File #: 2025-4848   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Historical Advisory Board
On agenda: 3/6/2025
Title: PLN25-0079 - 2320 Lincoln Ave. - Applicant: Sum Capital Investments. Study session to discuss a Certificate of Approval to allow the demolition of two existing structures, one commercial and one residential, built prior to 1942 and included in the City's Historical Building Study List, to facilitate the construction of two new 2-story mixed use buildings. General Plan: Community Commercial. Zoning: Community Commercial, Theatre Combining District. CEQA Determination: This item is a study session and will not result in any discretionary action, entitlement, or other decision that would constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Prior to any formal decision by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) concerning a project at the site, the HAB will conduct a duly noticed public hearing at which time project specific environmental impacts will be considered.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Project Plans, 2. Exhibit 2 2003 Historical Evaluation (Architectural Resources Group), 3. Exhibit 3 2004 Historical Evaluation (Elizabeth Krase), 4. Exhibit 4 1979 Survey Photos, 5. PLN25-0079 - 2320 Lincoln - Local Business and Petition Supporters, 6. Public Comment - 3-6-25, 7. Presentation

PLN25-0079 - 2320 Lincoln Ave. - Applicant: Sum Capital Investments. Study session to discuss a Certificate of Approval to allow the demolition of two existing structures, one commercial and one residential, built prior to 1942 and included in the City's Historical Building Study List, to facilitate the construction of two new 2-story mixed use buildings. General Plan: Community Commercial. Zoning: Community Commercial, Theatre Combining District. CEQA Determination: This item is a study session and will not result in any discretionary action, entitlement, or other decision that would constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Prior to any formal decision by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) concerning a project at the site, the HAB will conduct a duly noticed public hearing at which time project specific environmental impacts will be considered.




March 6, 2025
PLN25-0079 - 2320 Lincoln Ave. - Applicant: Sum Capital Investments. Study session to discuss a Certificate of Approval to allow the demolition of two existing structures, one commercial and one residential, built prior to 1942 and included in the City's Historical Building Study List, to facilitate the construction of two new 2-story mixed use buildings. General Plan: Community Commercial. Zoning: Community Commercial, Theatre Combining District. CEQA Determination: This item is a study session and will not result in any discretionary action, entitlement, or other decision that would constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Prior to any formal decision by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) concerning a project at the site, the HAB will conduct a duly noticed public hearing at which time project specific environmental impacts will be considered.

To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Historical Advisory Board
From: Steven Buckley, Historical Advisory Board Sec...

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