Public Workshop to review and comment on the Draft Alameda Active Transportation Plan
To: Honorable President and
Members of the Planning Board
From: Andrew Thomas, Planning, Building and Transportation Director
Rochelle Wheeler, Senior Transportation Coordinator
The City of Alameda has completed a Draft Active Transportation Plan that updates and combines the 2009 Pedestrian Plan and 2010 Bicycle Master Plan. The Plan provides a roadmap for making walking and biking safe and desirable every-day transportation options. It addresses the needs of people of all ages and abilities - including children, seniors, women, people of color, low-income people, people with disabilities − to address the City’s vision zero, transportation mode shift, and greenhouse reduction goals, and to enhance the health and livability of Alameda.
Staff is requesting that the Planning Board review and comment on the draft Plan. After receiving comments from Boards and Commissions and the Alameda community, staff will make revisions to the draft Plan for final review and action on the Plan by the Transportation Commission in November and the City Council in December.
The Plan and appendices will be posted and available for public review on October 3, 2022 at www.ActiveAlameda.org <http://www.ActiveAlameda.org>.
The Plan updates the City’s over-decade-old Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans, and was shaped by the Alameda community over a three-year period. The planning process began in fall 2019 with an intensive and inclusive public engagement period to learn what the community saw as the assets and needs of the existing biking and walking environment. In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the Plan’s process and engagement strategy, while it also altered transportation patterns and led people to think differently about how we use public spaces and rights-of-way. In summer 2020, draft recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian projects, programs, policies, and priorities were presented to the community virtually and input was solicited. Beginning in early 2022, staff and the consultant team incorporated the community feedback on the recommendations, developed and applied the prioritization methodology to the capital projects, and assembled the Draft Plan for public review.
This Active Transportation Plan describes the work that is needed over the next eight years to make Alameda a city where people of all ages, abilities, income levels, and backgrounds are safer and more comfortable walking, biking, or rolling as a preferred mode of transportation.
The Plan is designed to implement the goals and actions in the 2021 General Plan, which include the 2021 Mobility Element vision statement:
“A well-designed, safe, multimodal transportation system that meets the needs of all residents, visitors, and business owners, employees and customers, regardless of income, background, ability, neighborhood, or mode of travel, is essential to being a healthy, equitable and inclusive city and to protecting the environment and responding to the climate crisis.”
Staff is requesting comments from the public over the next three weeks (October 3 to 23rd). The City is also providing opportunities for comment through an online survey, public events and presentations to community groups and City Boards and Commissions. All information about the review process will be available at www.ActiveAlameda.org <http://www.ActiveAlameda.org>.
The major public events include:
• Virtual Public Workshop, via Zoom, Wednesday, October 5, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
• In-person Open House, Alameda Main Library, Stafford Room, 1550 Oak St, Sunday, October 16, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
• Virtual office hours: Monday, October 17, 12noon - 1:00 pm., and Tuesday, October 18, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
• Tabling at the Farmers' Market, 710 Haight Ave, Tuesday, October 18, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Public workshops with City Boards and Commissions:
• Planning Board, October 10
• Commission on Persons with Disabilities, October 12
• Recreation and Park Commission, October 13
• Transportation Commission (Special meeting), October 20
• Social Services and Human Relations Board, October 27
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Reviewing and commenting on a draft plan is not a “project” subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act. Implementing the Active Transportation Plan will have a positive effect on the environment and climate change.
Implementing the draft Active Transportation Plan will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alameda. Currently vehicle trips in Alameda generate approximately 70% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the City of Alameda. This is a reflection of the fact that over 60% of all trips in Alameda are taken by automobile, despite the fact that over 60% of all trips taken are 3 miles or less in length. Currently walking and bicycling comprise only 5% of all trips. One of the goals of the Active Transportaion Plan is to increase the percentage of bicyle and pedestrian trips and reduce the percentage of automobile trips. (See draft Active Transportation Plan for more information.)
Review and comment on the Draft Alameda Active Transportation Plan.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Thomas, Planning, Building and Transportation Director
Rochelle Wheeler, Senior Transportation Coordinator