File #: 2021-1161   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Social Service Human Relations Board
On agenda: 7/22/2021
Title: Review and Revise the Draft 2022 Work Plan for the Social Service Human Relations Board, Including Next Steps for "Alamedans Together Against Hate"
Attachments: 1. Draft 2022 Work Plan

Review and Revise the Draft 2022 Work Plan for the Social Service Human Relations Board, Including Next Steps for "Alamedans Together Against Hate"

To: Honorable Vice President Sarah Lewis and Members of the Social Service Human Relations Board


The City of Alameda's Municipal Code (AMC) describes that one of the duties of the Social Service Human Relations Board (Board) is to adopt a plan for the performance of its delineated functions "with advice and consent of the City Council." The AMC further notes that, "The City Council and Board will meet at least once a year to review the plan."
There is no record of an adopted plan until the Board had developed a 2020 work plan and presented it to City Council on January 7, 2020. Board members at that time found this to be a useful tool in planning future agenda items and in understanding the scheduling of different topics of concern. The Board did not prepare a work plan for 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic.
At its June 24, 2021 meeting, the Board discussed possible activities to promote the theme of "Alamedans Together Against Hate" (the exact title is to be determined). The Board also discussed informing the City Council of its priorities through the development of a 2022 work plan.

In preparing for the July 22, 2021 Board meeting, staff revised the 2020 Work Plan as a starting point for the development of a formal work plan that will be discussed in more detail in future Board meetings and will ultimately be presented to the City Council.
Staff has included regular annual activities as well as new projects on the horizon. These include:
* Overseeing the implementation of the Homelessness Strategic Plan and related activities; and
* Developing the Five-Year Community Needs Assessment. The Board last developed a community needs survey in 2017 and presented its report to the City Council on April 26, 2018.

The draft plan also includes:
* Goals that correspond to the Board...

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