File #: 2024-4346   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/17/2024
Title: Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute All Necessary Documents with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to Accept Grant Funds in the Amount of $480,070 for the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Waterway Study, and Amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Grants Fund (Fund 222) Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Budget Appropriating $480,070 from the Grants Fund (Fund 222) to the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Project in Capital Improvement Project C65900. Preparation of design and feasibility studies are exempt from environmental review under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15262. (Planning, Building and Transportation 24462742)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Bridge Waterway Study Schedule and Cost, 2. Exhibit 2: Map of Bridge Alignments, 3. Resolution

Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute All Necessary Documents with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to Accept Grant Funds in the Amount of $480,070 for the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Waterway Study, and Amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Grants Fund (Fund 222) Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Budget Appropriating $480,070 from the Grants Fund (Fund 222) to the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Project in Capital Improvement Project C65900.
Preparation of design and feasibility studies are exempt from environmental review under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15262. (Planning, Building and Transportation 24462742)

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager


The City of Alameda (City) applied for and has been awarded a $480,070 grant from Caltrans for a Waterway Study for the Oakland Alameda Estuary Bridge project. The attached resolution is a requirement for the City to be able to accept these funds.

The Oakland Alameda Estuary Bridge project, a new bicycle/pedestrian connection between west Alameda and Oakland, has been in the planning and scoping phase for fifteen years, and is included in multiple City plans, along with many other local, county, regional and state plans. The Bridge is a long-term project that, when completed, will provide a free, 24/7 alternative to the deficient Posey Tube path and will connect west Alameda to Jack London Square, Amtrak, Downtown Oakland, and two nearby Oakland BART stations.

In June, after almost two years working with partners, stakeholders and the community, the City completed the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC)-funded Project Initiation Document (PID), which provides the technical foundation for the next project phases of environmental, design and implementation. The immediate next phase was identified to be a Waterway Study of the Oakland Estuary, w...

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