File #: 2023-3473   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 11/7/2023
Title: Recommendation to Receive a Status Report on the Commercial Streets Program; Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Ray's Electric to Furnish and Install Commercial Streets Concrete Barriers for a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $343,747.68; and Authorize the City Manager to Extend the Parklet Program and Issue Updated Parklet License Agreements. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). (Public Works 310)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Agreement, 2. Exhibit 2: Alameda Parklet Barriers Exhibit, 3. Exhibit 3: Webster Street Restriping, 4. Exhibit 4: Park Street Restriping, 5. Presentation, 6. Correspondence from City Manager, 7. Correspondence - Updated 11/8



Recommendation to Receive a Status Report on the Commercial Streets Program; Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Ray’s Electric to Furnish and Install Commercial Streets Concrete Barriers for a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $343,747.68; and Authorize the City Manager to Extend the Parklet Program and Issue Updated Parklet License Agreements.

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). (Public Works 310)



To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager




The City of Alameda’s (City) Commercial Streets Program was established as part of the City’s multi-pronged response to the Covid-19 pandemic’s dramatic and immediate negative impacts on the local business community. Portions of Park Street and Webster Streets were re-purposed to allow local merchants to use sidewalk and roadway space for parklets. The Program was extended by City Council in November 2021 for two years, including issuing encroachment agreements and maintaining the Alameda Avenue one-block street closure off of Park Street.


On July 5, 2023, City Council directed staff to develop a striping and barrier plan for the Park and Webster Commercial Streets, along with various other points of direction for the program. Staff is providing a status report on actions following City Council direction and seeking further authorization on two items:  to enter into a service provider agreement to install concrete barriers and extend the Commercial Streets Program by entering into updated parklet license agreements.




At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City restriped portions of Park Street and Webster Street to re-purpose some sidewalk and roadway space for parklets and outdoor spaces for use by local merchants. Called the “Commercial Streets Program,” it was an important part of the City’s multi-pronged response to the pandemic’s dramatic and immediate negative impacts on the local business community.


The Commercial Streets Program was established as a temporary program in 2020. In late 2021, staff evaluated the Program and then brought recommendations to the City Council on November 2, 2021, to continue the Program for two additional years, to November 3, 2023. The recommendations included improving the Park Street and Webster Street striping plans and approving the concrete traffic control barricade standards, to be placed around the parklets. It also included updating the parklet permit program and extending the termination date for parklet encroachment agreements to November 3, 2023; maintaining the Alameda Avenue one-block street closure off of Park Street; and resuming pre-COVID parking management, fee collection, and enforcement activities, all of which happened. Finally, City Council allocated $630,350 in American Rescue Plan Act funds for these efforts.


On July 5, 2023, City Council approved conceptual street restriping plans for Park Street and Webster Street. The plans relocate parking to be along the curb, create defined spaces for parklets within the parking lane (with space for barriers), add striped bicycle lanes, and maintain one lane in each direction with turn pockets at intersections. City Council also provided direction to staff and requested that staff return to Council with an update in November 2023.




The following table summarizes City Council direction to staff in July 2023 and the current status of each item. In addition to providing this status report, staff seeks two approvals to support the Commercial Streets Program, including authorization for the City Manager to 1) enter into an agreement to have the concrete barriers installed, and 2) extend the program by entering into updated license agreements that reflect feedback from City Council. 


Council Direction


Purchase concrete barriers as soon as possible

Staff requesting approval of agreement for procurement and installation Installation expected in early 2024 See Exhibit 2 for barrier details

Execute restriping plan

Transportation engineering consultant developed plan sets for bidding See Exhibit 3 for Webster Street details See Exhibit 4 for Park Street details Will return to City Council if the construction contract is above City Manager signing authority  Implementation in early 2024

Implement loading zones/green curbs

Identified spaces for loading zones in coordination with business districts City sending notifications to nearby businesses/residences prior to installation Zones included in striping plans in Exhibits 3 and 4

Make recommendations for additional public spaces and bike parking

Bike corrals included in striping plans  Potential reuse of space on existing mid-block bulbouts for public seating     Space identified on striping plans that are too small for parking or full-side parklets - these have potential to be repurposed for other public uses Spaces identified in Exhibits 3 and 4

Update parklet license agreements, and limit agreements to only one parklet location per business.

Staff sent letters to current parklet licensees notifying extension of the current agreements (for parklets that will continue) until new agreements go into effect in 2024 City Attorney’s Office developed an updated agreement template that includes acknowledgement that parklets are public spaces Staff will provide each parklet licensee a map showing the dimensions of the area included in the agreement, typically 1 to 4 parking spaces. Only one parklet area will be allowed per business, but each parklet can serve multiple businesses. Licensees required to provide site plans to ensure compliance with standards and guidelines prior to entering new agreements

Update parklet design guidelines to include more details on expectations for quality, aesthetics, access, activation and safety.

Staff will update to conform with new agreement template and include photos and diagrams by the end of 2023  Guidelines will detail requirements and expectations for quality, aesthetics, access, activation and safety

Provide recommendation for retail parklets and underutilized spaces, and potentially limit parklet licenses to restaurants and bars only.

