File #: 2025-4866   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Golf Commission
On agenda: 3/11/2025
Title: Review and Comment on the Corica Park Rate Increases
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1-Corica Park 2025 Planned Rates
To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Golf Commission
From: Justin Long, Recreation and Parks Director
Re: Review and Comment on the Corica Park Rate Increases
The Greenway Golf (Greenway) lease with the City of Alameda (City), requires that Greenway provide discounted rates to City residents, seniors and students. It also requires that the City approve these fees, however the City may not deny approval if the proposed rates are commensurate with the rates at comparable golf facilities. These comparable facilities are specifically listed to include, but not be limited to, Monarch Bay and Metropolitan Golf Courses.
Exhibit 1 is a spreadsheet from Greenway detailing the Corica Park new rates, effective March 22, 2025, and includes comparable rates at various other public golf courses in the Bay Area.
Greenway submitted the following information:
The existing North 9-hole resident rates have been unchanged since approved by City management in Oct 2021. Additionally, Oct '21 was the last, and only, time the South Course resident rates have been adjusted since opening in June 2018. Although there have been significant impacts from inflation the past 3+ years, in celebration of completing all the course construction and the overall vision for the property, no adjustments are proposed for the South Course residents' rates.
In determining resident rates for the North 18, the current 9-hole North rates, which were approved by the City Oct 2021, were simply extended to an 18-hole rate equivalent. Which is to take the current 9-hole rate and adjust it on an average of 2X, to account for going from 9 to a full 18. In reviewing this structure, some of the days rates were adjusted down slightly from this 2x calculation to be a cleaner number in relationship to the discount from regular public rates. In support of resident players seeking greater value, rates do vary by course, and discounted senior rates, which make up 40% of all resident play, will b...

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