Consider Directing City Manager to Take Immediate Action Related to Alameda Police Department (APD) Response to 911 Calls by Dispatchers and Police Officers, Require Non-Police Response to Certain 911 Calls, Prepare a Compendium of All Mental Health Resources Currently Available to APD, Revise APD Use of Force Policies and Establish Protocols for Requesting Non-Police Response, Backup, and/or Interventions, Create a Mental Health-Oriented Response Model, Initiate a Public Education Campaign to Provide Easily Accessible Alternatives to Calling 911, and Work with City Council to Create a Civilian Police Oversight Board. (Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft and Vice Mayor Vella)
The Council can take any of the following actions:
1) Take no action.
2) Refer the matter to staff to schedule as a future City Council agenda item.
3) Take dispositive action if sufficiently noticed such that the public and Council have been provided sufficient information by the published agenda, and no formal published notice of a public hearing is required.
Name of Councilmember requesting referral: Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft and Vice Mayor Vella
Date of submission to City Clerk (must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on the Monday two weeks before the Council meeting requested): 04/26/2021
Council Meeting date:
Brief description of the subject to be printed on the agenda, sufficient to inform the City Council and public of the nature of the referral:
Direct City Manager to take immediate action related to Alameda Police Department (APD) response to 911 calls by dispatchers and police officers, require non-police response to certain 911 calls, prepare a compendium of all mental health resources currently available to APD, revise APD use of force policies and establish protocols for requesting non-police response, backup, and/or interventions, create a mental health-oriented response model, initiate a public education campaign to provide easily accessible alternatives to calling 911, and work with City Council to create a civilian police oversight board.
This Special City Council Meeting is convened, in light of recent policing-related events across the country, to allow City Council to direct City Manager to immediately:
1) order immediate training for all APD dispatchers on assessing and responding to 911 calls, including alternatives to dispatching police officers;
2) prepare a compendium of all mental health resources currently available to APD, and direct protocols for their use;
3) work with City Council to revise APD use of force policies, and establish protocols for requesting non-police response, backup, and/or interventions;
4) order immediate training for all APD officers on topics identified in paragraphs 2) and 3);
5) create a mental health-oriented response model similar to the CAHOOTS program in Eugene, Oregon and the MACRO program in Oakland, California;
6) initiate a public education campaign to provide easily accessible alternatives to calling 911;
7) work with City Council to create a civilian police oversight board.
All requested items should include a timeline and funding source.
Direct the City Manager to return with information on financial impacts.
Priority Ranking:
↑ Urgent |
2 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
Important → |
____ 1 = Not urgent, not important
____ 2 = Urgent, not important
_X _ 3 = Urgent and important
____ 4 = Not urgent, important