File #: 2024-4145   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Recreation and Park Commission
On agenda: 6/13/2024
Title: Recommendation to Approve the Conceptual Design Plan for Estuary Park Phase 2 as Modified by the Alameda Recreation and Parks Department. (Recreation 10051400)
Attachments: 1. Estuary Park - Concept Plan - EXHIBIT 1, 2. Estuary Park Conceptual Design - Phase 2

Recommendation to Approve the Conceptual Design Plan for Estuary Park Phase 2 as Modified by the Alameda Recreation and Parks Department. (Recreation 10051400)



To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Recreation and Parks Commission


From: Justin Long, Recreation and Parks Director




Estuary Park is designed to be the primary neighborhood park for Admiral’s Cove, Alameda Landing, and other new housing to be built across from the park.  It will also serve residents at Alameda Point, including those living at the Alameda Point Collaborative and future RESHAP development. The first 4-acre phase of Estuary Park opened to the public in January 2019 and includes two synthetic turf athletic fields. Phase 2 of the park will include the neighborhood park amenities such as restrooms, picnic areas, benches, drinking fountains, open lawn area, an inclusive playground, pickleball courts, basketball court, dog parks, Bankshot inclusive basketball system and parking lot with chargers for electric vehicles.




Estuary Park was planned in two phases due to funding availability. Phase 1 is the western four acres and Phase 2 encompasses the remaining four acres on the eastern end. Phase 1 was opened to the public in January 2019.


The eastern Phase 2 portion of Estuary Park is planned as a community park space with an inclusive playground, picnic areas, restroom, basketball, Bankshot (an inclusive basketball system), pickleball courts, pathways, open lawn, a dog park separated for large and small dogs, and a parking lot (with EV charging stations). (Exhibit 1) These recreation areas will serve the entire community, athletic field users, and the residential housing at Alameda Landing, Admiral’s Cove, and Alameda Point.


Funding for Phase 2 is secured through a $2.5 million grant from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) administered by the California Department of Parks and Recreation with matching funds available in the Estuary Park Phase 2 Capital Improvement Program project budget for the total estimated construction budget.




Alameda Recreation and Parks Department (ARPD) revised the previously approved site plan by including additional features designed for inclusion for children and adults of all physical and developmental abilities, as required for the LWCF grant. This complements the fully inclusive Challenger Field built in the first phase.


The site plan includes the following features:


                     A large picnic area located near the restroom building and including eight picnic tables, two barbeques, several trees, and a shade structure. 

                     Restroom building with six separate single-user, gender neutral restrooms, including a drinking fountain with bottle filling station. This building will serve both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Estuary Park.

                     Two dog parks with one for large dogs and one for small dogs.

                     Four Pickleball courts with an entrance area including seating and trees for shade.

                     A full- size basketball court located on the north side of the park with benches for spectators and rest areas.

                     An  all-inclusive playground designed to provide experiences for children and adults of all abilities. Features include accessible transfer platforms, wheelchair accessible merry-go-round, accessible swings, various climbing features, and an accessible slide.

                     Bank-Shot court system - an inclusive basketball skills training game that allows everyone to learn in a fun environment.

                     An open lawn area to provide space for the community to gather, play, and connect with neighbors and friends.

                     Walkways throughout the park providing circulation and connections to all features in the park with adjacent safety lighting.

                     Twenty bicycle racks are located throughout the park including near entrances, main park elements, and picnic areas. The racks will accommodate large cargo bikes and regular bikes.

                     A parking lot with 29 vehicle spaces including ADA vehicle spaces, and two electric vehicle chargers. Street parking adjacent to the park will allow an additional 20 spaces.

The community outreach included two in-person meetings, an online survey, and outreach at the Starlight Movies in the Park event. The meetings and survey were marketed through social media, the ARPD website, and email blast to over 10,000 people.


Staff received 475 responses to the online survey asking the community to rank park amenities and playground features. The top ranked amenities included: Lawn area, Picnic areas, Restrooms, and Shade Structure followed by Basketball, Pickleball, and dog park.


The in-person meetings took place on December 6, 2023, and December 13, 2023. Approximately 20 community members attended each meeting. Based on the feedback from the meetings and results of the survey the design team made modifications including replacing the basketball half-court with a full court, relocating the Bankshot adjacent to the playground, locating seating near shade, and confirmed which specific playground equipment would be included such as the accessible merry-go-round.


The project is anticipated to go out to bid in March of 2025 with construction starting in June 2025. The park is expected to be open to the public in the spring of 2026.




                     Approve and recommend the Phase 2 design concept as shown in Exhibit 1.

•    Provide direction to staff to modify the proposed design concept. This alternative requires additional time to make changes, will increase total design cost and may increase the total construction cost and require identification of additional funding.




Funding for design of Estuary Park Phase 2 is available in the Capital Improvement Program (Project No. C52500). Staff is finalizing construction funding and will include any budget changes and appropriations when returning to award the construction contract.


The estimated annual maintenance cost for Estuary Park Phase 2 is approximately $136,000, with an initial, one-time equipment cost of $60,000. Funding for ongoing maintenance will be subject to future City Council approval with the park maintenance budget funded by the General Fund.




This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code. Estuary Park Phase 2 is identified in the Strategic Plan Priority to, Enhance Community Safety & Services as Project CS12 - Complete design and construct Phase 2 of Estuary Park.




The Phase 2 proposed project consists of the rehabilitation and improvement of a previously existing park. Phase 2 is consistent with the zoning and general plan designation for the property, and the improvements will be subject to the existing design requirements of the Alameda Municipal Code ensuring compatibility with adjacent land uses. For these reasons, the proposed project will not result in any significant environmental impacts and will be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15301 (existing facilities), 15302 (replacement or reconstruction), and 15303 (new construction or conversion of small structures).


Separately, as part of the LWCF grant funding Phase 2 of the proposed project, the National Park Service directed the City of Alameda (City) to complete cultural and biological studies to substantiate the City’s compliance with certain LWCF criteria. The City completed these studies, and submitted the studies and related compliance documents for review by the National Park Service.




The Phase 2 scope includes: promoting clean transportation options by incorporating EV charging stations within the new parking lot, complying with the City’s Zero Waste Implementation Plan to minimize solid waste disposal (including construction and demolition debris), minimizing the need for irrigation and, when necessary, utilizing only water-efficient irrigation systems, and mitigating excessive storm water runoff with the use of infiltration trenches and bioretention basins. In addition, and also aligned with the City’s Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, is that the singular new Phase 2 structure, a pre-engineered public restroom building, will be all-electric for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.




Approve the Concept Design Plan for Estuary Park Phase 2, at 201 Mosley Avenue.


Respectfully submitted,

Justin Long, Director of Recreation and Parks


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director



1.                     Conceptual Design Plan