File #: 2024-4359   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Historical Advisory Board
On agenda: 9/5/2024
Title: Alameda Point Historic District - Infill Development Design Guidelines. Public hearing to consider adopting Infill Development Design Guidelines for all new buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District at Alameda Point. The City completed an Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 201312043) for the redevelopment of Alameda Point in 2013, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). These Design Guidelines are required by Mitigation Measure 4.D-1b of the Alameda Point EIR for application to new buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Revised Draft Guide to Infill Development Within the NAS Alameda Historic District, 2. Exhibit 2 Redline Format – Revised Draft Guide to Infill Development Within the NAS Alameda Historic District, 3. Exhibit 3 Draft ResolutionExhibit 3 Draft Resolution



Alameda Point Historic District - Infill Development Design Guidelines.  Public hearing to consider adopting Infill Development Design Guidelines for all new buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District at Alameda Point.  The City completed an Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 201312043) for the redevelopment of Alameda Point in 2013, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). These Design Guidelines are required by Mitigation Measure 4.D-1b of the Alameda Point EIR for application to new buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District.




To: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Historical Advisory Board

From: Steven Buckley, Historical Advisory Board Secretary



On June 6, 2024 and on July 18, 2024 the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) held a public hearing to consider adopting infill development guidelines for the NAS Alameda Historical District. At those hearings the HAB heard a presentation from staff and received public comments before discussing the proposed draft infill development guidelines.  The HAB provided direction to staff on revisions to be incorporated into the guidelines and brought back for HAB consideration.  Staff has revised the guidelines based on the feedback from the HAB and public and is recommending adoption of the Guide to Infill Development the NAS Alameda Historic District (Exhibit 1).  A copy showing the edits to the draft presented on July 18, 2024 is included as Exhibit 2.




The impetus for creating infill guidelines stems from the Alameda Point EIR (“EIR”) (SCH No. 2013012043), certified by the City Council in February 2014. The EIR’s Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) requires the City to adopt design guidelines to apply to all new development within the NAS Alameda Historic District (“Historic District”). The City complied with this mitigation measure by incorporating the "Guide to Preserving the Character of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District" into the Zoning Code as well as adopting related design guidelines in the Zoning Code, Area Plan, Specific Plan and other design guidelines, including the recently adopted City of Alameda Amended and Restated Objective Design Review Standards. The purpose of this particular set of guidelines is to create a single document summarizing the standards applicable to new infill development at the NAS Alameda Point Historic District and specifying the appropriate reviewing body for the various types of projects. As further infill projects are implemented, these guidelines may be amended to further enhance the review process.


HAB Comments

Previous comments provided by HAB referenced ensuring that infill development within the Historic District did not overpower the Historic District’s contributing historic resources, that new buildings related favorably to the Historic District’s contributing historic resources, and that the guide comprehensively provided infill developers with all of the necessary resources to design the desired type of infill development. The HAB also requested that reference be made to the Federal Moderne architectural style, that the term “character defining features” be reinserted to the document, and that a more comprehensive regulatory framework be provided (i.e. Secretary of the Interior standards and guidelines), while also acknowledging that some flexibility is needed in the City’s review process. Staff has revised the Guide accordingly.


Staff Response

The main goal of these new guidelines is to preserve the existing character of the NAS Historic District by requiring new development to reference the architectural styles and character defining features of contributors to the district.  While new buildings should not feel out of place and in conflict with the character of the surrounding buildings and landscape, new development should not be confused for being an original building to NAS Alameda.

According to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (<>) - Standard 9 in particular - and the Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, new construction needs to be built in a manner that protects the integrity of the historic building(s) and the property’s setting. In addition, the “Guide to Preserving the Character of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District” (<> and

<>) is a definitive reference for the context and features of most importance in the district, as is the “Cultural Landscape Report for NAS Alameda” (<>).  The Town Center and Waterfront Precise Plan (2014) and Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan (2017) include design guidelines for the Hangars and Residential sub-areas, respectively, that are also incorporated into these standards. Finally, zoning development standards apply in the various sub-districts, using form-based and prescriptive strategies.


Unless a project is subject to ministerial review under State law or exempt per the Alameda Municipal Code, all new buildings require Design Review approval by the Planning Board.  Except for projects on a non-contributing site and/or non-contributing building shown on the adopted map of the historic district (<>), a Certificate of Approval is also required by the Historical Advisory Board. Both approvals require a finding of consistency with this Guide. Because there are both contributing and non-contributing buildings within the Historic District staff recommends clarifying that Historical Advisory Board Certificate of Approval is limited to development on sites containing contributing buildings only. Projects located on vacant property or lots which have a non-contributing building, will be reviewed by the Planning Board for Design Review and consistency with these guidelines.


Finally, as with other historic review, staff also recommends clarifying that development affecting only the interior of a contributing building that is not open to the general public is not subject to these guidelines.


Staff has revised the infill development guidelines to be a more comprehensive resource of the previously adopted ordinances and development plans that provide protections for the integrity of the Historic District and addressed the previous comments of the HAB throughout the document.



Property owners, tenants, and residents inside and within 300 feet of the NAS Alameda Historic District’s boundaries were notified of the public hearing and given the opportunity to review and comment on the proposal.


The Design Guidelines fulfill Mitigation Measure 4.D-1b of the Alameda Point EIR Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. No further environmental review is required.



Adoption of the new guidelines will not have a direct climate impact. 



Staff recommends the Historical Advisory Board hold a public hearing and approve the Guide to Infill Development Within the NAS Alameda Historic District based on the findings in the draft resolution (Exhibit 3).


Respectfully Submitted,

Steven Buckley, Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board




1.                     Revised Draft Guide to Infill Development Within the NAS Alameda Historic District

2.                     Redline Format - Revised Draft Guide to Infill Development Within the NAS Alameda Historic District

3.                     Draft Resolution