File #: 2021-1179   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 7/28/2021
Title: Recommendations for Commercial Streets (Action Item)
Attachments: 1. Commercial Streets Community Survey Summary, 2. Correspondence: Bike Walk Alameda, 3. Correspondence: Ronald Mooney, 4. Presentation
Recommendations for Commercial Streets (Action Item)
Transportation Commission
July 28, 2021
Item #6B

Recommendations for Commercial Streets


In May 2020, in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the recommendations of the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) and the Downtown Alameda Business Association (DABA), the City Council authorized staff to proceed with a full slate of efforts, called the Commercial Streets program, to support the survival of Alameda's businesses through the pandemic and to minimize the risk to public safety and the safety of the business employees, owners, and customers. This program included the travel lane changes to Park Street and Webster Street, allowing parklets and sidewalk seating, the addition of short term parking, and a citywide permit allowing dining in private parking lots.

This report makes recommendations regarding the actions and decisions that should be made over the next two years by the City of Alameda to support the economic recovery of the business community from pandemic and to support equitable, safe, and efficient movement of people walking, people with disabilities, people bicycling, buses, delivery trucks and vehicles, on Alameda's commercial streets.

Staff is requesting that the Transportation Commission review and comment on staff's five recommendations regarding the five primary components of the Commercial Streets program. Staff will then present the Transportation Commission's recommendations and the staff recommendations to the City Council in September. Separately, staff is developing recommendations on the future of the residential "Slow Streets" program to come to the Transportation Commission in September. The Slow Street program recommendations will then be presented to the City Council in October 2021.


To support its business community and the health and safety Alameda residents, employees and visitors during this global pand...

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