Recommendation to Accept the Annual Automated License Plate Readers Data Report from the Alameda Police Department. (Police 10031130)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
The City of Alameda (City) Police Department (APD) acquired Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) in 2023 and uses this technology to assist with public safety. Pursuant to APD's Policy 462.11, APD is required to submit an annual report which contains an audit of use and efficacy.
In accordance with policy, it is the responsibility of the ALPR Administrator to ensure that an audit is conducted of ALPR detection browsing inquiries at least once during each calendar year. APD audits a sampling of the ALPR system utilization from the prior 12-month period to verify proper use in accordance with the authorized uses. The audit randomly selects at least ten detection browsing inquiries conducted by APD employees during the preceding 12-month period and determines if each inquiry meets the requirements established in this policy.
The audit is documented in the form of an internal department memorandum to the Chief of Police. The memorandum includes any data errors or policy violations found so that these errors can be corrected and violations addressed. Additionally, the memorandum includes an evaluation of the system's efficacy, including relevant crime statistics and/or data to help the community assess whether use of the technology is beneficial. After the review by the Chief of Police, the memorandum and any associated documentation will be filed and retained according to the City's retention policies.
Beginning on January 1, 2024 and annually thereafter, the Chief of Police will submit an annual report to City Council. The annual report will include, at a minimum:
1) A summary of the audit memorandum including any corrective action taken, except any confidential disciplinary information prohibite...
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