Adoption of Resolution Approving the Final Map and Bond, Authorizing Execution of Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Accepting Dedications and Easements for Tract 8118 (Marina Shores). (Public Works 310)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: John A. Russo, City Manager
Re: Adoption of Resolution Approving the Final Map and Bond, Authorizing Execution of Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Accepting Dedications and Easements for Tract 8118 (Marina Shores)(PW #310)
On January 2, 2013, the City Council approved Tentative Map Tract 8118 per City of Alameda Resolution No 14760. The Final Map provides for 53 lots, 89-unit subdivision on a 7.14-acre property located at 1551 Buena Vista Avenue. The Final Map also includes dedication of Stanton Street, Sakas Street, and Entrance Road as public streets, and public easements for utilities. The Final Map (Exhibit 1) is on file in the Public Works Department.
The Final Map has been reviewed and determined to be technically correct and in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map, conditions of approval, and mitigation measures. The tract infrastructure includes sanitary sewer and storm drain lines, sidewalk, curb, gutter, street pavement, and landscaping. The Homeowners Association will maintain the private infrastructure and the City will maintain the public infrastructure.
The Alameda Municipal Code requires the subdivider to enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) with the City and post bonds guaranteeing the subdivision improvements. The performance bond guaranteeing the public improvements is $2,268,701 and the labor and materials bond is $2,268,701. The performance bond guaranteeing the landscaping and irrigation improvements is $88,556, and the labor and materials bond is $88,556. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved as to form the agreement and bonds. The Agreement (Exhibit 2) is on file with...
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