Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions
To: Honorable President and
Members of the Planning Board
From: Steve Buckley
Planning Services Manager
Date: November 13, 2023
Re: Planning, Building and Transportation Department Recent Actions and Decisions
Since the last regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting, the following applications have been reviewed by staff, and public notices have been sent to solicit neighborhood input. Decisions on these applications will be made on the dates noted below. Staff will provide an update at the Planning Board meeting during Staff Communications if changes to the status of any project occur.
Decisions become final unless a member of the public files an appeal during the 10-day appeal period immediately following the decision date, or the Planning Board or City Council call for review a Zoning Administrator or Planning, Building and Transportation Department decision during this appeal period. All appeals and call for reviews will be heard at a public hearing before the Planning Board.
How to Access Project Files:
We encourage the use of Building Eye for direct access to current Planning applications, real time status, and plan drawings:
1. Click or go to: <https://alameda.buildingeye.com/planning>
2. Enter project address in search box.
3. Click on the Map Marker (i.e. dot on the map) to display the project summary sidebar.
4. To view the project file, click on the “More details” button. A new window will appear.
5. In the new window that opens, click on “Record Info” tab and then click “Project Documents” in the drop down menu. A list of project documents will display.
If you experience any trouble accessing the files electronically, please contact Planning staff for assistance 510-747-6805 or visit the Permit Center to view the files in person.
Zoning Administrator
Planning, Building and Transportation Department Decisions
Minor Planning Projects
Action Date: November 6, 2023 Deadline for Appeal/Call for Review: November 16, 2023.
1557 Fourth Street, PLN23-0399 Design Review: The project consists of the addition of a new 9’ by 9’ shed dormer at the west facing roof to provide ceiling clearance for the new stairs. The proposed design is a revision to a previously approved design review application PLN20-0046. General Plan: Low-Density Residential. Zoning: R-1, Residential District. CEQA Determination: Design review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA pursuant to McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80. Project Planner: Deirdre McCartney, (510) 747-6814, dmccartney@alamedaca.gov <mailto:dmccartney@alamedaca.gov> Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions.
1048 Fair Oaks Avenue, PLN23-0310 Design Review: The project consists of the replacement of a covered front patio with a new 121 square foot one-story addition and a 45 square foot porch at the front façade. The project also includes a 208 square foot one-story addition and 209 square foot deck at the rear of a single family residence. General Plan: Low-Density Residential. Zoning: R-1, Residential District. CEQA Determination: Design review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA pursuant to McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80. Project Planner: Deirdre McCartney, (510) 747-6814, dmccartney@alamedaca.gov <mailto:dmccartney@alamedaca.gov> Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions.
1514 Linden Street, PLN23-0397 Certificate of Approval: The project consists of the approval of the demolition of an approximately 800 square foot detached garage built prior to 1942 and located at the rear yard of a triplex. The project was completed without permits X23-0372. General Plan: Medium-Density Residential. Zoning: R-2, Residential District. CEQA Determination: This project is a class 1 categorical exemption and no additional environmental review is necessary pursuant to CEQA guidelines section 15301(l)(4) - Existing facilities - demolition and removal of individual small structures and accessory structures including garages, carports, patios, swimming pools, and fences. Project Planner: Deirdre McCartney, (510) 747-6814, dmccartney@alamedaca.gov <mailto:dmccartney@alamedaca.gov> Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions.
1901 Shoreline Drive, PLN23-0259 Design Review: The project consists of the replacement of exterior finishes, balcony and stair railings, and replacement landscaping at 3 existing 3-story apartment buildings. General Plan: Medium-Density Residential. Zoning: R-4, Residential Planned Development District. CEQA Determination: Design review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA pursuant to McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80. Project Planner: Deirdre McCartney, (510) 747-6814, dmccartney@alamedaca.gov <mailto:dmccartney@alamedaca.gov> Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions.
3017 Thompson Avenue, PLN23-0352 Design Review: The project consists of a 201 square foot second story addition with a 26 square foot balcony at the rear of a single-family home. General Plan: Low-Density Residential. Zoning: R-1, Residential District. CEQA Determination: Design review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA pursuant to McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80. Project Planner: Deirdre McCartney, (510) 747-6814, dmccartney@alamedaca.gov <mailto:dmccartney@alamedaca.gov> Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions.
1320 Weber Street, PLN23-0395 Design Review: The project consists of a revision to previously approved design review application PLN22-0432 to add a 75 square foot second story addition over storage area in lieu of a second story deck. General Plan: Low-Density Residential. Zoning: R-1, Residential District. CEQA Determination: Design review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA pursuant to McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80. Project Planner: Deirdre McCartney, (510) 747-6814, dmccartney@alamedaca.gov <mailto:dmccartney@alamedaca.gov> Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions.
Staff recommends that the Planning Board accept this report.
Steve Buckley
Planning Services Manager