File #: 2021-584   
Type: Proclamation/Special Order
Body: City Council
On agenda: 4/20/2021
Title: Proclamation Declaring April 22nd as Earth Day and April 24th as Arbor Day Alameda 2021. (City Manager 2110) [Informational only, will not be presented.]


Proclamation Declaring April 22nd as Earth Day and April 24th as Arbor Day Alameda 2021.  (City Manager 2110)  [Informational only, will not be presented.]






Whereas, April 22, 2021, marks the 51st anniversary of the first Earth Day celebration, when events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection; and


Whereas, April 24, 2021, marks the 149th anniversary of the first Arbor Day celebration, to encourage Americans to maintain and replenish our country’s vast forests, orchards, and woodlands; and


Whereas, both Earth Day and Arbor Day are observed throughout the world, and have become an annual reminder of the constant need for environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts; and


Whereas, more than one billion people from over 192 countries now participate in Earth Day activities, making it the largest civic observance in the world; and


Whereas, the City of Alameda is helping protect our planet by planting trees that provide an essential habitat for much of California’s wildlife, are a valuable economic asset for both residents and businesses, and play an important role in energy conservation, greenhouse gas emission sequestration, and pollutant removal; and


Whereas, the City of Alameda and our residents, organizations, and businesses have shown committed leadership to a sustainable environment and green economy as expressed through the management of Alameda’s Urban Forest as well as the goals of the General Plan, Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, Transportation Choices Plan, Zero Waste Plan, and various ordinances and policies; and


Whereas, the City’s Public Works Department, Recreation & Parks Department, Alameda Municipal Power, Alameda County Industries, Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda, and East Bay Regional Parks District are jointly sponsoring Alameda’s first VIRTUAL Earth Day Festival, and invite all residents to attend by visiting This year’s theme is Be The Change: Climate Action Now!


Now, therefore be it resolved, that I, Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Mayor of the City of Alameda, do hereby proclaim April 22, 2021 as Earth Day Alameda 2021 and April 24, 2021 as Arbor Day Alameda 2021 and encourage all Alameda residents, businesses, civic groups, government agencies, and other organizations to participate in virtual Earth Day and Arbor Day celebratory and educational activities.


Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft
