File #: 2024-4327   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 8/28/2024
Title: Receive an Update on the AC Transit Realign Draft Final Plan (Information)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 City of Alameda Realign Comments 5.30.24, 2. Public Comment, 3. Public Comment - Commissioner Drew Dara-Abrams



Receive an Update on the AC Transit Realign Draft Final Plan (Information)



To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Transportation Commission




AC Transit released its Realign Draft Final Plan with several changes that reflect City of Alameda (City) feedback on the earlier Realign Draft Plan. Most importantly, Alameda’s 51A trunk line will continue to serve Alameda in its current form. AC Transit is a valued partner with the City of Alameda and its service to Alameda’s community is appreciated.


AC Transit is currently seeking feedback on the Realign Draft Final Plan, with several public hearings planned for early September. More information is at <>.




AC Transit is a regional transit agency serving Alameda and Contra Costa counties, and its Realign project is a comprehensive review of its bus network to respond to major shifts in travel patterns and to maximize efficiency given significant budget constraints and bus operator shortages.


AC Transit’s Realign Draft Final Plan is the result of over a year of planning. During this time, AC Transit staff presented multiple times to the City of Alameda:

                     Transportation Commission (8/23/2023, 11/11/2023, and 5/22/2024)

                     Commission on Persons with Disabilities (12/13/2023)

                     City Council (12/5/2023)

                     City of Alameda-AC Transit Inter-Agency Liaison Committee (ILC, 5/17/2023, 1/30/2024), and a public workshop held during the ILC time slot (4/18/2024)


The City of Alameda provided letters to the AC Transit Board of Directors during two planning stages:

                     City feedback on AC Transit Realign Draft Service Scenarios, December 13, 2023

                     City feedback on AC Transit Realign Draft Plan, May 30, 2024 (Exhibit 1)




Realign Draft Final Plan: Changes from the May 2024 Draft Plan

                     Line 51A continues to route though Alameda (not replaced with a re-routed Line 6)

                     Line 20 routed along Pan Am Way instead of Main St

                     Line 21 routed to Mecartney and Maitland


Realign Draft Final Plan: Changes from Existing Service

                     Line 19 - Terminate at Fruitvale BART

                     Line 20 - Route further west to increase access to Alameda Point

                     Line 21 - Remove service to Oakland Airport, which AC Transit could not afford with just a few riders per run

                     51A - No change

                     96 - Serve Brooklyn Basin after downtown Oakland

                     O - No change to route or weekday service. Weekend service reduced to hourly

                     OX - Eliminate/combine with Line W

                     W - Reroute to include some areas previously served by OX

                     631, 663, and 687 - no changes (AC Transit Realign is not evaluating/changing school routes)


Route profiles are available at <>.


City Requests for The AC Transit Vision/Unconstrained Plan

AC Transit will release a new version of the Unconstrained Plan in early 2025.

                     15-minute service on Line 19

                     15-minute service on Line 96

                     Extend Line 96 to Coast Guard Island/Dennison Street if feasible




There is no financial impact for the City.



The Alameda City Council Strategic Plan has this action: “Advocate for AC Transit service enhancements for Alameda Point and Northern Waterfront (currently partially served by Line 96 and 19).”


The General Plan (2021), Climate Action & Resiliency Plan (2019), and Transportation Choices Plan (2018) prioritize public transit as an important transportation choice in Alameda.


The Transportation Choices Plan (Project 22) calls for a crosstown route serving Alameda Point through the northern section of the island and to Bay Farm.




This discussion does not constitute a “project” as defined in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 and therefore no further CEQA analysis is required.



Convenient, reliable bus lines serving Alameda is important to reducing vehicle miles traveled and transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions.



Receive an update on the AC Transit Realign Draft Final Plan.


Respectfully submitted,


Lisa Foster, Acting Transportation Planning Manager



1.                     City of Alameda Comments on AC Transit Realign Draft Plan, May 30, 2024