File #: 2019-6695   
Type: Staff Communications
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 3/25/2019
Title: Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions



Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions 





To:                                          Honorable President and

                                          Members of the Planning Board


From:                                          Andrew Thomas, AICP                                                                                    

                                          Acting Planning, Building and Transportation Director

Date:                                           March 25, 2019


Re:                     Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions                       


Since the last regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting, the following applications have been reviewed by staff, and public notices have been sent to solicit neighborhood input.  Decisions on these applications will be made on the dates noted below.  Staff will provide an update at the Planning Board meeting during Staff Communications if changes to the status of any project occur. 


Decisions become final unless a member of the public files an appeal during the 10-day appeal period immediately following the decision date, or the Planning Board or City Council call for review a Zoning Administrator or Community Development Department decision during this appeal period.  All appeals and call for reviews will be heard at a public hearing before the Planning Board.


How to Access Project Files:

We encourage the use of Building Eye for direct access to current Planning applications, real time status, and plan drawings:


1.                      Click or go to: <>

2.                      Enter project address in search box.

3.                      Click on the Map Marker (i.e. dot on the map) to display the project summary sidebar. 

4.                      To view the project file, click on the “More details” button.  A new window will appear.

5.                      In the new window that opens, click on “Record Info” tab and then click “Project Documents” in the drop down menu.  A list of project documents will display.


Zoning Administrator




Planning, Building and Transportation Department Decisions for March 7, 2019


1312 Burbank Street, PLN19-0076 (Action Date 03-18-19)

CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL- The project consists of the removal of an approximately 18-inch diameter Coast Live Oak tree located within a confined space between two houses. A certified arborist recommended removing the tree because it is causing foundation damage, and the tree’s projected abnormal growth will cause further property damage. General Plan: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1 (One-Family Residential) Zoning District.  Environmental Determination: Exempt, Section 15304 - Minor Alterations to Land - Landscaping. Project Planner:  Allen Tai, (510)747-6888,


1311 Lafayette Street, PLN19-0009 (Action Date 03-18-19)

DESIGN REVIEW - The project consists of extending the roof of an existing two-story single family residence over a previous rear addition that was originally built with a flat roof.  The existing gabled roof will be extended approximately thirteen feet (13’) to the rear of the building.  Additionally, the siding of the rear addition and an existing side dormer will be changed from horizontal wood siding to wood shingles to match the existing wood shingles on the front elevation. General Plan: Medium-Density Residential Zoning: R-4 (Neighborhood Residential) Zoning District.  Environmental Determination: Exempt, Section 15301 - Existing Facilities. Project Planner:  David Sablan, (510)747-6873, <>


1101 Morton Street, PLN19-0059 (Action Date 03-18-19)

DESIGN REVIEW - The project consists of the installation of three new windows on the lower portion of the front elevation of a single-family residence.  The windows will be part of a project to convert the existing basement into an Accessory Dwelling Unit.  All three proposed windows will be wood-clad double hung windows, each measuring 30”x36”, and all will feature simulated divided lites.  Each window will have wood trim designed to match the building’s existing windows.  General Plan: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1 (One-Family Residence) Zoning District.  Environmental Determination: Exempt, Section 15301 - Existing Facilities. Project Planner:  David Sablan, (510)747-6873,




Staff recommends that the Planning Board accept this report.



Andrew Thomas

Acting Planning Building and Transportation Director