Provide input on Active Transportation Plan Draft Vision and Goals,
and Receive Project Update (Rochelle Wheeler, Senior Transportation Coordinator)
Transportation Commission
January 22, 2020
Item # 5C
Provide input on Active Transportation Plan Draft Vision and Goals,
and Receive Project Update
Last year the City embarked on updating its decade-old Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans as one combined Active Transportation Plan (ATP). In July 2019, the City awarded a contract to Toole Design to complete the ATP as well as a Vision Zero Action Plan. The City and Toole launched the project in August 2019 and since then have been busy with project start-up activities, public engagement, compiling and analyzing existing conditions, and developing the Plan Vision and Goals. Staff and the consultant last provided an update to the Transportation Commission in September 2019, where the Public Engagement Plan and Equity Framework were presented and input was received. Overall, the ATP project continues to be on track to present a draft Plan to the Transportation Commission in October 2020 and to the City Council in November 2020.
Since August 2019, the project has been in the "Project Discovery" phase of work, which focuses on setting the foundation for the planning work, informing the community about the Plan and soliciting input, and understanding the existing conditions. The staff and consultant team have also drafted the Plan Vision and Goals, and begun developing key policies and standards that can immediately be applied to near-term projects.
Public Engagement
A large part of this initial Project Discovery phase is reaching out to and hearing from the community. To that end, many efforts were undertaken in the first months of the project, as follows:
* Website: A project website (www.ActiveAlameda.org) and logo were developed to inform the public about the project, let people know how to participate and increase the visi...
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