Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with OpenGov for Park Maintenance Asset Management Software for the Recreation and Parks Department, for One-Year with Two One-Year Extensions in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $237,019.58. (Recreation and Parks 10051400)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
The City of Alameda’s Recreation and Parks Department currently does not have a computerized maintenance management system and having such a system will enhance that Department’s ability to track staff time, workforce distribution, operating costs, and long-term replacement plans of Department assets. OpenGov has developed such a system and if this Agreement is approved and the system fully implemented, the system will improve efficiency, reduce costs and enable more informed decision making.
As part of staff’s effort to be more productive and efficient Alameda Recreation and Park Department (ARPD) would begin using a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) developed by OpenGov. CMMS creates a detailed inventory of the assets ARPD maintains; documents and retains vital condition data on those assets; and enables the scheduling, tracking, and recording of ongoing maintenance for those assets. With this system, supervisors can more efficiently manage park maintenance staff workload through a work order system to coordinate scheduled and unanticipated maintenance of park assets, such as playgrounds, trash/recycling, pathways, irrigation systems, landscape and athletic facilities. CMMS is also integrated with a geographic information system to show City of Alameda (City) assets and work history in an electronic map viewable from a computer or in the field. Much of the current data is housed among various paper files, computer systems, and/or in the City’s current customer relationship manager system. Once fully implemented, CMMS improves efficiency and productivity, reduces cost, and enables more informed decision-making. Fixing irrigation systems is one example of how CMMS improves efficiency. With the CMMS, staff can use the geolocation of the system to identify the underground location that needs repair. Without the CMMS system, staff digs potholes in the general area, based off of paper plans in order to identify the needed location. Another example is scheduling preventative and ongoing maintenance to ensure it occurs throughout the park system.
ARPD park maintenance performs regular routine maintenance programs, responds to SeeClickFix reports, and repairs and replaces park assets. Staff currently does not have the ability to track staff time, workforce distribution, operating costs per park and asset type, and long-term replacement plans of assets that reach the end of their useful lifespan. Supervisors spend 25%-45% of time tracking and planning work manually through spreadsheets leading to inefficiency and loss of staff productivity.
The proposed work order system will coordinate workflow for park maintenance staff reducing supervisor’s time scheduling and tracking routine work. The system fully integrates with SeeClickFix, the City’s public facing portal for citizens to report issues and concerns. The system will track park asset condition, inspections, repairs, material costs, and assist staff developing long-term capital asset replacement plans.
In 2024, ARPD staff located all park assets in the City’s geographic information system (GIS) that will integrate with the OpenGov system allowing staff to complete workorders in the field visually with smartphones and other portable technology. The information will also display all work-orders visually and provide a robust reporting system to inform council on park conditions and asset lifecycle status.
• Do not execute the agreement with OpenGov and direct staff to evaluate other software to provide similar services.
• Direct staff to explore alternatives to a CMMS system.
Pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code section 2-61.7 (Joint Purchases with Public Agencies), purchase of equipment, among other items, may be purchased provided that the price paid by another public agency was itself the subject of competitive bidding. The Sourcewell contract was the result of a competitive bidding and the current proposed contract with OpenGov is lower than the Sourcewell pricing. Additionally, for procurement purposes, OpenGov’s software platform is the only integrated multi-tenant Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that can meet and/or exceed the City’s desired goals for communications, reporting, and civic engagement.
OpenGov asset management system pricing for one year and implementation is $103,005. The agreement also provides for two one-year extensions. Funding is available in the Recreation and Park Fund 10051450-52010.
This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code. This action supports the City Strategic Plan Priorities to Enhance Community Safety and Services as well as to Practice Fiscally Responsible, Equitable and Inclusive Governance.
Approval of this Agreement does not require further environmental review because it is a continuing administrative activity that will not have a significant effect on the environment and hence, not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA Guidelines, Section 15378(b)(2)
This action if approved will increase staff efficiency and reduce vehicle trips due to organized work plans.
Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with OpenGov for Park Maintenance Asset Management Software for ARPD for one-year with two one-year extensions in an amount not-to-exceed $237,019.58.
Respectfully submitted,
Justin Long, Recreation and Parks Director
Financial Impact section reviewed,
Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director
1. OpenGov Agreement