File #: 2024-4332   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 9/9/2024
Title: Draft Meeting Minutes - April 8, 2024



Draft Meeting Minutes - April 8, 2024









1.                     ROLL CALL   

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

* Members of the public can participate in person or remotely via Zoom.   


Present: President Hom and Board Members Saheba, Ariza, Wang, and Tsou.

Absent: Vice President Cisneros and Board Member Ruiz


2.                     AGENDA CHANGES 



3.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT



4.                     CONSENT CALENDAR

4-A 2024-3919 - Draft Meeting Minutes - February 12, 2024


Minutes can be found at:



Board Member Saheba made a motion to approve the minutes and Board Member Tsou seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0 with Board Member Ariza abstaining due to her absence in the meeting.


4-B 2024-3921 Draft Meeting Minutes - February 26, 2024


These minutes were deferred to the next meeting due to not enough board members being present at the February 26th meeting.


5.                     REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS

5-A 2024-3932

PLN23-0328 - Sherman Street and Clement Avenue - Del Monte Townhomes -Development Plan, Design Review, Tentative Map - Applicant: Mike O’Hara on behalf of Tim Lewis Communities, LLC. Public hearing to consider a Development Plan, Design Review, and Tentative Map Tract 8674 to develop 10 townhome units in sub-area C of Del Monte Warehouse Master Plan. General Plan Designation: Mixed Use. Zoning Designations: M-X-MF, Mixed Use Planned Development District with Multi-family Residential Combining District & M-1-PD-MF, Intermediate Industrial (Manufacturing) and Planned Development Zoning District with Multi-family Residential Combining District. CEQA Determination: Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - Infill Development.


David Sablan, Planner II, introduced (*4:41) this item and gave the presentation.


The staff report and attachments can be found at:



Board questions start at the 10:20 minute mark in the video.


The applicant, Mike O’Hara, also presented (*12:26).


Board questions continued at the 19:56 minute mark.


Public Comment for item 5A


There were no speakers.


Action taken for item 5A


Board discussion started at the 42:46-minute mark in the video.


Board Member Saheba made a motion (*1:05:58) to approve the resolution for the Development Plan and Design Review to develop 10 townhome units in sub-area C of Del Monte Warehouse Master Plan with the condition that the applicant work with staff to incorporate the board’s comments on landscaping, site plan and architectural design. The motion was seconded by Board Member Tsou. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0.


Board Member Tsou made a motion (*1:10:06) to approve the resolution to recommend approval of the Tentative map to City Council with a condition that staff work with the applicant to ensure there will be a requirement for approval by the City Engineer of either CCNRs for the HOA or a maintenance agreement prior to recording the final map on access and maintenance. Board Member Ariza seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0.


6.                     STAFF COMMUNICATIONS

6-A 2024-3922

Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions


Recent actions and decisions can be found at:



No decision or action was pulled for review.


6-B 2024-3923

Oral Report - Future Public Meetings and Upcoming Planning, Building and Transportation Department Projects


Manager Buckley gave an update on projects and discussed upcoming meetings (*1:12:12).


7.                     BOARD COMMUNICATIONS




8.                     NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT




9.                     ADJOURNMENT


President Hom adjourned the meeting at 8:16 p.m.



*Refers to the minute mark in the video