Currently there are three non-restaurant/bar locations on Park Street. Staff recommends maintaining these parklets, the owners of which have submitted plans  for activation. All parklets will be required to complete new agreements. The agreements require workmanlike installation and upkeep of parklet spaces. If the a parklet owner does not meet the terms and conditions of the agreement, they will be required to remove the parklet at their cost.  Guidelines will include expectations for activation/utilization 

Improve the aesthetics of Alameda Avenue, including street repairs, upgrading materials and organizing the space.

Striping and barricade plans will improve the intersection of Park St. and Alameda Ave. Staff will continue to work with DABA on plans for improvement, beautification and activation by the end of January 2024 Plan must maintain emergency vehicle access  Plan must maintain bike access and bike parking, including large bikes City will plan to resurface street after sewer repairs are completed (anticipated in 2024 with paving in 2025)

Provide recommendation for parklet license fees

Annual fees for parklet license will be recommended in the upcoming Master Fee Schedule. The proposed fee will be set to recover staff time to administer the program. Currently, the estimate is $2,400 annually. For the current 19 parklet licenses, the annual revenue would be $45,600. Staff analyzed the potential parking revenue per space, which is $2,160 per space per year on Park Street and $1,440 per space per year on Webster Street. Parklets are currently utilizing approximately 38 spaces in the Park Street Corridor and 13 spaces in the Webster Street corridor. If the parklet licensees are charged additional fees based on the estimated parking revenue, the total annual revenue would be up to $100,800. Staff does not recommend this approach at this time.


Street Restriping and Concrete Barrier Installation


The striping and concrete barrier installation will be coordinated, but executed by two different contractors.  City staff issued a Request for Proposals on August 24, 2023 to solicit services to purchase and install the concrete barriers.  After a submittal period of twenty-one days, two proposals were submitted.  Staff reviewed the proposals and determined one incomplete. Staff interviewed the qualified firm and selected the service provider that best meets the City’s needs.


Staff recommends awarding a contract to Ray’s Electric for a total amount of $343,747.68, which includes a five percent (5%) contingency in the amount of $16,368.94. The contractor is not guaranteed any of the contingency amount and use of the contingency will be at the sole discretion of the City for work not originally anticipated in the plans and specification. The contract is attached as Exhibit 1. The concrete barriers will replace the water filled plastic barriers. See Exhibit 2 for details on the barrier material.


The striping plans are nearly complete and include protecting on-street parklets from traffic with concrete barriers, per the standard detail previously approved by City Council. See Exhibit 3 for details for Webster Street and Exhibit 4 for details for Park Street. The work will be bid in the coming months and installed in early 2024 to avoid disrupting the holiday shopping season.  Staff will only return to City Council if the construction contract is above City Manager signing authority.


Updated Parklet License Agreements


Staff developed a revised Parklet License Agreement template to permit encroachment on the City right-of way. Staff requests City Council authorize the City Manager to extend existing agreements to November 7, 2024 for parklets that will be continuing, and enter new agreements consistent with Council direction as described above, at which point existing agreements will be terminated. The agreements will renew annually unless the City or Licensee terminates the agreement. An annual fee will be set though the City’s Master Fee Schedule.


In accordance with City Council direction, the Parklet License Agreement includes a public use acknowledgement that states that the parklet areas and improvements “constitute a public space that shall remain accessible at all times and throughout the Term of this Agreement to all members of the public”. The agreements also require licensees to “install all Improvements in a workmanlike fashion, maintain them in a good and sound condition, and keep the License Area in a neat, clean, and litter and debris-free condition.” The agreements include a recital about the parklet guidelines: including a brief description of what they do and where they may be found, and that the guidelines will be updated by the City from time to time.


Parklet Removal


Parklet Licensees that are not continuing will be issued notice to remove their parklets at their own cost and will not receive new agreements. Staff does not recommend setting an end date for the overall parklet program.




                     Award a contract to Ray’s Electric for a total amount of $343,747.68, continue the parklet program and enter new parklet agreements.

                     Direct staff to end the parklet program and do not install concrete barriers or enter new parklet agreements.

                     Provide alternate direction to staff.




Budget for this project is included in the Capital Improvement Project C12100 Commercial/Slow Streets funded with monies from American Rescue Plan Act and Measure BB Bike/Ped funds.  The CIP has sufficient appropriations to cover the costs of the contract proposed for approval. Ongoing fees for parklets will be recommended in the Master Fee Schedule update to provide funding for staff time, including periodic inspections.




This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code.




In accordance with CEQA, this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities).




Transportation generates over 70% of the greenhouse emissions in Alameda. The Commercial Streets parklet program encourages active uses of the City’s commercial streets. Creating streets focused on people, rather than cars, encourages use of non-carbon emitting modes of transportation, can reduce emissions from people driving to their destinations, and help the community develop lifelong habits of walking, bicycling, and taking transit.




Receive a status report on the Commercial Streets Program; authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Ray’s Electric to furnish and install Commercial Streets concrete barriers for a not- to-exceed amount of $343,747.68; and authorize the City Manager to extend the Parklet Program and issue updated parklet license agreements.


Respectfully submitted,

Erin Smith, Public Works Director



Robert Vance, Deputy Public Works Director


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director



1.                     Ray’s Electric Agreement

2.                     Alameda Parklet Barriers

3.                     Webster Street Restriping

4.                     Park Street Restriping