File #: 2025-4705   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 1/22/2025
Title: Approve Draft Minutes of the November 20, 2024, Transportation Commission Meeting (Action)



Approve Draft Minutes of the November 20, 2024, Transportation Commission Meeting (Action)



Draft Minutes

Transportation Commission

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Time:                                          6:30 p.m.


Location:                     Alameda City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Council Chambers

The City allows members of the public to participate in person or remotely via Zoom. For information to assist with Zoom participation, please click: <>.


Zoom Attendees: 25


Legistar Link (Agenda and Video):



1.    Roll Call


Present: Chair Weitze, Vice Chair Suthanthira and Commissioners Dara-Abrams, Johnson, Nachtigall, Gloyne and Kim.

Absent: None


2.    Agenda Changes




3.    2024-4569 - Staff Communications


Lisa Foster, Transportation Planning Manager, gave the Staff Communications update (*0:27).


Staff Communications came be found:



4.    NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT - Anyone may speak for 3 minutes regarding

any matter not on the agenda


2024-4585 - Non-Agenda Public Comment.

Comment can be found:



Jay Garfinkle, via Zoom, (*6:18) discussed the general functioning of the City Government. He accused all commissioners of not doing their due diligence in evaluating the data that the city puts forth. He believed the commissioners were using their commissions as a stopping point to get them to the City Council.


Jim Strehlow (*9:28) thanked Public Works and the City for offering sandbags to the citizens of Alameda.


John Mulkins (*10:38) shared his concerns with the increase in speeding in the city.


William Morrison (*13:08) discussed and commented on Gibbons Drive and how atypical those intersections on that road were and how those concerns could be addressed.


5.    Consent Calendar


5A 2024-4570 - Approve Draft Minutes of the September 25, 2024, Transportation

Commission Meeting (Action)


Minutes can be found:



Vice Chair Suthanthira made a motion (*16:33) to approve the September 25, 2024 minutes and Commissioner Dara-Abrams seconded the motion. A role call vote was taken, and the motion passed 7-0.


6.    Regular Agenda Items


6A. 2024-4571 - Consider Endorsing Draft Final Design Concepts for the Fernside

Traffic Calming & Bikeways Project (Action)


Manager Foster introduced this item (*17:07) and gave a presentation with the consultants. Staff Reort and attachment can be found:



Commissioner clarifying questions start at the 39:07-minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for Item 6A


Paul Mabry, via Zoom, (*56:22) discussed the disproportionate impact this project would have on the section between Garfield and High St. He felt this stretch was unique and the loss of parking would affect this section the most.


Cyndy Johnson, via Zoom, (*58:24) called on behalf of Bike Walk Alameda, they supported staff’s recommendation for the long term but in the near term they wanted to see one-way protected bike lanes. She discussed concerns about pushing goal dates back and what plans were the most effective for safety.


Andy Wang, via Zoom, (*1:00:19) Planning Board Member - he called in support of staff’s improvement plan and urged that that the plan not delayed. He discussed his concerns for safety on Gibbons.


Bennett Schatz, via Zoom, (*1:02:21) supported staff’s long-term design but then discussed his concerns on changing from one way to two-way bike lanes. For the near-term proposal, he did feel like we were kicking the can down the road.


Kelly K, via Zoom, (1:04:14) appreciated the goal of reducing speed and increasing safety on Fernside. As a resident of Fernside though she was concerned about the removal of street parking. She questioned the data about usage of street parking and felt that residents of Fernside were not being considered. She wanted to know what the city would do to help: residential parking permits and funds to help redo driveways.


Chris Venterini (*1:06:41) discussed how long she had lived on Fernside and how Alameda used to give out speeding tickets. She discussed her issues with the recent survey and how the questions only asked about bike lanes and no other options. She felt that it would be a nightmare to pull out of her driveway.


Jim Strehlow, (*1:08:49), questioned why this design had changed so much, he questioned the data and wanted to know why other factors were not considered. He was concerned how buses and local businesses would navigate these changes.


David Wainwright, (*1:10:58) had questions about the High/Fernside/Gibbons intersection and how long the public notice was for the neighborhood.


William Morrison, (*1:13:06) discussed Fernside and traffic calming and how Gibbons is the main issue.


Jessica Inlay, (*1:15:30) who lives on Fernside discussed issues at the crosswalk and had issues with the reduction of visibility due to the proposed bike lane. She wanted staff to get back onto the neighborhood to talk about what will work.


Elina Rubuliak, via Zoom (*1:17:35) gave her support to both the near and long term for the Fernside traffic calming and bike lanes project. She felt that the parking concerns were minimum and that issues brought up during this meeting were unfounded. She also felt that residents needed to take more responsibility for their own parking and was opposed to public funds being used for private driveways.


Action for Item 6A


Commissioner’s discussion starts at the 1:20:17-minute mark in the video.


Commissioner Dara-Abrams made a motion (2:19:13) to endorse the near-term concept with more consideration for vertical delineation to protect bicycle lanes and reduce auto speeds. Chair Weitze seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.


Commissioner Kim made a motion (*2:25:35) to endorse the two-way protected bikeway as long-term concept with a request for staff to return to the Commission with a concept for Gibbons/High/Fernside intersection and vertical configuration of the two-way bikeway. Vice Chair Suthanthira seconded the motion. A vote was taken by a raise of hands and the motion passed 7-0.


The commission took a brief recess - (*2:30:31)


6B. 2024-4572 - Discuss the Draft Concept Designs for the Estuary Adaptation Project

and the Bay Farm Island Adaptation Project and a Status Update of the

Subregional Adaptation Plan (Discussion).


Gail Payne, Senior Management Analyst & Project Manager, introduced (*2:38:04) this item and gave a presentation. The presentation and attachments can be found at:



Public Comment for Item 6B


Jim Strehlow (*3:00:01) discussed work that had allowed him to learn about water levees.


Action for Item 6-B


Commissioner clarifying questions and discussion start at the 3:02:56 minute mark in the video.


This was a discussion item, and no formal action was taken.


6C. 2024-4573 - Approve 2025 Transportation Commission Meeting Calendar (Action)


Manager Foster introduced (*3:34:18) this item, calendar can be found:



Commissioner clarifying questions start at the 3:35:41-minute mark in the video.


Public Comment for Item 6C


There were no public comments.


Action for Item 6-C


Chair Weitze made a motion (*3:37:19) to approve the proposed 2025 Transportation Commission Calendar and Commissioner Nachtigall seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.


7.    Commission Communications




8.    Adjournment

Chair Weitze adjourned the meeting at 10:09 p.m.


*Shows minute mark in video to hear comments in full.