PLN23-0210 - 1715 Lincoln Avenue - Rezoning for General Plan Conformance - Applicant: Nick Portolese for Portman Enterprises, LLC. Public hearing to consider a recommendation to the City Council to amend the Zoning Map for the approximately 2,280 square foot property at 1715 Lincoln Avenue (APN 72-299-11) from C-1, Neighborhood Business District, to R-5, Residential District, in conformance with the property’s General Plan Land Use Designation of Medium-Density Residential. CEQA Determination: Use of Alameda General Plan 2040 Final Environmental Impact Report, State Clearinghouse #2021030563. No further environmental review is required.
To: Honorable President and Members of the Planning Board
From: Allen Tai, Acting Director of Planning, Building and Transportation
Applicant has requested a Zoning Map amendment for an approximately 2,280 square foot property located at 1715 Lincoln Avenue. The current zoning is C-1, Neighborhood Business District. The Alameda 2040 General Plan land use designation for the site is Medium-Density Residential. Applicant is requesting to change the zoning to R-5, Residential District, in conformance with the General Plan designation.
Staff requests that the Planning Board adopt a resolution (Exhibit 1) recommending the City Council amend the Zoning Map to rezone the property from C-1, Neighborhood Business District to R-5, Residential District (Exhibit 2).
The property at 1715 Lincoln Avenue sits at the edge of the Grand Station Neighborhood Business District that developed around the then nearby streetcar stop. Based on a review of historical documents, the property was part of a larger parcel at the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Minturn Street that was subdivided and developed with several single-family homes around 1940. Between the original construction of the home in 1940 and adoption of the Alameda Zoning Map in 1958, an addition was added to the front of the home to create an accessory commercial storefront. The property was zoned C-1 in 1958; no further changes have been made to the zoning designation since that time. Surrounding properties to the west and south are zoned C-1 and include commercial uses. Properties to the north and east are zoned R-5 and include residential uses.
The Alameda 2040 General Plan Land Use Diagram (Exhibit 3) changed the General Plan land use designation for the property from Neighborhood Business to Medium-Density Residential, which surrounds the newly named Neighborhood Mixed-Use area of the Grand Station Neighborhood Business District. On May 23, 2023, the property owner applied (PLN23-0210) for the zoning be changed from C-1, Neighborhood Business District to R-5, Residential District. Actions to rezone parcels require a recommendation by the Planning Board and an ordinance to be adopted by the City Council.
The current C-1 zoning is intended to provide ground floor retail businesses, which is not consistent with the General Plan designation of Medium-Density Residential. The Medium-Density Residential General Plan designation is consistent with the proposed R-5 zoning, which is also applied to residential lots abutting the subject property.
The converted house has been vacant for many years, since the property owner has been unable to find a suitable retail tenant consistent with the allowable uses in the C-1 zoning district. The applicants purchased the property in 2018 in hopes of being awarded one of the four cannabis dispensary permits, but were not selected. Significant deferred maintenance is required on the property to be suitable for any occupant, including a new roof, extensive electrical replacement, flooring, interior and exterior painting. In order to function as a retail storefront and meet current building code and ADA accessibility requirements, significant further structural work would also be required. The level of investment required to return the property to the commercial market has proven infeasible given the lease revenues likely for such a property in this location.
Alameda and the Bay Area are in the midst of a severe housing shortage. The City of Alameda’s Housing Element for 2023-2031 requires the City to permit 5,353 units over the eight year planning period, or approximately 669 units per year. As of July 1, 2023, only 45 units of housing have been permitted. Rezoning 1715 Lincoln Avenue to R-5 to be consistent with the General Plan land use designation is necessary to enable the property owners to obtain a residential mortgage and finance the required investment the property needs to return it to Alameda’s housing stock.
The existing house, like most homes in the neighborhood and main island, was built prior to the adoption of the City’s current zoning and property line setback requirements. The R-5 district requires twenty foot front and rear yard setbacks, and five foot side yard setbacks. By rezoning this property from C-1 to R-5, the existing home would have legal, non-conforming setbacks. The main building sits on the front property line, has a three foot setback on the right/east property line and a fifteen foot setback on the rear. The development standards in the R-5 district create significant limits on the ability for the home to be expanded, however the existing home would be able to be repaired or reconstructed with an equal or lesser nonconformity consistent with the provisions of Alameda Municipal Code Section 30-20 [Nonconforming Buildings and Uses].
This agenda item was advertised in the Alameda Sun and public notices were posted as required by the Alameda Municipal Code. No public comments have been received as of the writing of this staff report.
On November 30, 2021, by Resolution No. 15841, City Council certified a Final Environmental Impact Report for the Alameda 2040 General Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2021030563) in compliance with CEQA, and adopted written findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the General Plan Amendment to update the Alameda General Plan (General Plan EIR). Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines sections 15162 and 15163, none of the circumstances necessitating further CEQA review are present with respect to the General Plan EIR. Approval of the project would not require major revisions to the General Plan EIR due to new significant impacts or due to a substantial increase in the severity of the significant environmental effects. There have been no substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project would be undertaken that would require major revisions of the General Plan EIR due to new or substantially increased significant environmental effects. Further, there has been no discovery of new information of substantial importance that would trigger or require major revisions to the General Plan EIR due to new or substantially increased significant environmental effects. For these reasons, no further environmental review is required.
Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution recommending the City Council amend the Zoning Map for the approximately 2,280 square foot property at 1715 Lincoln Avenue (APN 72-299-11) from the C-1, Neighborhood Business District to R-5, Residential District, in conformance with the property’s General Plan Land Use Designation of Medium-Density Residential.
Respectfully Submitted,
Allen Tai, Acting Director of Planning, Building and Transportation
Brian McGuire, Planner II
1. Draft Resolution
2. Rezoning Map
3. Excerpt from Alameda 2040 General Plan Land Use Diagram