use seems most appropriate.
Board member Zuppan commended the thoughtfulness behind the proposal. She feels strongly there needs to be preservation to commercial use especially near transit areas. Even with the rezoning to mixed-use, there isn't enough preservation for commercial. She has concerns with turning this into residential. Ten storekeeper properties is not the same as the next "twitter" (example). She likes the idea of a land swap. She has long term impact concerns.
Vice President Henneberry is sensitive to commercial and the industries like SKS property. He is comfortable with moving forward, but with more of a job focus. The support of SKS on the project is enough for his approval.
President Burton agreed with many of the board members with the positive and negative comments. He agreed with the chipping away at job needs. He stated the mixed-use zoning being the most attractive and would approve that, with more commercial and less residential.
President Burton encouraged the public to send comments to staff. They want to hear about this project.
Mr. Thomas reported that the Board agree to move forward with the mixed-use project. Staff will look at ratios, increasing commercial and organizing the commercial, and look at parking.
8.A. Draft minutes of November 25, 2013
Vice President Henneberry motioned to approve the minutes.
Board member Alvarez-Morroni seconded.
Motion carried, 5-0-1 (Knox White)
9.A. Future Agendas - Mr. Thomas reported the February 24th meeting will include the Housing Element for 2014-2022, and March 10th will be the HBI proposal.
9.B. Staff Communications - Zoning Administrator and Design Review Recent Actions and Decisions - Mr. Thomas stated there were two approvals.
11.A. Report from Alameda Point Town Center Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee - None
Board member Knox White voiced a congratulations to staff for the Council passing the Alameda Point EIR. He stated he has heard many comments on the sea level rise for the remainder of Alameda. Mr. Thomas, in turn, thanked the Board and the community for all the work done on Alameda Point. He will start the conversation on sea level rise.
12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Zuppan asked if there were any updates on Boatworks. Mr. Thomas stated there hasn't been communication since about December. However, there was federal funds that was used for cleaning up the waterfront, which was done, but there was a brief stall in hauling debris. The project will be coming back to the PB for the park on the property. The site is much more clean than six-months ago.
13. ADJOURNMENT: President Burton adjourned the meeting at 9:09 p.m.