File #: 2024-3745   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 2/20/2024
Title: Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a One-Year Agreement with 1582 Medical Corporation for Medical Examinations in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $106,000 with the Option to Extend for One Additional Year for a Total Compensation Not-to-Exceed $216,000. (Fire 10032210)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Service Provider Agreement



Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a One-Year Agreement with 1582 Medical Corporation for Medical Examinations in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $106,000 with the Option to Extend for One Additional Year for a Total Compensation Not-to-Exceed $216,000.  (Fire 10032210)



To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager




The Alameda Fire Department (Fire Department) conducts annual medical examinations for its members to ensure they maintain a fitness for duty standard. It is recommended that City Council approve a Service Provider Agreement with 1582 Medical Corporation for annual medical testing and physical examinations for the Fire Department in the amount not-to-exceed $216,000. The medical testing and physical examination provided by 1582 Medical Corporation are compliant with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1582 standard and also provide enhanced screening for cancer and heart disease. With repeated exposure to smoke and hazardous materials, it is the goal of the Fire Department to afford its members a quality of life both during and after their careers, while also ensuring they maintain fitness for duty standards. Early detection is key in the fire service to prevent Fire Department employees from being severely impacted by work-related cancer and heart disease.




NFPA 1582 is a standard that provides information and guidance for physicians and other health care providers responsible for Fire Department occupational medical programs. The medical requirements are intended to be part of an evaluation to ensure that candidates and current members are capable of performing their required duties and reduce the risk of occupational injuries and illnesses. The physical exam is recommended annually for all firefighters.  With Standard 1582’s specific guidelines, the NFPA aims to identify and reduce negative health impacts of firefighting and the harsh environmental conditions under which firefighters must perform their duties.  These conditions dramatically increase their susceptibility to stress and overexertion, along with the potential for developing cancer. Many of these deaths could potentially be avoided through early detection of underlying medical conditions by participation in an annual routine medical examination.


The key function of the NFPA 1582 physical test is to make sure that the challenges a firefighter faces will not overexert or over-stress the participant. That makes the medical component of the test equally important.

Synthetic materials that burn in fires contain far more toxins than ever before, thus today’s firefighters face a much higher risk than their predecessors. Medical surveillance testing was created to monitor hidden health issues, such as heart and lung function.

The following is included in the NFPA 1582 medical examination:


                     Medical History

                     Physical Examination

                     Blood Analysis


                     Pulmonary Function Test

                     Chest X-Ray (discipline specific)


                     Infectious Disease Screening

                     Cancer screening

                     Audiometric Exam

                     Vision Testing


Historically, the City of Alameda (City) Fire Department partnered with Kaiser Permanente of Oakland (Kaiser) for completion of these annual medical examinations. Over the past several years, it has become logistically more challenging to facilitate these exams through Kaiser. Kaiser limits the number of employees that can complete the exam each week. This restriction stretches the scheduling of the exams over a one-year period. City firefighters are on-duty when sent to Kaiser to complete their examination. The current process for examinations with Kaiser places a crew out of service for 4-6 hours while in Oakland, thus reducing the number of personnel to respond to emergencies. Additionally, Kaiser’s process for blood lab work does not commence until an employee's examination. Due to the time needed to process blood tests, it does not allow for the physician to discuss results with the employee at the time of appointment as employees receive reports 1-2 weeks after their visit.


In an effort to provide staff with the most comprehensive annual medical testing and physical examination available in compliance with NFPA1582, the Fire Department researched other options available that would meet the Fire Department’s requirements for reducing the impact of annual examinations on the Fire Department’s operations. 



If City Council authorizes contracting with 1582 Medical Corporation (Vendor), the Vendor will conduct all exams on-site at the Alameda Fire Department Training Facility. The Vendor can accommodate up to nine employees per day and it is anticipated that the entire Fire Department can complete the process in 10-11 days. All blood draws for required lab work will be conducted two weeks before the scheduled appointments to allow the physician access to the results during the employee's assessment. The Vendor will also provide each employee a comprehensive cancer screening by utilizing ultrasound, along with a cardiac stress test. The on-site capabilities and their enhanced medical evaluation will surpass what Kaiser provided and will meet the Fire Department’s requirements for on-site examinations with minimal impact on operations. The Vendor was selected on a sole source basis because of quality considerations and the uniqueness of Vendor’s capabilities to meet the Fire Department’s requirements for on-site examinations. 



                     Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Service Provider Agreement with 1582 Medical Corporation.

                     Stay with the status quo and complete annual physicals with Kaiser which does not include the enhanced screening for cancer and heart disease, along with presenting operational and logistical challenges for the Fire Department.




There are sufficient funds available in the Fire Department’s Emergency Services Division operating budget to fund the requested services for both fiscal years.




This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code and all policy documents.  This action is subject to the Levine Act.




This action does not constitute a “project” as defined in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 and therefore no further CEQA analysis is required.




There are no identifiable climate impacts or climate action opportunities associated with the subject of this report.




Authorize the City Manager to execute a one-year agreement with 1582 Medical Corporation for medical examinations in an amount not to exceed $106,000 with the option to extend for one additional year for a total compensation not-to-exceed $216,000. 


Respectfully submitted,

Nicholas Luby, Fire Chief



Monique Raqueno, Fire Admin Service Manager


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director



1.                     1582 Medical Corporation Service Provider Agreement