File #: 2024-4312   
Type: Council Referral
Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/3/2024
Title: Consider Directing Staff to Implement and Enforce Pickleball Court Policies at Various Alameda Public Parks. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer)
Attachments: 1. Correspondence - Updated 9/3, 2. Councilmember Herrera Spencer Slide

Consider Directing Staff to Implement and Enforce Pickleball Court Policies at Various Alameda Public Parks. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer)



The Council can take any of the following actions:
1) Take no action.
2) Refer the matter to staff to schedule as a future City Council agenda item. Concurrence that staff time will be devoted to the item does not signify approval.
3) Take dispositive action only on time sensitive legislative matters if sufficiently noticed such that the public and Council have been provided sufficient information by the published agenda, and no formal published notice of a public hearing is required.

Name of Councilmember(s) requesting referral: Trish Herrera Spencer

Date of submission to City Clerk (must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on the Monday two weeks before the Council meeting requested): August 19, 2024

Council Meeting date: September 3, 2024

Brief description of the subject to be printed on the agenda, sufficient to inform the City Council and public of the nature of the referral:

Request City Council direct staff to: 1) add clear signage on courts of which courts are "pickleball only, no tennis," "tennis only, no pickleball," and, if any, "pickleball and tennis allowed"; 2) implement and enforce the ARPD agreement/understanding/pilot program/policy that pickleball is only at Lincoln and Leydecker and not at Franklin, Krusi and Longfellow; and that new pickleball courts will be added at Alameda Point; and, 3) ARPD/City staff will collaborate and work with the Alameda pickleball representatives (Teri Rose and Eddie Metairie) and Alameda Tennis Coalition representatives (Kristin Fairfield, Charlie Dewett, and Ed Setton) in good faith to have both pickleball and tennis offered equitably and responsibly with consideration of noise constraints at Alameda public parks.


In regards to Washington Park, staff has agreed to post "tennis only" signs. There's no date certain and clear...

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