Public Workshop to Review and Give Direction for the Preparation of a Development Plan for the West Midway/RESHAP Project at Alameda Point
To: Honorable President and
Members of the Planning Board
From: Andrew Thomas, Planning, Building and Transportation Director
On May 19, 2020, the City Council and entered into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with a joint venture including Brookfield Homes and Catellus (collectively, Developer) for the development of a 43 acre site at Alameda Point referred to as the "West Midway site". One primary purpose of the agreement is to facilitate and support the reconstruction of the Alameda Point Collaborative housing (the "RESHAP project") on approximately 10 acres within the 43 acre area.
Over the last two years, the Developer has been evaluating the site constraints and costs. Staff received an initial draft Development Plan (Exhibit 1) a few days before publication of this staff report, and has not had time to fully review the document or share the document with the other departments for their review. Therefore this report and the preliminary staff analysis (Exhibit 2) asks the Planning Board and the community to provide direction on four specific site planning issues that are of concern to staff based on the preliminary review. The three issues that staff would like the Planning Board to discuss are listed below:
1) Design of the street grid within the project,
2) Design of the park system within the project, and
3) Mix of housing types within the project.
The staff analysis and preliminary recommendations for changes to the draft plan are included in Exhibit 2.
Location: The West Midway/RESHAP project area is comprised of approximately 43 acres of land immediately to the north of Site A and generally defined as the land located between Main Street, West Midway, Pan Am Way, and West Tower Avenue. The property is within the Main Street Specif...
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