Hearing on Sunshine Ordinance Complaint Filed on July 11, 2023
To: Honorable Chair Chen and Members of the Open Government Commission
Pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 2-93.2.b., the Open Government Commission is required to hear Sunshine Ordinance Complaints as soon as practicable and no later than 30 business days from the date the complaint is filed unless all relevant parties agree to a later date or the Commission finds good cause for an extension of time.
On July 11, 2023 a complaint was filed by Shelby Sheehan regarding records. (Exhibit 1)
On July 20, 2023, the City submitted a Position Statement (Exhibit 2), which was transmitted to the Complaintant.
On July 31, 2023 the Complainant submitted a response to the Position Statement, (Exhibit 3)
The Chief Assistant City Attorney will provide a Confidential Neutral Statement to the Commission under separate cover.
Additional arguments, information, and evidence may be presented by both sides up to and during the Complaint Hearing. Copies of any correspondence submitted prior to the Complaint Hearing will be sent to all parties.
Complainant's Opening Statement and Presentation of Facts: 10 minutes
Respondent's Opening Statement and Presentation of Facts: 10 minutes
Complainant's Reply to Respondent's Presentation of Facts (if needed): 5 minutes
Commissioner Questioning of Parties and Witnesses (if needed): 5 minutes per Commissioner
Complainant's Closing Statement: 2 minutes
Respondent's Closing Statement: 2 minutes
Commissioner Deliberations and Decision
The Commission shall issue a written decision with any of the following findings:
? Complaint Sustained with Cure and Correct Recommendation
? Complaint Sustained without Cure and Correct Recommendation
? Complaint Denied
? Complaint Denied as Unfounded
? Complaint Dismissed (on jurisdictional or procedural grounds, not a f...
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