File #: 2024-4023   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 5/13/2024
Title: PLN24-0167 - Design Review - Corica Park Golf Course Fire Tower Beautification Project - 1 Clubhouse Memorial Road. Applicant: Greenway Golf Associates, Inc. Public hearing to consider Design Review for the Corica Park Golf Course Fire Tower Beautification Project. The proposed project consists of a mural that wraps all four sides of the fire tower and a landscape and fencing plan that creates a gathering place on the grounds surrounding the tower. General Plan: Public Park and Open Space. Zoning: Open Space. CEQA Determination: Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Prior Design Concepts, 2. Exhibit 2 Final Design Concept, 3. Exhibit 3 Draft Resolution



PLN24-0167 - Design Review - Corica Park Golf Course Fire Tower Beautification Project - 1 Clubhouse Memorial Road. Applicant: Greenway Golf Associates, Inc.  Public hearing to consider Design Review for the Corica Park Golf Course Fire Tower Beautification Project. The proposed project consists of a mural that wraps all four sides of the fire tower and a landscape and fencing plan that creates a gathering place on the grounds surrounding the tower.  General Plan: Public Park and Open Space.  Zoning: Open Space.  CEQA Determination: Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities.




To:                      Honorable President and Members of the Planning Board


Greenway Golf Associates, Inc. (Greenway) leases the Corica Park Golf Course, the City’s 45-hole golf course at Harbor Bay, from the City of Alameda.  Pursuant to the lease agreement, Greenway must renovate and beautify the abandoned fire tower and surrounding area located along the north side of the entryway at the corner of Island Drive and Clubhouse Memorial Road.

The Planning Board gave conceptual approval on April 24, 2023, with direction to return with additional concepts for consideration. On April 8, 2024, a revised application was submitted by the mural designers, Local Edition and John Horton, with a new mural concept and three color schemes; the approved landscape plans remain unchanged.

Staff recommends that the Board approve the revised mural design concept and select a color scheme.


The Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Greenway, approved by Council in 2021, requires that Greenway renovate and beautify the fire tower and surrounding area located at the corner of Island Drive and Clubhouse Memorial Road to provide a more aesthetic entry into Corica Park. The Lease Agreement states that the “‘Beautification Work’ shall mean the improvement of the Fire Tower’s appearance by, among other things, painting a mural and installing landscaping substantially consistent with the conceptual ‘before and after’ drawings attached hereto….” (See Exhibit 1)

As required by the Second Amendment, Greenway evaluated the structural integrity and assessed the presence of hazardous materials on and within the Fire Tower with the recommendation to keep and beautify the Fire Tower structure. These reports were provided to the City and  City staff concurred with the recommendation which also includes mitigation measures to address existing hazardous materials that must be completed by Greenway during construction. The Second Amendment also requires referral of this matter to the Golf Commission and Design Review approval by the Planning Board. The Golf Commission recommended in 2022 moving forward with the work as expeditiously as possible. The project is not subject to review by the Public Art Commission.

The Planning Board previously reviewed other concepts for the landscaping and mural in May of 2022 and April of 2023. (see Exhibit 1) Feedback at that time indicated a preference for a design concept that is more abstract and oriented toward a more subtle pattern at a human scale that blends into the environment, or a design that accentuates the building form. Under the Second Amendment, Greenway is required to complete the Fire Tower mural and surrounding area improvements within six months of approval by the Planning Board.


Greenway’s revised proposal for the Fire Tower design is shown in Exhibit 2.

The revised proposal includes the landscape and fencing plan that was reviewed and conceptually approved by the Planning Board in 2023.  This plan creates a landscaped gathering place that may be reserved for classes or special meetings. The landscape materials include a pollinator garden that uses native, drought-resistant plants to promote biodiversity, a gravel walkway and area for gathering, while remaining fenced from general public access for security and maintenance purposes.

From the artist’s statement: “Translating a local topographical map into abstract contemporary art, our mural concept is to create an abstracted topographic artwork from a bird’s eye view of a section of Alameda, deconstructed. The mural will honor the unique and tranquil setting while also evoking something locals are familiar with, even if subconsciously. The color palette will work harmoniously with both the golf course and the surrounding community. The nature of this design will turn the fire tower into a veritable sculpture work of art and not simply a mural. What’s especially enticing about this concept is there currently is no other public art in Alameda with this approach. This design will add a new element to the community’s public art collection.”

Staff believes the revised design meets the terms of the Second Amendment and represents a significant improvement over the existing condition and prior designs.  The plan will improve the view into the golf course from Island Drive and the view of the Fire Tower from the golf course. Staff recommends approval of the proposal.


The General Plan includes the following policy and actions:

Arts and Culture. Support and promote a diversity of arts and cultural facilities and programs throughout the city for people of all ages.


a. Strengthen Cultural Resources. Partner with educational institutions, libraries, arts and cultural organizations, the business community and creative industries to strengthen Alameda’s network of cultural resources and development of the arts.

b. Accessibility of Cultural Facilities and Programs. Encourage the development of arts, entertainment and cultural facilities that are both physically and financially accessible to all.

c. Contributions to Public Art. Promote and support the public art requirement for new developments within the city.

The project is not considered as meeting the public art ordinance requirements for new development because there is not new development that triggers the need for public art.  However, the Lease Agreement requires an aesthetic treatment of the property. In this sense, it is also furthering the public policy of making art available to a variety of people through partnerships with the business community.

The zoning district allows public amenities and recreation, open space, and golf courses, and is intended to preserve scenic vistas. The existing building will not be expanded or changed in use; it will remain vacant and merely visually improved and maintained.


Property owners and residents within 300 feet of the project boundaries were notified of the public hearing and given the opportunity to review and comment on the proposal. Public outreach on this project also occurred on multiple occasions as part of the City’s deliberations on the Lease amendment. Prior comments addressed a desire to see the tower area beautified and for a modest mural to be installed. Any further comment letters will be forwarded to the Planning Board.


The project is Categorically Exempt from further review under CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities (Class 1, operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use).  None of the exceptions to the exemption apply.


There is no financial impact to the City or the Golf Fund from this beautification project of the fire tower and surrounding area. The Second Amendment places the full financial responsibility with Greenway.


There are no climate impacts as the result of the proposed improvements.


Conduct a public hearing and approve Design Review for the Corica Park Golf Course Fire Tower Beautification Project as specified in the draft resolution and submitted design plans for the landscape improvements and the mural concept, indicating a preference for one of the selected color schemes.

Respectfully submitted,


Steven Buckley, Planning Services Manager



1.                     Prior Design Concepts

2.                     Final Design Concept

3.                     Draft Resolution