Recommendation to Award an 18 Month Contract, with the Option of Two One-Year Extensions, in an Amount Not to Exceed $330,000, Including Optional Tasks, to Toole Design Group to Prepare an Active Transportation Plan for the City of Alameda. (Planning, Building & Transportation 4226287)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
The City of Alameda's (City) Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans, which are nine and ten years old, respectively, are in need of comprehensive updates to reflect current best practices in bicycle and pedestrian planning and design, current community needs and desires; and current regional and state grant funding requirements. With this in mind, in April 2019, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to update and combine the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plans into a single Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The City received four proposals. The selection panel interviewed the top three qualified firms and selected Toole Design Group as the firm that best meets the City's needs. The negotiated contract, totaling $330,000, is attached for Council's consideration to award (Exhibit 1).
In response to recent City Council direction to expedite bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements and take immediate actions to support the City's greenhouse gas reduction goals established by the City Council's recently adopted Climate Emergency Resolution and the draft Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, the ATP contract is designed to simultaneously execute the necessary big-picture, long-term planning for walking and bicycling in the City, and the accelerated development of impactful implementation tools that will quickly improve the safety and comfort of walking and bicycling in the City, and which can be adopted by the City Council during the ATP planning process.
The City's Bicycle Master Plan was first adopted in 1999 and then updated in 2010. The City's Pedestrian Plan was adopted in 2009. These ...
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