Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager, or Designee, to Execute All Necessary Documents with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and California Office of Emergency Services to Accept $1,500,000 in Grant Funding from the Congressional Community Program and Obligate Said Funding for the Design Phase of the Bay Farm Island Flood Protection and Coastal Resilience Project. (Public Works 31041520)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
In 2018, FEMA issued updated flood maps that include much of the Bay Farm Island northern shoreline and the Veterans Court area in the 100-year flood zone. The need for improvements to the Bay Farm Island northern shoreline and Veterans Court area are also recognized in the Climate Action Resiliency Plan (CARP), the City of Alameda (City) Storm Drain Master Plan, the Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Plan, the 2021-2023 Capital Budget Update, and a 2017 recommendation from City consultant, Schaaf and Wheeler, on the City of Alameda Storm Drain Master Plan CIP update.
The City's adaptation planning and Public Works staff have been refining the concept of this plan since 2017. At this time, City staff believe that funding, momentum, and will are finally in place to initiate development of 100% design drawings and permitting for nature-based adaptation of Veterans Court and Lagoon System 1 outfall, as well as long-term nature-based concept design for the entire Bay Farm Island shoreline.
The total project cost for this phase is estimated to be $2 million. Staff applied for and received $1.5 million in funding from the Congressional Community Program under the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act 2022 through Representative Barbara Lee's office, with a $500,000 match from the City's General Fund included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 budget. The funding is being administered by FEMA through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program. Staff is recommendin...
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