Approve the Clement Avenue Safety Improvement Project Recommendations (Andrew Thomas, Director of the Planning, Building and Transportation Department)
Outcome: Commission to provide recommendations
To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Transportation Commission
From: Gail Payne, Senior Transportation Coordinator
The purpose of this agenda item is to consider the City's staff/consultant team's recommended design concept for the improvement of bicycle, pedestrian and automobile/truck safety on Clement Avenue from Grand Street to Broadway, and to provide the Transportation Commission with the opportunity to make a recommendation on the design concept to City Council. The Transportation Commission may recommend that the City Council approve staff's recommended concept, or the Commission may recommend an alternate design concept.
Staff will present the staff's recommended design concept and the Transportation Commission's recommended concept to the City Council in September. If the City Council approves a final design concept in September, the consultant will complete the final design and construction plans in the fall and construction may begin in mid-2020.
The City has identified Clement Avenue between Grand Street and Broadway, which is 1.2 miles in length, as a high priority for safety improvements. Clement Avenue is 48 to 50-foot wide curb to curb, and has two travel lanes separated in the center by a single set of paved over railroad tracks, on-street parking along both sides of the street and no bike lanes. Excessive speeds, challenging crossings for pedestrians and a lack of bicycle facilities cause safety concerns along this segment of Clement Avenue. Exhibit 1 provides more information on existing conditions.
Clement Avenue is part of the Cross Alameda Trail and is a potential future section of the San Francisco Bay Trail due to the U.S. Navy training facility that blocks existing and future access ...
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