File #: 2023-3122   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 5/24/2023
Title: Approve Draft Minutes of the January 25, 2023, Transportation Commission Meeting (Action)

Approve Draft Minutes of the January 25, 2023, Transportation Commission Meeting (Action)

Draft Minutes
Transportation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Location: Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361 codified at Government Code Section 54953, Transportation Commissioners can attend the meeting via teleconference. The City allows public participation via Zoom.

Zoom Attendees: 20

Legistar Link (Agenda and Video):|&Search=

1. Roll Call

Present: Chair Soules, Vice Chair Yuen and Commissioners Johnson, Nachtigall, Suthanthira, and Weitze.
Absent: Commissioner Kohlstrand

2. Agenda Changes


3. LegiStar File #2023-2763 - Staff Communications

Lisa Foster, Senior Transportation Coordinator, made several announcements, which are available in detail at:

4. Announcements / Public Comments

Commissioner Weitze wanted the city to look at the no right turn at the intersection of Ralph Appezzato Way and Webster. He discussed the issues at that intersection.

Denyse Trepanier, Board President for Bike Walk Alameda, discussed the statement "not everyone can ride a bike", saying that making everyone ride a bike was never the goal. She discussed what a hindrance to making the goals set forth by plans that statement was.

Jim Strehlow discussed biking on High Street when he was blocked by a sign that said "watch out for bikes" he had get into traffic to avoid the sign, which was not very safe. He also wanted to know when the new paved roadway east of Posey Tube open. He also noted that bike ridership was down during the storms and he discussed a mistake he made in rain at Shoreline, got his car in a bike lane. He suggested pole or some blockade.

Cyndy Johnsen shared a book called "The...

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