File #: 2017-4416   
Type: New Business
Body: Recreation and Park Commission
On agenda: 6/8/2017
Title: Review and Recommend Encinal Boat Launch Facility Design
Attachments: 1. Encinal Boat Launch Facility Design Documents

Review and Recommend Encinal Boat Launch Facility Design


To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Recreation and Park Commission

From: Amy Wooldridge, Recreation and Parks Director

Re: Review and Recommend Encinal Boat Launch Facility Design


The Encinal Boat Launch Facility is an important recreational asset that provides direct and free access to the San Francisco Bay for all residents. It is an aging facility with a poorly paved parking lot, unusable restrooms, inadequate dock floats and a ramp that is deteriorated and unusable during extreme low tides. The project is located on the west end of Alameda adjacent to Encinal High School on Central Ave.

The City of Alameda received a $300,000 planning grant from the California State Parks Department, Division of Boating and Waterways to fund design and required permits for the Encinal Boat Launch Facility renovation. Once construction documents are complete, the City will apply to this same agency, and other sources, for construction funding.

The architect on this project is Moffatt & Nichol, which was chosen through a Request for Qualifications process and based on their extensive experience with marine project design and their approach to this project.


Renovation and improvement design components include:

* Replace the existing dock float and add a smaller dock float for non-motorized watercraft kayaks, stand up paddle boards, canoes, etc.). The dock for motorized watercraft will now be on the east side of the ramp with a 50 foot gangway to raise it above the rip rap. The non-motorized dock will be on the west side of the ramp.
* Renovate the boat ramp and improve so that it will now accommodate two launch lanes.
* Repave the parking lot, remove the medians and add parking spaces.
* Replace the restroom facility.
* Create ADA compliant access between the parking lot, restroom and boat ramp plus an ADA boat parking station. Also add two ADA trailer pull-through s...

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